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23 Cards in this Set

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How does a matrix different in each of the three types of cartilage?

The matrix of the three types of cartilage differs in the amount and type of fibers found in each. Hyaline cartilage has small collagen fibrils; elastic cartilage has both col- lagen and elastic fibers; and fibrocartilage contains thick bundles of collagen.

Which type of cartilage is most abundant? List three locations where this type of cartilage is found.

Hyaline cartilage is most abundant. It is located in articular cartilages, respiratory passageways, costal cartilages of ribs,

the embryonic skeleton, and the cartilages of

the nose.

Chondroblast in the pericardium produce new cartilage by __________?

Chondroblast in the pericardium produce new cartilage by appositional growth

Which component of bone tissue contribute to the strength and flexibility of bone? which contributes to the hardness of bone?

Collagen fibers contribute to the strength and flexibility of bone, and the mineralized ground sub- stance makes bone hard.

What mineral is stored in bone, and which cells in bone tissue functions to remove these minerals from the bone tissue?

Calcium and phosphate are stored In bone. These minerals are released by the action of osteoclasts

What is the difference between an osteoblast and an osteocyte?

Osteoblast secrete new bone matrix. Osteocytes are surrounded by bone matrix and function to repair the bone matrix and keep it healthy

What are the two osteogenic membranes found in bone, where is it located, and what types of cells are found in the cell membranes?

Periosteum covers the external surfaces of bone (except for the articular areas); endosteum covers the internal surfaces of bone (including the central and perforating canals). Both membranes contain osteoblasts and osteoclasts.

And a flat bone, where is compact bone located? Where is spongy bone located?

In a flat bone, compact bone is located on the External surfaces, a spongy bone is located internally

What is the function of each of the following bone markings— condyle, tubercle, and foramen

A condyle is a joint surface.

A tubercle is an attachment site for muscly or ligament.

A foramenis a hole in the bone that acts as a passageway for vessels or nerves.

Differentiate between a central canal, perforating canal, and a canaliculi.

The central canal is in the middle of an osteon; the perforating canals connect the central canals of adjacent osteons. Both of these structures contain the vessels and nerves that supply the surrounding osteocytes. Canaliculi are small connections between lacunae that link adjacent osteocytes.

How do osteocytes in the outer lamella of an osteon receive oxygen and nutrients?

Oxygen and nutrients diffuse through the spaces in the matrix, the canaliculi and lacunae of the inner lamellae, to reach the cells in the outermost lamella.

What is trabecula? How is it different from an osteon?

A trabecula is a “beam” of bone composed of several lamellae and associated osteocytes. The bone tissue in a trabecula is not aligned in concentric rings around a central canal, as it is in an osteon.

Which bones of the skeleton are membranous bones?

Most bones of the skull (except for parts of the base of the skull) and the clavicle are membranous bones.

which portion of the long bone in a six month old fetus is ossified?

In a six month old fetus, only the diaphysis of a long bone is ossified

As a bone grows in length during childhood, Does the thickness of the epiphyseal plate change? In which region of the epiphyseal plate is bone tissue added: the epiphyseal end or the diaphyseal end?

The thickness of the epiphyseal plate does not change during childhood. As the long bone grows, bone is added to the diaphyseal end of the epiphy- seal plate.

How does exercise affect bone? Why?

Exercise stimulates bone deposition. Mechanical stress on the bones stimulus osteoblast to produce additional bone matrix

How does bone remodeling help prepare a bone after a fracture?

Remodeling of a bony callus following a fracture makes the repaired area resembles the original unbroken bone

Comminuted And compression fractures are common in ___________

Comminuted And compression fractures are common in older individuals

Osteomalacia and rickets result from _______?

Osteomalacia and rickets result from inadequate mineralization of bone

If you wish to slow bone loss, the activity of which cells and bone tissue should be targeted?

Activity of osteoclasts should be targeted to slow bone loss

At what age can you best prevent the development of osteoporosis later in life?

Development of osteoporosis is best prevented during the bone building years of adolescence and early adulthood.

At what age do bones begin to ossify? At what age does bone mass begin to decline?

Bones begin to ossify by week eight of embryonic development. Bone mass starts to decline around age 40.

Why is age-related bone loss greater in women than men?

Estrogen aid in maintaining bone density. the precipitous estrogen decline in postmenopausal women increase the risk of bone loss.