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200 Cards in this Set

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the level of organization that included cells of similar structure and function would be a ___________.
which of the following systems protects underlying organs from drying out and mechanical damage?
which of the following systems breaks down foodstuffs into small particles that can be absorbed?
which of the following systems contains kidneys, bladder, and ureters?
which of the following systems includes the following organs: breastbone, vertebral column, and skull?
the liver is found in which of the following cavities?
the brain is found in which of the following cavities?
which of the following body cavities will be involved in coronary bypass surgery (heart surgery)?
the nose and the belly button are on the ________ body surface.
the thoracic cavity is _____________ to the abdominopelvic cavity.
the forearm is __________ to the upper arm.
the knee is proximal to the foot. True or False?
anatomical position is characterized by all of the following except _____________.
palms turned posteriorly
when a capillary is damaged, a platelet plug is formed. the process involves platelets sticking to each other. the more platelets that stick together, the more the plug attracts additional platelets. this is an example of _____________.
positive feedback
put the following in correct sequence from simplest to most complex -
1. chemical
2. tissue
3. organ
4. cellular
5. organism
6. organ system
a vertical section through the body, dividing it into left and right, is called ______________.
a coronal/frontal plane through the head could pass through...
could pass through both ears
which of the following would be regarded as an organic molecule?
plant cells store energy in the form of starch, and animal cells store energy in the form of _________________.
which carbohydrate would you find as part of a molecule of RNA?
a phospholipid is usually __________
partially polar and partially nonpolar
select the most correct statement regarding nucleic acids
DNA is a long, double-stranded molecule made up of A, T, G, and C bases
a molecule of DNA or RNA is a polymer of ____________.
which statements about enzymes is false?
enzymes raise the activation energy needed to start a reaction
ATP is ...
a high-energy molecule that can break down to ADP and phosphate
enzymes are organic catalysts that ____________.
increase the speed or likelihood of a chemical reaction
which statement concerning DNA is NOT true?
the bases of DNA are A, U, C, and G
which of the following statements is not true?
the heads of phospholipids of the plasma membrane are hydrophobic
nonpolar molecules are generally soluble in water. True or false?
substances that prevent rapid or large swings in pH.
diffusion always causes substances to move from areas of higher concentrations to areas of lower concentration. True or false?
the RNA responsible for bringing the amino acids to the site for protein formation is the __________
what lipid type is the foundation of teh cell membrane?
the building blocks of protein are called _________.
amino acids
which of the following organelles contains its own DNA?
in which phase of mitosis does the chromatin coil and condense?
in which phase of mitosis are chromosomes being pulled toward the poles?
the site of protein synthesis is ____________.
dense spherical bodies in the nucleus that are the synthesis site for ribosomal RNA
what chemical property characterizes the interior of the phospholipid bilayer?
it is hydrophobic
it is impossible to see chromosomes in an interphase cell because...
they are an extended threadlike form called chromatin
phospholipids _______________.
are both hydrophilic and hydrophobic in nature
which organelles packages, modifies, and segregates proteins for secretion from teh cell?
golgi apparatus
if a cell is in an isotonic environment, then which of the following is true?
osmosis still occurs, but there is no net gain or loss of cell volume
when a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution..
water exits the cell toward the area of higher solute concentration
if the nucleotide or base sequence of the DNA strand used as a template for messenger RNA synthesis is AAGCTCTTACGAATATTC, then the sequences of bases in the corresponding mRNA would be...
how many amino acids are coded in the sequence UUCGAGAAUGCUUAUAAG?
a phosholipid molecule has a head and two tails. the tails are found _________.
in the interior of the membrane
the organelle that consists of a stack of 3-10 membranous discs associated with vesicles
golgi apparatus
vesicles from the ER most likely are on their way to _____________.
the golgi apparatus
the epithelial membrane that lines the closed ventral cavities of teh body.
serous membrane
forms much of the fetal skeleton and covers the articular surface of long bones
hyaline cartilage
forms internal supporting framework of soft organs such as the spleen.
reticular tissue
merocrine glands produce their secretions by accumulating their secretions internally and then rupturing the cell. true or false?
intercalated discs and striations suggest the presence of skeletal muscle. true or false?
the reason that intervetebral discs exhibit a large amount of tensile strength to absorb shock is because they possess ___________.
collagen fibers
glands, such as the thyroid, that secrete their products directly into the blood rather than through ducts are classified as ____________.
