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112 Cards in this Set

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Adams-Onis Treaty
-Also known as the Florida Treaty, since it completed the annexation of Florida by the US
Albany Congress
-A meeting of delegates from seven colonies that drew up the Albany Plan providing a grant of important powers to the a colonial congress. The Plan was not adopted by the colonies, but it set a precedent for united action in the Continental Congress.
Alien and Sedition Acts
-Restrictive legislation passed by the Federalists to weaken their opposition, the Republicans.
American System
-A nationalist economic program originated by Henry Clay and favored by the whigs; it called for protective tariffs, a national bank, internal improvements through federal aid, and the sale of public lands to produce revenue
Amnesty Act
-By this law Congress pardoned and restored the political rights of former Confederates
-A political philosophy opposed to organized government which it considers an instrument of oppression used by the ruling classes. Some anarchists advocated various forms of violence to achieve their goals.
Spanish Armada
-A Spanish fleet of about 800 ships gathered for the conquest of England in 1588; its defeat in the Battle of the Armada marks the beginning of English naval supremacy in the Atlantic.
Bacon's Rebellion
-Frontier rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon against the Governor of Virginia, Sir William Berkeley, in protest of grievances against the ruling clique at Jamestown.
Balance of Payments
-The difference in the value of goods and services bought and those sold by a nation. An unfavorable balance represents payments in excess of receipts and ultimately may have to be settled by payments of gold.
-An antislavery faction that split the Democratic party in New York in 1848 and caused the Whigs to elect General Taylor as President. The loyal Democrats in this election were nicknamed the "Hunkers".
Bessemer Process
-A method of producing steel cheaply; developed by Henry Bessemer in England and William Kelly in America during the 1850s
Bill of Attainder
-Punishment of an individual by legislative process used formerly in England for political reasons and used in the place of judicial processes requiring evidence of guilt, the Constitution denies this power to congress
-The use of both gold and silver as standards of value in a monetary system; under bimetallism the standard unit of money, as the dollar is defined as equal to fixed weights of both silver and gold
Black Codes
-Laws passed by the Southern states immediately after the Civil War to regulate behavior of the former slaves.
Black Friday
-Stock and gold market crisis, September 24, 1869, caused by attempt of the speculators Jay Gould and Jim Fisk to corner the national gold suppy
-A list of names or firms with which one refuses to do business; a weapon formerly used by management to prevent the employment of union organizers and members
-The isolation of an enemy by military force, usually naval patrols, to cut off commerce wit the rest of the world; a "paper blockade" is one not actually in effect in the vicinity of the enemy coast line
-Civil War, North blockades the South
"Blue Laws"
-Legislation to regulate individual conduct and morals, such as compulsory observance of the Sabbath and prohibition of certain kinds of recreation
Bonus Bill
-A measure passed by Congress providing the the bonus paid to the federal government by the Second Bank of the United States would be spent for internal improvement
-Vetoed by Madison
-Homeseekers who defied federal authorities and occupied land in Oklahoma during the 1880s. The term is also applied to those who made the runs legally to take up land
-Practice of spending public funds to create unneeded jobs; term has implications of political motives
Burlingame Treaty
-American treaty of friendship with China that permitted unrestricted immigration of Chinese to America
-The religious teachings of John Calvin; the most prominent feature was the doctrine of predestination which held that most persons except a select few were predestine to eternal damnation
-Derogatory term applied to Northern politicians, businessmen, and others who migrated to the South during Reconstruction to advance their own fortunes
Chesapeake and Leopard Affair
-The attack of the British warship Leopard upon the American warship Chespeake for the purpose of impressing seamen
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty
-A compromise between the United States and Great Britain by which it was agreed that neither power would take control over any isthmian canal
Coercive Acts
-Known as Intolerable Acts in the colonies; four Parliamentary acts designed to punish and discipline Massachusetts following the Boston Tea Party
Common Law
-The unwritten law of England based on ancient customs and handed down in court decisions which became precedents for the settlement of similar, subsequent cases
Common Sense
-Thomas Paine
-Pamphlet pleading in plain language the cause of independence
Compact Theory
-A term used to designate both John Locke's theory of government and the states' rights theory of the relationship of the states to the federal government.
First Continental Congress
-September 1774
-United the colonies in certain measures of defense against the British
Second Continental Congress
-May 1775
-Declares Independence
-Creates central government for during the Revolution
-Northern Democrats, also called Peace Democrats, who opposed the Lincoln administration in its war efforts against the seceded south.
Credit Mobilier
-A scandal, exposed in 1872, named after the Credit Mobilier, the construction company of the Union Pacific Railroad.
