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38 Cards in this Set

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Idea behind FP-Tree?


Problem of Apriori?


Why is frequent pattern growth fast?

- No candidate generation, no candidate test

-- Apriori algorithm has to proceed breadth-first

- Use compact data structure

- Eliminate repeated database scan

- Basic operation is counting and FP-tree building

Why summerizing itemsets?

Name three representations!

- search space of FI is large and grows exp

- low minimum support value result in extreme high number of frequent item sets

- reduces computional and storage demands

- closed, maximal and non-derivabel itemsets

M ⊆ C ⊆ F

Maximal frequent itemset?

- F frequent itemset

- X (in F) ist maximal wenn es kein Y in F gibt, von dem X teilmenge ist

- The set of maximal itemsets does not contain the complete support information but is compact

Closed frequent itemset?

c(X) = i(t(X))

- An itemset X is closed in a data set D if there exists no proper super-itemset Y such that support(X) = support(Y) in D.

- The set of closed frequent itemsets contains complete information regarding its corresponding frequent itemsets.





support , confidence rechenregel?

sup(X): anzahl der vorkommnise von X in F durch alle

conf(X->Y): sup(X U Y) / sup(X)

- KDD Process

- Knowledge discovery in databases

1) data cleaning and intrepreation

--60% of the effort

-- removing noise, incosinstens

-- calculate missing values

2) focusing of task relevant data

-- selection (e.g., sales data for the year 2001)

-- projection (Select the relevant attributes/columns )

-- Transformations (normalization, discretetization)

3) Data Mining:

-- Clustering

-- Classification

-- Frequent Pattern Mining

-- Outlier Mining

4) data evaulation and knowledge presentation

-- visualisation

What is data warehouse?

- A decision support database that is maintained separately from the organization’s operational database(s)

- source for data mining

-- subject-oriented

-- integrated (a lot sources)

-- time-variant (over long time period)

-- nonvolatile (2 operation: load & analyze)

Properties of cube measures?

- distributive

-- f(A U B) = f(A) + f(B)

- Algebraic

-- computed by a algebraic function


-- ?

Models in Datawarehouse?

- Star

- Snowflake

- Galaxy

OLAP Operations?

- Drill down

- roll up

- slice and dice

- pivot

curse of dimensionality

complexity rises exponitionally to amount of dimensions

options for materialization?

- no materialization (on the fly)

- full materialization (calc all cubiods)

- partly materialization (strategy)

Bitmap Index?

Für gewählte Spalte, erstelle eine Tabelle mit allen möglichen Werten und trage für jede zeile binär codiert ein ob zutrifft oder nicht

discovery stragies?

- hypothese driven (by user)

- discovery driven

-- precompute measures

-- SelfExp, InExp, PathExp

-- limited because no distribution assumptions e.g. trends

catogorization of data

- values

-- catogorial

--- nominal (no order)

--- ordinal (order)

-- numerical

--- discrete

--- continuies


- 1D: age:12

- multidemnsional : (x,y)

- high-dimensional

- no dimensional (metric data)


sum( (e_i-n_i)^2 / e_i )

data transformations?

- reduction strategies

-- numerosity

--- parametric (model)

--- non-parametric (sampling)

-- reduce dimensions

--- feature selection (stepwise feature selction/elimination)

--- statistically (PCA)

-- discretizes

--- equi-width (-outlier)

--- equi-hight

--- clustering

--- entropy based

--- Interval merge with chi square

pro / cons von k-means

+ fast and easy

- k has to be known

- problem with varying density

- non convex forms

- result and runtime depends on initialization

-- good method exist for that

funktionsweise k-means?

- k centres randomly assigned

- points are assigend to nearest center

- new center of this points is calculated

- repeat

slihoute cooeficient calculation?

a() - average distance inside

b() - average dinstance nearest other cluster

s(o) = b(o)-a(o) / max(a(o),b(o))

s_c = average for every point in every cluster

silhoutce cooeficient interpretation

s(o) == -1

--> bad, on overage nearer to B

s(0) == 0

--> distance equal to A and B

s(0) == 1

--> super clustering

s_c > 0.7 --> good clustering

s_c > 0.5 --> meduim clustering

s_c > 0.25 --> weak clustering

below --> no structure

how to determine parameters in k-means

- minPts a good value is often 2d-1

- eps draw distance function and look for kink

where is dbscan bad?

Hierachies! There is no kink...

how can overfitting be avoided

- remove noisy training data

- good size of training data (not to big or small)

- good samples which represent the problem domain

No Free Lunch Theorem?

- without knowledge of the problem there are no reasons to favor one classifier

- i.e. there are always situation where another classifier is better

--> ensemble classifier

Bagging VS Bootstrapping

- Bagging: randomly choose samples to learn m different classifiers

- bootstrapping: sequently go throw samples and learn all bad classified samples on a new classifier

limitations of statistically outlier detection

- most tests are for single attributes only

- In many cases, data distribution may not be known

- statistical measures might be sensitive to outliers themselves

- not all outliers are detected

--> distance based approaches

problem of distance based outlier detection

globaly searched, sometimes bad results

better localy!

--> LOF

Primäre VS sekundär index

- Primäre Ordnung der Daten

- sekündarer indize der gesondert gespeichert wird um schnellen zugriff zu erlauben

Index Strukturen: Organisation

- Raumorganissiert (z.B. Hashverfahren)

- datenorganisierte (z.B. Suchbäume)

Index Strukturen: Struktur

- sequentieller Scan (Bitmap)

- hierachisch (pruning bei bäumen)

- Streuspeicher (hashing)

Anfoderungen an Indexstrukturen


- effizientes suchen

- dynamisch (einfügen, löschen, ändern)


- nebenläufigkeit

- ordnungserhaltung

- anpassung an verschiedene datanverteilungen

Bespiele für Indexstrukturen

- invertierte liste

- composite index (erst nach nachname dann vorname)

- R-Baum