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18 Cards in this Set

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Oath of the Horatii by David


Raft of the Medusa by Gericault


The White Horse by Constable


A Burial at Ornans by Courbet


The Horse Fair by Bonheur


Luncheon on the Grass by Manet


The Gross Clinic by Eakins

(Portrait of Dr. Samuel D. Gross)


The Snake Charmer by Gerome


Moulin de la Galette by Renoir



A concubine or woman slave in a harem

Grande Odalisque by Ingres

A concubine or woman slave in a harem

Grande Odalisque by Ingres

The Sublime

Concept of the awe - inspiring relating to the terror obscurity, vastness, and beauty of man of nature. Feelings with awe mix with terror!

Draft of the Medusa by Gericault

Concept of the awe - inspiring relating to the terror obscurity, vastness, and beauty of man of nature. Feelings with awe mix with terror!

Draft of the Medusa by Gericault


Photograph made on a copper plate polished with silver

First Photograph by Joseph Niepce

Photograph made on a copper plate polished with silver

First Photograph by Joseph Niepce


19th Century fascination with the Middle Eastern cultures celebrating the foreign and exotic 

The Snake Charmer by Gerome

19th Century fascination with the Middle Eastern cultures celebrating the foreign and exotic

The Snake Charmer by Gerome

Salon de Refuses

French Salon of the refuse arts:
those artists whose works had been refused by the jury of the official salon

Luncheon on the Grass by Manet

French Salon of the refuse arts:

those artists whose works had been refused by the jury of the official salon

Luncheon on the Grass by Manet


Advocate plein air outdoor painting.

The Japanese Footbridge by Monet

Advocate plein air outdoor painting.

The Japanese Footbridge by Monet

How does Gericault's Raft of the Medusa exemplify Romanticism? What was the political message behind this painting? Define Romanticism.

Gericault’s exemplify Romanticism by the romantic space extending deep into the distance and along a dramatic diagonal path of recession.

The captain of this ship who had abandoned this people at the raft had been appointed by the King. Despite the fact he did not had the qualifications to be the Captain of the ship like this and so this is an indictment of the monarchy.

A corrupt monarch was once again on the throne of France. Romanticism in this painting is the triumph of emotions itself and about the present day.

Since Gericault was an abolitionist, the black man in his painting actually represents freedom. Not only from the shipwreck, but from slavery itself.

Why did the Realist receive negative reaction from French society during the 19th century? Support your answer using at least one French Realist painting (artist and title) to support your answer

Realist art was much more than the faithful depiction of appearances. It neither dramatized nor idealized man. It did not deal with general principles of existence; it focused on specific facts of modern life.

Courbet and Manet challenged the viewing patterns of the Salon-going public because they themselves, as artists, were attempting to look at the world without preconceptions.

In the Burial at Ornans by Courbet, he challenged the existing hierarchy of the subject matter. The redemption is his faith in this peoples, his faith in the real because Courbet was removing the classicism.

He was saying that art is what we actually experience that art is true and this was the heart of realism.

Courbet whole idea is to paint the real and the concrete. He was turning against Romanticism “Show me an angle and I will paint one.”

How does Monet's Impression: Sunrise exemplifies Impressionism? Define the painting and Impressionism in your answer

Sunrise exemplifies Monet’s plein air, “outdoor,” approach to painting. The informal and spontaneous brushstrokes establish the Impressionist style that was to make him famous.

The play of light, water, and air would remain Monet’s subject for the rest of his career. Their paintings were refused by the official Salon because critics dismiss them all as “painters of mere impression.”

The implication is that these artists are incapable of producing a properly composed and finished painting.

In order to captured the ever-changing effects of light on the canvas, the artists painted rapidly, analyzing tone and color at the expense of composition and drawing.