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10 Cards in this Set

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REVIEW: What do preschoolers understand about emotion, and how do cognition and social experience contribute to their understanding?
- Ved 4-5 år dømmer de mange basale følelser rigtigt.
-- de forklarer dog følelserne ud fra eksterne faktorer isteder for interne faktorer

- Preschoolers kan forudsige hvad et andet barn vil gøre "næste gang" ud fra hans udtryk

- Four-year-olds know that an angry child might hit someone and that a happy child is more likely to share. They realize that thinking and feeling are interconnected-that a person reminded of a previous sad experience is likely to feel sad.
-- And they can come up with effective ways to relieve others' negative feelings, such as hugging to reduce sadness
- Begrænsning: fokusere på mest åbenlysne udtryk.

Social experience also contributes to gains in emotional understanding.
-- The more mothers label emotions, explain them, and express warmth and enthusiasm when conversing with preschoolers, the more "emotion words" children use and the better developed their emotional understanding.
APPLY: Four -year-old Tia had her face painted at a carnival. As she walked around with her mother, the heat of the afternoon caused her balloon to pop. When Tia started to cry, her mother said, "Oh, Tia, balloons aren't such a good idea when it's hot outside. We'll get another on a cooler day. If you cry, you'll mess up your beautiful face painting." What aspect of emotional development is Tia's mother trying to promote, and why is her intervention likely to help Tia?
Tia mor prøver at få Tia til at anvende følelses selvregulering (emotional self-regulation) - evnen til at kontrollere sine egne følelser
- By age 3 to 4, children verbalize a variety of strategies for adjusting their emotional arousal to a more comfortable level.
-- can blunt emotions by restricting sensory input, talking to themselves, or changing their goals.

- Tias mor forsøger at forklare Tia at hun skal ændre sit "ønskede mål" og forklare at hun må forsøge at holde negative tanker væk - på den måde er der chance for, at Tia i fremtiden vil forsøge selv at anvende disse strategier i situationer hvor negative tanker præger hende.
CONNECT: Cite ways that parenting contributes to preschoolers' self-concept, self-esteem, emotional understanding, emotional self-regulation, self-conscious emotions, and empathy and sympathy. Do you see any patterns? Explain.
Næste kort :)
I forhold til: SELF-CONCEPT
Et varmt og sensitivt forældre-barn forhold ser ud til at fostre et mere positivt tidligt self-concept. Securely attached børn udvidede og åbne samtaler med forældre, som hjælper dem med at forstå sig selv bedre.

- Elaborative reminiscing is associated with a more organized detailed autobiographical memory and with greater consistency in 5- and 6-year-olds' reports of their personal characteristics, as children connect specific experiences into a general understanding of "what I enjoy."
I forhold til: SELF-ESTEEM
- By age 3, children whose parents patiently encourage while offering information about how to succeed are enthusiastic and highly motivated.

- - In contrast, children with a history of parental criticism of their worth and performance give up easily when faced with a challenge and express shame and despondency after failing. Adults can avoid promoting these self-defeating reactions by

- adjusting their expectations to children's capacities, - scaffolding children's attempts at difficult tasks,
- and pointing out effort and improvement in children's work or behavior.
Jo mere mødre sætter ord på følelser, forklare dem, og udtrykker varme og entusiasme når de kommunikerer med preschoolers, jo flere "følelses ord" bruger børnene, og jo bedre udvikler de deres forståelse for følelser.
- forældre som ofte anerkender deres børns følelser og følelsesreaktioner og taler om diverse følelser, og er derfor bedre til at vurdere andres følelser senere i livet.
- Discussions in which family members disagree are particularly helpful in giving children opportunities to reflect on the causes and consequences of emotion while modeling mature communication skills.
- Ved at se deres forældre cope med deres egne følelser, lærer børnene at cope med deres egne.
- varme og sensitive forældre som bruger verbal guide , inkluderer forslag og udtrykker følelses-regulerings streategier, styrker barnets evner til at cope med stress
- Omvendt: når forældre ikke udtrykker positive emotioner, som børnenes følelser som ligegyldige, og har svært ved at kontrollere deres egne følelser, har børnene fortsatte problemer med at cope med deres egne følelser, hvilket kan forstyrre den psykologisk tilpasning.
- forældres med børn fostre også "emotional self-regulation". Det kan de gøre ved at forklare hvad der venter, og strategier til at cope med det på.
By age 3, self-conscious emotions are clearly linked to self-evaluation.
- But because preschoolers are still developing standards of excellence and conduct, they depend on the messages of parents, teachers, and other significant adults to know when to feel self-conscious emotions. When parents repeatedly comment on the worth of the child and her performance ("That's a bad job! I thought you were a good girl!"), children experience self-conscious emotions more intensely-more shame after failure, more pride after success.

- In contrast, when parents focus on how to improve performance ("You did it this way; now try doing it that way."), they induce moderate, more adaptive levels of shame and pride and greater persistence on difficult tasks.
Når forældrene er varme og tilskynder det at udtrykke følelser, er sensitive, og viser empatiske bekymringer for deres barns følelser, vil barnet reagere med empati i situationer hvor andre føler stress.
-- Besides modeling sympathy, parents can teach children the importance of kindness and can intervene when they display inappropriate emotion-strategies that predict high levels of sympathetic responding.

- In contrast, angry, punitive parenting disrupts the development of empathy at an early age, particularly among children who are poor emotion regulators and who therefore respond to parental hostility with especially high personal distress
Hvad gælder generelt for disse forrige i forhold til opdragelse?
- Varm og sensitiv opdragelse fører til positiv udvikling og forståelse for følelser

- Hård og meget diciplinær opdragelse fører til dårlige resultater.