-Wholesale bribery was practiced
-Grant Administration
Crime of '73
-Name given to Act of Congress discontinuing the coinage and use of silver money
Crittenden Compromise
-Proposals made by Senator Crittenden of Kentucky to bring the seceded states back into the Union by protecting their interests in slavery by "permanent amendments" to the Constitution.
Currency Act
-Law enacted by Parliament that prohibited issues of legal-tender paper money by colonial assemblies
-Resented by colonists, suffering money shortage
Dawes Act
-Act of Congress providing for distribution of Native American lands to individual ownership who denounced their tribal heritage
-Created State Universities
Declaratory Act
-After repeal of the Stamp Act, Parliament passed this act to assert the right to legislate for the colonies in all cases
-A religion or philosophy of free thinkers; flourished during the period of the American Revolution; denied the minute intervention of God in the lives of individuals
-Benjamin Franklin
Demarcation Line
-Drawn by the Pope in 1492 to separate Spanish and Portuguese trade and colonial lines
-A policy, advocated by the Whigs, of distributing among the states the revenues from land sales
Dominion of New England
-A union of New England, New York, and New Jersey formed by James II who appointed Sir Edmund Andros as royal governor over the dominion
Dred Scott Case
-A decision of the Supreme Court favorable to the South; it legalized slavery in the territories and declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
Embargo Act
-An extreme measure by Jefferson to secure a recognition of American commercial rights
-Stopped all foreign trade of America
Era of Good Feelings
-Absence of strife between political parties
Ex Post Facto
-Any law or measure providing a penalty for an act not made illegal before it was committed
-Such laws are forbidden in constitution
Exposition and Protest
-South Carolina's protest against protective tariffs which it declared to be unconstitutional
Farmer's Alliances
-National and local farmer's organizations prominent in the 1880s
-Begun by the Grangers
-Disappeared when absorbed by the populist party in 1890s
Federalist Papers
-John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison
-Win support for the Constitution during campaign for ratification
-Southern extremists who favored secession in the decade preceding the Civil War.
Freedmen's Bureau
-Controversial federal agency that provided relief for distressed freedmen in the South after the Civil War
-Vetoed for renewal by Johnson
Freeport Doctrine
-The position taken by Douglas in his debate with Lincoln at Freeport, Illinois, that, if the people of a territory wish, they could exclude slavery by failing to enact local regulations for its protection. He said this could be done despite the Dred Scott decision.
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
-First written constitution in American was drawn up to provide an instrument of government and to united several towns.
Treaty of Paris
-British and America
-British recognizes American independence
-Northern Boundary was fixed on Canadian border, Southern Border on Florida, and Western border the Mississippi River
Articles of Confederation
-Many Weaknesses, including required 9 of 13 states to vote to pass legislation, no tariffs, no single elective executive, different currency for states
-Ultimately fails
Ordinance of 1787/ Northwest Ordinance
-Ohio River area divided into 3 territories
-Could draft a constitution when population of 60,000 then submit it to Congress for admission as a state
Land Ordinance of 1785
-Created a way for the American government to sell lands in territories
-$1.00 an acre
Shay's Rebellion
-Daniel Shay
-Western Massachusetts
-The Regulators, a group of angered farmers, rebel against taxation, struck fear in the leaders of the country.
Annapolis Convention
-Sends resolution to Congress urging a general convention of the states to amend the Articles of Confederation.
Second Bank of the United States
-Large Capacity then the first
-In provisions for branch banks
-Later destroyed under Jackson
Panic of 1819
-People used loans to buy mass farm land, banks wanted payment when the Second Bank of the US demanded specie, people couldn't pay
-Congress lowers price of land to $1.25
Treaty of Ghent
-End of War of 1812
-Ends impressment of sailors
-Recognizes Americas trade rights
-Britain can't interfere in the US Great Lake region
Louisiana Purchase
-Jefferson purchases large mass of land known as the Louisiana Territory
-Napolean sells cheap, because he needs to gain money for European wars.
Tariff of 1816
-Tariff levels increased to favor American Manufacturers
-Opposed by Daniel Webster
Great Migration
-1815 onward
-The movement of eastern settlers to the west
-Caused by less NA, less soil in New England, cheap land, and transportation improvements.
Robert Fulton
-Creates first practical steamboat, the Clermont
Eli whitney
-Invents the Cotton Gin in 1793 to clean cotton at a much faster rate
-Creates the idea of Interchangeable parts, the basic principle of the assembly line.
-Toll Roads built to allow for easy interstate travel
Erie Canal
-Idea by DeWitt Clinton
-Carry barges from New York to Buffalo
-Sparks increase in travel
Rush-Bagot Agreement
-Naval disarmament of the Great Lakes
-Paves way for abandonment of fortifications on the Canadian border
The Convention of 1818
-Fixes boundary between Canada and America at 49th Parallel from Lake of the Woods to Rocky Mountains
Marbury V. Madison
-Marshall Court
-Establishes Judicial Review
-Concerning the Midnight Appointments made by John Adams
McCulloch v. Maryland
-Marshall Court
-Federal Rights out weight State Rights
Tallmadge Amendment
-Prohibited further introduction of slaves to Missouri
-Freed all slaves over 25 born to current slaves.
