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16 Cards in this Set

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1. Everything psychological has a biological basis

2. Our biology is determined by evolution & genetic

3. To investigate the mind, we must investigate the physical brain

4. To understand human thoughts and behaviour we must investigate biological structures and processes within the brain and body.

1. Everything psychological...

2. Our biology is determined by...

3.To investigate the mind we must...

4.To understand human thoughts and behaviour we must

Genetic Basis of Behaviour

-Gene is a section of DNA that codes for a specific protein

-Genes control the development of different characteristics

-DNA is passed from adult to their offspring during conception

-23 chromosomes from the mother & 23 from the fathering

Don't include in 16 marker

-Genome carries instructions on how to build cells

-Cells create our biology (physical structures)

-Alleles contribute to each person's unique features.

Different forms of the same gene

inherited genes

traits that are expressed

Genotype & Phenotype

-Whether gene is expressed depends on: interaction of gene with other genes AND interaction of gene with environment.

Interaction between genes

- Dominant & recessive alleles Interaction between genes and the environment.

- A recessive allele will only be expressed in the phenotype if inherited from both parents

Interaction between Genes and the Environment

-Expression of genes may be influenced by external factors.

- E.G. individual may inherit genes which instruct the brain to under-produce serotonin, so the individual is vulnerable to becoming depressed. Symptoms of depression may only be expressed if genetic factors with the environmental triggers.

- Diathesis-stress model

Concordance rate

the chance that 2 individuals share a characteristics.

Method of investigating the influence of genes: Twin Studies

-Monozygotic twins= identical, share 100% of genetic material

-Dizygotic twins= non-identical, share 50% of genetic material.

- If characteristic is purely genetic, concordance rate should be 100% for MZ twins and 50% for DZ twins.

- If concordance rate is significantly higher for MZ twins then = mainly genetic

-If concordance rate for MZ and DZ are similar = characteristic is determined by environment

Evolution & Behaviour

- Evolution = process by which successive generations of organisms change (Charles Darwin).

- Survival of the fittest

- Adaptive characteristic may occur due to mutation, greater chance of survival.

- Offspring reproduce and characteristic is genetically transmitted.

- Continues for successive generations.

- Adaptive characteristic is biological, may underlie a particular of behaving which helps organism to survive.

Neurons & Nervous System

- NS carries messages from one part of the body to another using neurons.

- Neurons transmit nerve impulses in the form of electrical signals.

Central nervous system (CNS)

- made of brain and spinal cord.

- role= transferring messages to & from the environment and the centre from which all physiology is controlled.

Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

- sends & receives info from CNS.

- collects info from environment in terms of temp. pain & threat.

- made of somatic nervous system & autonomic nervous system.

- ANS affects reaction to threat& returning to homeostasis after stressful event.

- SNS receives info from skin and controls voluntary muscles

The Brain

- Cerebrum = largest part of the brain (85% of total mass)

-Outer surface of cerebrum = cerebral cortex - responsible for 'high order' functions (thought)

- Cerebrum is divided into 2 halves = hemispheres - Each hemisphere divided into 4 = lobes

Phineas Gage was involved din gunpowder accident.

- A long rod shot through the front part of his skull - damaging his frontal lobe.

-After, he suffered from a personality change .

- This case suggests structures of the brain have an influence on behaviour.

Influence of Neurochemistry on Behaviour


-When nerve impulse reaches the end of one neuron, neurotransmitter is released.

- NT travels from one neuron to the next over synapse.

-NTs that trigger nerve impulses in receiving neuron & stimulate brain into action = excitatory neurotransmitters.

- NTs that inhibit nerve impulses in order to calm brain &balance mood = inhibitory neurotransmitters.

- Dopamine = excitatory ( 'drive' and motivation).

- Serotonin, adequate amounts are needed to maintain stable mood.

-E.G Crockett et all found that people with low serotonin levels tend to display increased aggression.


- Chemicals produced by endocrine glands, which make up the endocrine system.

- In response to signals from the brain, hormones are secreted directly into the bloodstream, travel to their target cells & exert their influence by stimulating receptors on the surface or inside cell.

- Carre et al studied a Canadian ice hockey team over a season.

- Evidence shows they had higher testosterone levels when playing @ home.

- Suggests hormone energised them to defend home territory.

Strength: Supporting evidence for genetic explantions

E.G - McGuffin conducted a twin study on depression & found concordance rates of 46% for MZ twins & 20% for DZ twins.

EX & EL - Suggests depression is partly genetic since MZ twins are twice as like to have the disorder than non-identical twins.

R - Supporting evidence on the role of genes therefore supports the idea that psychological characteristics are determined by biology.

1. McGuffin's research on likelihood of depression between twins.

2. What does this suggest & why?

3. What does this therefore support.

Strength: Practical application of biochemical explanations

Ex - Understanding of biochemical processes in the brain have enables us to develop psychoactive drugs.

E.G & El - Knowing that depressed patients have lower serotonin levels has led to development of antidepressants which increase the levels of serotonin & decrease depressive symptoms.

R - Understanding biology can help improve people's quality of life.

1. understanding biochemical processes...

2. How this links to depression & what has it led to?

3. People's quality of life

Limitations: Nature & nurture cannot easily be seperated

Ex - Limitation of genetic explanations of human behaviour is that research uses twin studies.

El - MZ twins usually raised in same environment, impossible to disentangle role of inherited & environmental influences.

E.G - If high concordance rate obtained, don't know whether its because of similarity in genetics or fact they are treated similarly.

R - Methodological issues affect validity of research into biological factors.

1. What does genetic explanations on behaviour involve?

2. Why is this a limitation & refer to point.

3. Explain this in an example.

4. What do methodological issues affect?

Limitation: Biological explanations are reductionist

Ex & E.G - Assumption states if both parents display characteristic then offspring will due to genetics that underpin this, which is very deterministic.

El - However, inheriting particular gene only makes individual vulnerable to develop phenotype. Environmental triggers are also required.

R - Such purely biological explanations may not account for interaction of different factors and therefore a more eclectic approach is needed to better our understanding of behaviour .

1.What does the assumption state?2. However, what have we found out ( to do with diathesis stress model)?3. Such purely biological explanations don't account for what?