________ epithelium appears to have two or three layers of cells, but all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane.
pseudostratified columnar
which of the following connective tissue types attaches bones to bones and muscle to bones?
dense regular
the precursor, or germ cell, for bone cells is called a(n)
functions of adipose tissue include
all of the above (nutrients storage, insulation against heat loss, and support and protection for organs)
the tissue immediately responsible for body movement is _______________.
joe burned himself on a hot pot. a blister forms, and the burn is painful. joe's burn would best be described as a third-degree burn. true or false?
actively mitotic epidermal region, the deepest epidermal layer
stratum basal
the most dangerous skin cancer is cancer of the melanocytes. true or false?
when a patient is said to have "third-degree burns," this indicates that the patient has burns that cover approximately one-third of the body. ture or false?
select the most correct statement concerning skin cancer.
melanomas are rare but must be removed quickly to prevent them from metastisizing
a needle would pierce the epidermal layers of the forearm in which order?
corneum, granulosum, spinosum, basale
keratinocytes are an important epidermal cell because ____________
they produce a fibrous protein that gives the skin much of its protective properties
the epidermis consists of five layers of cells, each layer with a distinct role to play in the health, well-being, and functioning of the skin. which of the following layers is responsible for cell division and replacement?
stratum basale
the papillary layer of the dermis is connective tissue heavily invested with blood vessels. the superficial surface has structures called ____________.
dermal papillae
which of the following statements best describes what fingernails actually are?
fingernails are a modification of teh epidermis
the sebaceous glands are simple alveolar glands that secrete a substance known as sebum. the secretion of sebum is stimulated by ______________
hormones, especially androgens
the layer of the epidermis immediately under the struatum lucidum in thick skin is the stratum ______________.
which of the following cell types are found in the epidermis?
all of the above (kkeratinocytes, melanocytes and langerhans' cells)
an incomplete fracture or cracking of the bone without actual separation of the parts. common in children.
bone fragments into many pieces.
common sports fracture resulting from a twisting force.
hemotopoisis refers to the formation of blood cells within the red marrow cavities of certain bones. true or false?
what kind of tissue is the forerunner of long bones in the embryo?
hyaline cartilage
a fracture in the shaft of a bone would be a break in the ___________
the most abundant skeletal cartilage type is __________.
which of the following is (are) not the function(s) of the skeletal system?
vertebrae are considered ___________ bones.
osteogenesis is the process of __________.
bone formation
normal bone formation and growth are dependent on the adequate intake of ________.
calcium, phosphate, and vitamin D
a long bone forms by a process known as _____________ ossification.
the vertebra that moves when you rotate your head "no"
the membranous areas between the cranial bones of the fetal skull are called _____________.
the axial skeleton contains ____________.
the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage
the hyoid bone is unique because _________
it is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone
the major function of the intervetebral discs is to ____________
absorb shock
which part of the vertebral column receives the most stress by bearing most of the weight of the upper body?
the lumbar region
the ______________ is known as the keystone of the cranium because it articulates with all other cranial bones
the paranasal sinuses serve to
lighten the skull and enhance the resonance of the voice
the areas of the vertebral column which curve outward (as in the thoracic segment of the vertebral column) are called __________.
posteriorly convex
which of the following is not a characteristic differentiating the male and female pelvis
the male pelvis is titled forward in comparison with the female pelvis
the largest and strongest bone in the body is the __________.
calcium is necessary for ___________.
all of the above (transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction, blood coagulation, and cell division)
the condition in which the bones of children are inadequately mineralized, resulting in (among other symptoms) bowed legs.
all joints permit some degree of movement, even if very slight. true or false
hinge joints permit movement in only two planes. true or false.
movement at the hip joint does not have as wide a range of motion as the shoulder joint. true or false?
the elbow joint allows for extension and flexion only. true or false?
a movement of the forearm in which the palm of the hand is turned from anterior to posterior is supination. true or false?
flexion of the ankle so that the superior aspect of the foot approaches the shin is called plantar flexion. true or false?
a person who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis would be suffering loss of the synovial fluids. ture or false?
a fibrous joint that is a peg-in-socket is called a ______________ joint.
if a patient was suffering from bursitis, this condition would be designated as inflammation of a(n) ________________.
small sac containing fluid
an immovable joint found only between skull bones is called a ________________.
a joint is united by dense fibrocartilaginous tissue that usually permits a slight degree of movement is a ________________
articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are _____________
the gliding motion of the wrist is accomplished because of the _____________joint
in the classification of joints, which of the following is true?
all synovial joints are freely movable
in symphysis joints the aricular surface of the bones are covered with _______________.
hyaline cartilage
the terms inversion and eversion pertain only to _______________.
the feet
compared to the shoulder, displacements of the hip joints are ___________________.
rare because of the ligament reinforcement
gouty arthritis is a painful condition caused by _________________.
excessive blood levels of uric acid deposited as crystals in the soft tissue joints
when a ballerina points the toes, it is known as ______________.
plantar flexion
presence of a synovial cavity, articular cartilage, synovial membrane, and ligaments are characteristics of what type of joint?
hinge joint
tendon sheaths _______________
act as friction-reducing structures
a sarcomere is the distances between two ______________.
Z discs
the thicker filaments are the ____________ filaments.
the myosin filaments are located in the _____________.
