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49 Cards in this Set

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What was the Age of Exploration about?
1. Move out of Europe
2. interest in Science/Discovery
3. Humans became subject of study for other humans
What was evolution about?
1. Controversial but took hold
2. Flawed but popular
3 idea of looking at other cultures systematically
What were the two main things evolution had wrong?
1. Increased perfectibility-nope
2. Don't automatically get better
What did Boez talk about?
"Culture is more than its parts"
-every culture is the product of a unique set of circumstances (you cant compare them)
What important thing comes out of Boez's idea?
The genesis of cultural relativism
What did Boez believe in?
American Historical Particularism (heirarchy of cultures)
Tyler the british anthropologist tried to explain what?
Systematically tried to explain other cultures
Cultures fall from grace to varying degrees
Morgan the US anthropologist theory was what?
-studied indians
-created various stages that could categorize any culture in the world into three base systems
What were Morgans Hierarchy of Cultures?
1. Savagery-no technology just forager
-Fire, pottery, bow
2. Barbarism-domestication of animals, agriculture, metalworking
3. Civilization-alphabet and writing
What is culture?
Lense through which people make sense of their world
E.C. Question?
Chocolate Chip Cookies from Rossare's
British anthropologist, Malinowski though what?
Culture is just the sum of its parts
What is social theory?
frames what your gonna look at and not
Kinship Terms:
people who are related to you by marriage
Kinship Terms:
people related to you by blood
Kinship Terms:
recognize kinship only through the male side of the family
Kinship Terms:
recognize only through the female side of the family
What was Ward about on Kinship?
Matronology-no such thing as illegitimate children
What are Kinship studies?
specific ways to who counts as a relative and who doesn't
What was the dealio with Mead?
studied Samoa and reported it was a bad period of time for girls sexually
What was the dealio with Freeman?
Somoa was a period of time when girls and women explore sexual activity (its a good time)
Name some things of Pompeii?
Violence (rape extremely rare)
Sex not baggage laden
No such thing as illegitamcy
Food collection Term:
Hunting and gathering?
systematic collection of wild plants and animals
Food collection Term:
Uses HUMAN ENERGY (hand tools) to grow
small scale crop production
Food collection Term:
live off animals (domestic)
What are some uses of animals?
1. Food source
2. Building materials
3. Fuel-dung
4. Clothing
5. Labor Source
Food collection Term:
Food production system characterized on animals
Food collection Term:
kind of labor being used
Whats the difference between horticulture and Agriculture?
difference of intensity of labor and resources involved
What is post-industrialization?
Its no longer cost effective to produce from our own country
What is economic anthropology?
economic system of non western culture
What are the three terms related to Reciprocity?
1. Balance-exchange of equal value of goods
2. Generalized- gift giving but without expected payback
3. Negative-get something for less than you put in
The US is what kind of economy?
Market economy!

Good and services are moved around for a standardized economy
Levels of Political Organization?
1.Band-foraging perhaps (nomadic)-most would say their leaderless
2. Tribe-group of normally independent communities that might share a language (gotta have some kind of unifying factor)
3. Cheiftain-multiple local groups organized under a single ruler
4. State-centralized political system (RIGHT TO USE FORCE)
What are 3 things of cheiftain?
A. Scale
B. Form of authority
C. Hereditary
What is Applied Anthropology?
Doing anthropology to solve a problem in the real world
Religion Term:
One God
Define Pathrilocal.
residence after marriage in association with the husband's father's relatives.
Define Matrilocal.
residence after marriage in association with the wife's mother's relatives.
Define animism.
Spirit beings that live everywhere in nature
Define Animatism.
World is inhabited by an impersonal power (s)
What are the 2 qualifiers of Religion?
1. Non Believers
2. Ethnocentrism
What are three ways Religion attributes to?
1. Form of Social Control
2. Form of education
3. Social solidarity
Define Religion.
Some kind of belief in the supernatural
Define Exogamy.
marriage outside the group
Define Endogamy.
marriage inside the gorup
Name 4 ways religion is transmited
1. Individualistic
2. Shamanistic: religion meditated through part time specialists
3. Communally: get together as a group (Quakers)
4. Specialist: permanent specialization (ministers)
Define Patriarchal.
where a father figure and males have authority.
Define Matriarchal.
where a mother figure and females have authority.