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54 Cards in this Set

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words unique to a specific subject
the resultion that ties up the loose ends of the plot
in medias res
"in the middle" when a piece skips to the middle of the action
secondary plot that explores ideas that are different from the main plot
parallel plot
a secondary plot that mimics the main plot
How can an author develop a character?
S-what the character says
T-what the character thinks
A-how the character acts and interacts
R-how the charcter reacts
main character who is the central focus
the opposing force. It can be a character or something else, like the fish or sea in The Old Man on the Sea
Dynamic characters
characters that undergo major changes
Static characters
characters who remain the same throughout the story
Aristotelian tragic hero
proud hero of noble birth with fatal flaw that leads him to his own downfall. He has an epiphany at some point in the book.
Classic hero
variation of the Aristotelian tragic hero: nobel birth, fatal flaw, downfall, eiphany: Hamlet
Romantic hero
larger than life; charismatic; posessing an air of mystery; saves the day or the heroine; embodies freedom, adventure, and idealism; often outside the law: Robin Hood
Modern Hero
has human weaknesses; struggles for insight; caught in the ironies of the human condition: Tom Joad in Grapes of Wrath
Hemingway Hero
brave, endures, maintains sense of humor, graceful under pressure
protagonist notably lacking heroic qualities
repetition of an image
stream of conciousness
a narrative that puts the reader in the mind of the narrator, showing the character's thought process
in Ancient Greek plays, a chorus could be an assembly, the playwright's voice, a acharacter, or the audience
stage manager
a character who comments omniciently
interior monologue
a character exposes his inner thoughts
epistolary novel
type of novel that is made up of letters being exchanged
picaresque novel
episodic novel about adventures of a young rogue
gothic novel
type of novel concerned iwth supernatural, macabre, and exotic: Frankenstein
romantic novel
a novel that is idealistic; imaginitive, and adventuresome
allegorical novel
a novel that is representative and symbolic: Animal farm
a reference to another work, concept, or situation, enhancing the meaning of the work that is citing it
a work in which the characters and events can be interpreted for both literal and symbolic meaning
a didactic allegory
implied meaning of a work or section of a work
basic building block of poetry. composed of a pattern of syllables.
made up of feet. pattern of beats and accents.
what does this symbolize (there's a syllable under it):
stressed syllable
what does this symbolize (there's a syllable under it):
unstressed syllable
2 lines
a couplet
3 lines
4 lines
end rhymes
last word of the line rhymes with another last word of another line
masculine rhyme
lsat stressed syllable of the rhyming words match exactly. most common type of rhyme
feminine rhyme
2 consecutive syllables of rhyming words rhyme and 1st syllable is stressed
prancing and dancing
internal rhyme
rhymes that occur within a line and add to the music of the poem
narrative poem
poem that tells a story
lyric poem
poeme that presents a personal impression
identify rhymes scheme of a ballad
rhyme scheme is primarily abcb.
number of lines per stanza in a ballad
written in qutrains
meter/foot scheme of a ballad
2 lines imabic tetrameter alternating with 2 lines iambic trimeter
ballads empoy dialogue, repetition, and minor characterization.
look up Robin Hood ballad.
forced rhyme
when words don't acutally rhyme, but the reader makes them rhyme with pronounciation. For example, soften the g of falling and it rhymes with Allan. This stretch falls under the category of poetic license.
formal lyric poem addressing serious matters
formal lyric poem written in honor of one who has died
adjective of elegy
describes a work lamenting a serious loss
end-stopped line
a line that is a complete thought concluded by a punctuation
repetition of consonants or consonant patterns especially at the end of words like blank and think
a digression in the form of an address to someone not present, or to a personified object or idea, as “O Death, where is thy sting?”
when the same vowel sounds are used in two words that have different consonants in the stressed syllables. penitent and reticence