A band
serves as the actual "trigger" for muscle contraction.
calcium ions
once a motor neuron has fired, all the muscle fibers in a muscle contract. true or false.
peristalsis is a characteristic of skeletal muscle. true or false?
a contraction in which the muscle does not shorten but its tension increases is called isometric. true or false?
during isometric contraction, the energy used appears as movement. true or false?
one important function of skeletal muscle contraction is production of heat. true or false
muscle contraction will always promote movement of body parts regardless of how they are attached. true or false?
with muscular dystrophy _____________-
muscle fibers degenerate and atrophy
a sacromere is ________________
the area between two Z discs
the striations of a skeletal muscle cell are produced, for the most part, by ____________________.
the arrangement of myofilaments
which of the following are composed of myosin?
thick filaments
during muscle contraction, myosin cross bridges attach to which active sites?
actin filaments
which of the following surrounds the individual muscle cell?
the term aponeurosis refers to ___________.
a sheetlike indirect attachment to a skeletal element
the oxygen-binding protein found in muscle cells is ______________.
one functional unit of a skeletal muscle is ____________
a sarcomere
during vigorous excercise, there may be insufficient oxygen available to completely break down pyruvic acid for energy. as a result, the pyruvic acid is converted to ____________
lactic acid
in an isotonic contraction, the muslce _____________________.
changes in length and moves the load
the muscle cell membrane is called the _______________.
muscle tissue has all of the following properties except ________________.
muscle tone is _____________.
a state of sustained partial contraction
the sliding filament model of contraction involves ______________.
actin and myosin sliding past each other and partially overlapping
muscles are only able to pull; they never push. true or false
what primarily determines the power of a muscle?
the total number of muscle cells available for contraction.
the muscle group that works with and assists the action of a prime mover is a(n) _______________.
which of these is not a way of classifying muscles?
the type of muscle fibers
efferent fibers of the peripheral nervous system may be described as motor nerve fibers. true or false?
the point at which an impulse from one nerve cell is communicated to another nerve cell is the ____________.
which of the following is not a function of the autonomic nervous system?
innervations of skeletal muscle
the term central nervous system refers to the ___________.
brain and spinal chord
the function of command center for the body is served by ___________________.
central nervous system
the autonomic nervous system _____________________.
regulates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
which of the following is not a function of the neuroglia?
transmit impulses
the peripheral nervous system ___________________.
carries messages to and from the spinal chord and brain.
afferent nerve pathways allow the impulse to travel ________________.
from the organs to the brain
the elaborate nature of the anterior end of the central nervous system in comparison to the posterior end is called __________________.
a deep groove in the cerebral hemisphere is called __________.
most of the processing of visual stimuli occurs in which lobe of teh brain?
the body's "thermostat" (regulating body temperature) is found in the _____________.
the primary motor cortex is located in the _________________.
precentral gyrus
the specific area that directs the muscles of the tongue during speech is called ______________.
broca's area
the primary function of the cerebral white matter is __________________.
transferring information to different areas of the brain.
this brain area associates experiences necessary for the production of abstract ideas, judgment, and conscience.
prefrontal area
the brain structure that is responsible for precise timing and patters of skeletal muscle contraction.
petit mal seizures are found most commonly in children. true or false?
the layer of the meninges which provides the most protection from physical trauma.
dura mater
a transection of the spinal chord in the cervical region results in __________________.
the functions of cerebrospinal fluid include all of the following except:
relays electrical impulses from afferent neurons
a patient frequently stops breathing briefly during sleep. this condition is called ______________.
sleep apnea
pressure, pain, and temperature receptors in the skin are ____________.
nerves that carry impulses toward the CNS only are _____________
afferent nerves
the ventral root of a spinal nerve contains ________________.
motor fibers
receptors which respond to touch, pressure, vibration, stretch, and itch are called ____________________.
you hear a crackling noise in the woods and interpret it to be the sound of the footsteps of a bear walking behind you. this is an example of ________________.
the class of receptors which respond to changes within the musculoskeletal system.
you enter a room and smell an aroma, but a few minutes later you no longer notice the smell. this is an example of ____________.
a reflex arc consists of several events occurring in sequence. place the structures where those events take place in the porper order.
receptor, sensory neuron, integration center, motor neuron, effector
if the axon o f a nerve is severed, repair to the nerve is impossible. true or false?
preparing the body for the "fight-or-flight" response is the role of the ________________
sympathetic divison
cardiovascular effects of the sypathetic division include all except:
dilation of the blood vessels serving the skin and digestive vescera
most body organs are innervated by only the sympathetic division of the nervous system. true or false?
the "resting and digesting" division of the autonomic nervous system is the __________________
parasympathetic division
which of these effectors is not directly controlled by the autonomic nervous system?
skeletal muslce
the sensory layer of the eye is the ____________.
the mucous membrane that lines the eyelids and the anterior surface of the eyeball sis the conjunctiva. true or false?
control of temperature, endocrine activity, and thirst are functions associated with the
what is the main function of teh rods in the eye?
vision in dim light
what structure regulates the amount of light passing to he visual receptors of the eye?
farsightedness is more properly called ________________.
light passes through the following structures in which order?
cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor
tears enter the eye medially via the lacrimal punctum. true or false?
the pigmented layer of the retinal absorbs light to prevent its scattering. true or false?
which of the following is in the correct order?
sound vibrations are transferred from the air to the tympanic membrane, to the malleus, to the incus, to the stapes, to the oval window
the organ responsible for hearing is ________________.
called the organ of corti which is housed in the cohlea
pitch is related to the ____________ of a sound wave
the perception of taste relies only on the reception of molecules dissolved in an aqueous solution (saliva) by the taste buds. true or false?