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37 Cards in this Set

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Rio Grande

Discrepancy of southern border, where America sent troops, which eventually became the southern border.

John O’Sullivan

Journalist who wrote to Manifest Destiny (God given right to American land)

Three points of westward expansion

Natural resources.

Land (preemption Act)

Religious refuge

Preemption act

Making homestead economics cheaper

James Polk

President who campaigned on annexing Texas and Orgeon

Who was settled in Texas and in Oregon

Mexico and British respectively

Why did Texans rebel, who was the rebellion leader?

Sam Houston was the rebellion leader who rebelled against the Mexican government who stated they would have to Roman Catholic and have no slaves

What were the two battles and results that took place to gain Texas independence.

Battle of the Alamo where Mexicans killed all of the Texans. And the battle of SanJacinto where the Texans captured a Mexican general and forced him to sign a treaty releasing Texas as an independent territory.

Who pushed the annex to gain Texas and Oregon

Pres. Tyler started at the end of his presidency to set up president Polk.

What was the cause of the Mexican-American war?

Texas became part of America.

What presidents declined an annex for Texas and why.

Presidents; Jackson, Vanburen, Harrison, and Tyler. All because they believed it would bring war.

Who went to Mexico City to ask for more of New Mexico and California, as well as identify southern boarder of Texas.

Diplomat John Slidell

Who was the General who went to RioGrande and what happened upon arrival?

General Zachary Taylor. On arrive they were met with opposing forces where 11 American soldiers died.

Who led the American military into the Mexican-American war and where did the war end?

General Winfield Scott. With the war ending in Mexico City

What were the two effects of the Mexico-American war?

1. Lots of land

2. Mexican and Indian people who were in that land.

How did the war end?

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

What did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo state?

RioGrande is the southern boarder of Texas.

What act gave America parts of new Mexico and California and what was the price of the act

Gaddsen Purchase for 15M

Who is David Wilmot and what was his proposition?

David Wilmot was a Supreme Courts men who purposed the wilmot privso stating; that land won/purchased following the Mexican-American war could not have slaves on it.

What status was giving to the people who lived in the newly acquired land from the gattsen purchase.

Mexicans were giving citizenship, however Indians were not given the option. And both groups had little rights and little privileges

What were the positions regarding land from the Mexican cession


Free soil

Popular Sovereignty

What was the southern position regarding the Mexican cession

Lands below the established Missouri compromise line will be slave states

What was the free soil position regarding the Mexican cession

All new land should be free man land. With no slaves, but still only white people land.

What was the positions of popular sovereignty states regarding the Mexican cession

Lands should have the right to deem rather they allow slavery or not.

What was the compromise of 1850 and who passed it.

Henry Clay who wrote

1. Utah and New Mexico would be split to two states to be popular sovereignty states

2. California would be a free state

3. Ban in Washington D.C. slave trade

4. Stricter fugitive laws.

Why was the compromise of 1850 needed?

The compromise was needed because tensions were growing because the ratio of slave states to free states needed to be equal so both groups would be equally represented.

Who composed the free-soil party

Northern democrats and whigs

What did southerns believe the Abolitionists’ motive was for attacking?

They believed Abolitionists were trying to start/insight a race war

What were the growing tensions post compromise of 1850

Immigration and slavery

Who was trying to immigrate into America post compromise of 1850

Irish and German

Who was against new immigration. And what party did they make?

Nativist, Known-nothing party.

What was the nativist motivation?

Protect native culture from immigrant culture. Such as stopping conversion of native protestant Christianity vs Irish catholic Christianity.

What were the different labor systems for the north and the south post compromise of 1850

Northern: free laborers, with manufacturing/factory jobs.

Southern: slave labor with agriculture jobs

Northern economy is growing rapidly.

Who believed in fully stopping slavery and what were their deliveries

Abolitionists (minority)

1. Words spoken and written

2. Action; helping refugees

3. Violence.

Who was a profound speaker for the abolitionist?

Fredrick Douglas

What big nonviolent “action” was taken by Abolitionists

The Underground Railroad

What violence was committed by Abolitionists and who led it

John Brown led the violence that happened at Harper’s ferry; where Abolitionists stole from an armory.