-Fails in the Senate
The Missouri Compromise
-Missouri becomes slave state, Maine a free state
-Territory North of 36' 30 would be free, anything South slave states
Monroe Doctrine
-America recognizes independence of Latin American colonies and told Europe not to interfer
-America no longer open to Colonization
Corrupt Bargain (1824)
-Election of 1824
-Jackson and John Quincy Adams to be decided in House of Representatives
-Henry Clay swings Congress to vote for John Adams and in return becomes Secretary of State
Tariff of Abominations
-Plan back fires on Jackson who tries to get based large tariff increases to get rid of Tariff of 1824, ends up passing
-Resented by the South
Anti-Mason Movement
-Against the Masonic lodges and secrecy that came with them
-First third party in American Politics
-Later join the whigs
Election of 1828
-Dirtiest election in American history
-Candidates told lies to destroy the credibility of each other.
Spoils System
-The process of rewarding loyal party members with Government jobs
-Starts with the Presidency of Jackson
Kitchen Cabinet
-Jackson's friends who advised him on his political decisions, but were not his actual cabinet
Worcester v. Georgia
-Marshall Court
-State government had no jurisdiction over NAs
-Jackson refuses to obey the decision
-People who illegally settled on public lands in the West
Webster-Hayne Debates
-Webster argued a state could just not nullify a law
-Haynes was for nullification
Tariff of 1832
-Decreases tariff rates, because of decrease in National Debt
-John C. Calhoun
-The belief that a state could nullify laws they saw as unconstitutional
-Leads to nullification crisis in South Carolina.
Nicholas Biddle
-Ran the Second Bank of the United States
-Jackson's rival
-Used corruption in an attempt to keep the bank alive
Pet Banks
-Banks used for federal money during the Bank War to keep the money out of the Bank of the United States
Specie Circular
-Andrew Jackson
-Required the payment of coin for public lands
The Whig Party
-Takes National Republicans, Anti-Masons, and Anti-Jackson Democrats and puts into one party
-Strongest in the North
-Held by the Trinity of Clay, Calhoun and Webster
Panic of 1837
-Caused by Depression in England, Specie Circular, Over expanding Credit, and crop failures
Preemption Act
-Squatters could obtain 160 land and then purchase it for $1.25 an acre
Webster-Ashburton Treaty
-Avoid offenses such as freeing slaves (Creole Affair)
-Patrol African coast to stop slave trade
-Failed to settle Oregon dispute
Oregon Treaty
-Gave US the Oregon territory with the boundary at the 49th parallel
-Many wanted 54th Parallel, called "54-40 or Fight!"
Causes of the Mexican War
-Mexican Government had no money to restrain attacks on Americans near the border
-Annexation of Texas
-Border disputes
Slidell Mission
-John Slidell sent by Polk
-Recognition of Rio Grande Border
-5M for New Mexico
-20M for California
-Mexican Government refuses
Zachary Taylor's Army Campaign
-Mexican War
-Captures Monterey in September and wins Battle of Buena Vista
-Stays in Northern Mexico
Zachary Taylor's Campaign (Mexican War)
-Captures Monterey in September and wins Battle of Buena Vista
-Stays in Northern Mexico
Stephen W. Kearney's Army Campaign
-Mexican War
-Marches and takes over control of California
Winfield Scott's Army Campaign
-Marches to Mexico City
-Mexico City surrenders in 1847
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
-Mexico cede New Mexico and California to US
-Recognizes Rio Grande Border
-US pays 15M for New Mexico and California
The Mormon Church
-Begins in 1830
-Created by Joseph Smith
-1846 Brigham Young leads Mormons to Salt Lake City, Utah
King Cotton
-The term given to the large cash crop of the south, cotton
-Dominated life and economy of the South
American Colonization Society
-Formed the colony of Libera to transport African Americans so they could obtain their freedom
-Little success
William Lloyd Garrison
-Active Abolitionist
-1831, Abolitionist Journal called the Liberator
Temperance Movement
-Benjamin Rush determines alcohol to be harmful to health
-American Temperance Union
Dorthea Dix
-Lead a crusade for more humane and rational treatment of the insane
Wilmot Proviso
-No territory from Mexico would allow slavery
-Never passed
Popular Sovereignty
-A territory should choose whether or not it became a slave state
Ostend Manifesto
-Attempted to purchase Cuba from the Spanish, would seize if they did not agree
-Pierce turned it down.