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36 Cards in this Set

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What is ringer's solution and why was it used in this experiment?
fluid found in body and has the right amount of salt. It keeps the heart lubricated.
If you shock the heart with multiple stimuli is is possible to tetanize the heart? Is that a good or a bad response?
with repetitive shocks the heart never stops beating with a multistimulus. It never enter tetnis
What happens to the heart if the vagus nerve is stimulated?
It causes the heart to slow down, at one point it stops. Then you have vagus escape which is returning the heartrate back to normal.
What effect does temperature have on heart rate?
-cold, slows heart down

-hot, speeds heart up
What effect does pilocarpine have on heart rate? What is pilocarpine?
-memics vagus stimulation and enhances release of Ach

-decreases HR
What effect does atropine have on the heart rate and why?
-increases HR

-does this by blocking effects of Ach
Are pilocarpine and atropine agonists or antagonist with respect to each other in their effects on heart activity? Why?
antagonist- pilocarpine decreases HR, where as atropine increases HR.
What effect does epinephrine have on the heart? How can you make your determination?
-increases HR

-increase force of contraction
What effect does digitalis have on the heart?
-It is used on people with weak hearts. Also so people dont stress out there heart

-decreases HR & force of contraction
What effect does calcium have on the heart?
-creates an irregular rhythm

-increases force of contraction
What effect does sodium have on the heart?
-decreases force

-irregular HR
What effect does potassium have on the heart?
-decreases force of contraction

-irregular rhythm
In PhysioEx, all ions make the frog heart beat _____.
What is the difference between antigens and antibodies?
AG- feature on cell surface (gives cell its texture)

AB- produced by your immune system, reacts with antigens
Explain that basis of ABO blood types.
you have both A & B antigens. And O is the absence of an antigen
Could a man with an AB blood type be the father of an O child?
Could a man with an O blood type be the father of an AB child?
Could a Type B child with a Type A mother have a Type A father?
What are the possible genetic combinations of an offspring when the blood types of the parents are A and B?
If both are heterozygous (AO & BO) for aliels then the child can be all four types: A, B, AB, & O
When is the Rh factor very important and why?
During pregnancy. If mom is Rh- and has a child with a man who is Rh+. At birth baby and moms blood may mix. After that mom's blood will begin to make antibodies for it but will not affect the 1st baby, but if 2nd baby is Rh+ too, mom's antibodies will attack baby.
Ragan is given after birth of 1st baby to prevent this reaction.
What does the hemocrit test tell you and what is a normal value? How is it determined?
-What % of given value of blood is RBC
-normal level for guy- ~47
-normal level for girl- ~42-43
-center fuze tube & measure height
What is anemia and what causes it?
-lower than normal hemocrit

-caused by not enough RBC, hemoglobin or low levels of iron
What is polycythemia and what causes it?
-higher than normal hemocrit

-caused by increase in altitude, strenuous athletic training, and tumors in bone marrow
What causes aplastic anemia?
When bone marrow doesn't produce enough RBC
What causes pernicious anemia?
lack of Vitamin B12
What causes sickle cell anemia?
genetic, from parents
What is heparin?
prevents clotting of blood
Who would have a higher hematocrit, someone living in Denver or a person in New Orleans? Why?
Denver, increase in elevation, more RBCs
What is erthropoietin?
hormone produced by kidneys that stimulate production of RBC
Compare the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of a person with sickle cell anemia to a normal person.
normal person- 5

sickle cell- none
How could the ESR be used to determine if a person is having a heart attack?
-heart attack- if ESR increases

-chest pain- if its normal
What conditions make your levels of hemoglobin increase? Decrease?
-increase- polycythemia, congestive heart failure, high altitude, or exercise

-decrease- decrease inemia, serosis of the liver, renal disease, or lupus
How do you type blood? What are the possible reactions and what does it mean?
take blood and mix with a serum that contains antibodies. If clumping occurs antigens are present on that cell.
What type of blood can each of the different blood types recieve and why?
-universal donor- O
-universal reciever- AB+

A- A, O
B- B, O
AB- A, B, AB, O
Rh+= Rh+/Rh-
Rh-= only Rh-
What is a desirable total cholesterol level?
Why is a high total cholesterol undesirable?
can lead to cardiovascular issues (clotting arteries-> heart attack)