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60 Cards in this Set

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As the climate changes, habitats change and species have to adapt or die off. What characteristic can help make a species more adaptable to this type of change?

Genetic diversity

Is it fair to say that you are largely in control of your own health?

Yes. You can control the choices you make about your lifestyle that will benefit or be detrimental to your health.

To have high species diversity in an ecosystem, you need which of the following combinations?

High species richness and even species abundance.

Luckily, biogeochemical cycles on earth are too big and complex for anything humans do to impact them. True or false?

False. For example, we've added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and it is changing our climate.

What is the most diverse type of habitat on earth?

Tropical coral reefs

The theory of island biogeography says that the number of species on an island of a given size will stay fairly constant over time. How did the Simberloffs test this using mangrove islands in Florida, and was the theory supported?

They removed all the insects on a group of islands and then monitored how many came back. Before and after numbers were similar so the theory was supported.

What is fiber in a diet?

Complex carbohydrates that can't be fully digested.

Which of the following best described a predator-prey relationship?


How does the theory of island biogeography apply to habitats not on islands?

Small isolated areas of habitat on land, surrounded by unsuitable habitat, are like "islands" so bigger areas have more species

Capture of solar energy might be considered something we get from which of the following support services that ecosystems provide?

Supporting services

Bones support the body and protect soft parts, and what else do they do?

Store minerals and produce blood cells

Early humans moved from the west coast of the Americas inland about 12000 years ago. What happened in the Americas abour this time?

Most large mammals began going extinct.

Why are there never more than two to three levels of carnivores in the trophies pyramid of ah ecosystem?

Most of the energy in each trophic level is used up before it is passed to the next level

Why does a good night's sleep matter?

All of the above

Why are cowbirds a particular problem for Kirkland's warblers?
The cowbirds have only recently started parasitizing the warblers nests, so they haven't had time to adapt yet, and the warblers are rare to start with.
Where in the digestive tract does the breakdown of carbohydrates begin?
Enzymes in the saliva begin the breakdown of carbohydrates
Different species of fig wasps specialize in pollinating specific species of fig. Their mutualism is obligatory. What is the potential problem with this strategy?
If "your" wasp, or "your" fig dies out, you die out, too.
Which of the following mass extinction events resulted in the loss of the most species?
The Permian extinction
Why should we care about the services that intact ecosystems provide?
Because our survival depends on those ecosystems. We can't afford to do all that they do.
Which of the following best describes a muscle contraction?
At the signal to contract, ATP provides energy to allow myosin heads to pull the actin filaments thereby pulling z-disks closer together.
The controversy between loggers and conservationists in the Pacific Northwest was framed as a fight over an owl, but what was it really about?
Short-term versus long-term benefits of an old-growth forest
Milkweed produces toxins to deter herbivores, but monarch caterpillars have adapted to be resistant and actually use the toxins to deter their own predators. what is this an example of?
an evolutionary arms race.
where does all the energy in an ecosystem come from initially?
the sun
where does the energy in food come from?
the chemical bonds holding the food molecules together
clownfish live inside anemones. the clownfish get protection and the anemone eats scraps from the clownfish meals. this is an examples of which of the following?
who is perhaps the best known ecologist of our time, and what did he primarily study throughout his career?
E.O. Wilson, ants
Which of the following are made of inorganic molecules and are required for health, but in very small quantities?

which of the following information about the pancreas is most accurate?
the pancreas neutralizes stomach acid and secretes enzymes into the small intestine to digest proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
in a long-term experiment at Hubbard Brook in New Hampshire, scientists compared an undisturbed valley with a valley that had all the plants removed. what did they discover?
forests play a major role in reducing water pollution from runoff and in maintaining soil fertility
right now the background extinction rate is about what it normally has been historically through geologic time. true or false?
false. it's much higher now than has been typical
the country of Honduras is about the same size as the state of Virginia. where would you expect to find higher species diversity? why?
Honduras, because it's closer to the equator.
why do we need a variety of foods?
no single food provides everything we need to be healthy
according to Gause, two species that use the same resource do fine when they exist separately, but one outcompetes the other when they're together. what does this illustrate?
the competitive exclusion principle
what is the function of the liver related to digestion?
produce bile to breakdown fats and convert excess energy from food into fat for storage
if you want to monitor loss of rainforests on a global scale, what is an effective way to do it?
keep track of satellite images of Earth over time
How does a population do pathogens become resistant to a drug?
Natural selection: some are resistant to start, and those survive and reproduce

Why does it make sense that metabolism is measured in calories?
the chemical reactions of metabolism produce heat energy, and energy is measured in calories.
a highly-virulent pathogen is reproduction in the host most quickly, so it should "win" and therefore most pathogens should evolve to be highly virulent. why don't they?
a highly virulent pathogen may be less likely to infect more humans if it disables the first host too quickly
which of the following is the sequence of vessels the blood follows as it circulates?
Heart, arteries, capillaries, veins, heart
why are the reflexes faster than typical body responses to stimuli?
the circuit from stimulus to response doesn't go through the brain first
how does ADH work and what does it do?
It binds to the collecting tubules in the kidney, opening pores to allow water to flow back out the kidney to the blood.
How does blood doping work?
red blood cells are extracted, stored, and reinjected prior to competition to enhance oxygen uptake and endurance
How is a "hangover" as a result of drinking alcohol related yo water balance in the body?
Alcohol is a diuretic, and the hangover feeling is a symptom of dehydration
What are four stages of a new infectious disease?
Exposure, infection, transmission, epedimic
Which of the following structures is most responsible for controlling water loss, making urine and maintaining proper salt concentration in the blood?
If your olfactory bulb was damaged what might happen?
Your sense of smell
Which of the following drugs are all stimulants?
Caffeine, nicotine and cocaine
Which part of the heart pumps "used" blood back to the lungs to be reoxygenated?
Right ventricle
In your body's heating and cooling system, which of the following would be a positive effector?
Why is it easier to overheat on a humid day?
Evaporative heat loss by sweating decreases when the air is humid
What are the three major parts of the brain?
Hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain
Which of the following neurodegenerative diseases is the result of a lack of the neurotransmitter dopamine which leads to tremors?
Parkinson's disease
What makes heart cells best together?
The pace maker
What controls the core body temperature?
The hypothalamus
What causes malaria?
Particular species of protozoan
Why do your nose, ears, fingers and toes get cold first when you are in a cold environment?
The body directs blood flow in toward the core
If resistance is possible, why aren't all bacteria resistant to antibiotics?
Maintaining resistance leaves less energy for repoduction
What is and what causes a concussion?
A brain bruise: anything that causes the brain to bang against the inside of the skull
What is the basic energy you need to maintain your body processes when you are at rest?
Your basal metabolic rate
You raise your hand to answer a question on class. Which part of the nervous system are you using?
Somatic nervous system