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26 Cards in this Set

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what are the three main parts of the brain?
cerebrum, brainsetm, and the cerebellum
What are the brain fissues named by?
by their bones
AS you go towards the bottom of the brain..
the actions becomes more primitive
What are the cranial nerves' defining feature?
they exit the cranial cavity through foramina or fissures
what are the three layes of meninges?
dura mater- tough outer layer
arachnoid matter- delicate middle layer
pia mater- inner layer firmly attached to the surface of the brain
What are the two layers of the cranial dura mater?
periosteal layer- attached to skull
meningeal- close contact with arachnoid mater
What do the seperations of the two layers of cranial dura mater cause?
dural partitions- seperates the brain
intracranial venous structure-
What are the dural partitions? (dural infoldings)
-falx cerebri
-tentorium cerebelli
-falx cerebelli
-diaphragma sellae
what is a potential space?
related to the dura mater, extradural space
(can become fluid filled)
Through what pathways does blood enter the brain?
-Internal carotid arteries
-vertebral arteries
what is stroke?
interruption of blood supply to the brain
What is an ischemic stroke?
what is a hemorrrhagic stroke?
What is CN I?
The Olfactory nerve
-special sense of smell
What is CN II?
Optic Nerve
-Special sense of sight
What is CN III?
Olculomotor Nerve
-Striated motor muscle to 4 muscles that movie eyeball
-parasympathetic to muscle that moves lens
What is CN IV
Trochlear Nerve
-Straited muscle to superior oblique of eye
What is CN V?
Trigeminal nerve
Somatic motor for mastication
What is CN VI?
Abducent Nerve
-Striated motor to lateral rectus m
What is CN VII?
Facial Nerve
-Facial expression
-Sense of taste
-Parasympathetic to submandibular and subinguinal solivary glands, lacrimial glands
What is CN VIII?
-Special sense of balance to ear
-special sense of hearing
What is CN IX?
Glossopharyngeal Nerve
*para to salivary gland
*general sensory
What is CN X?
Vagus N
-Striated motor to pharynx and larynx
-parasympathetic to thorax and abdomen
-general sensroy to phraynx and larynx
-taste to tongue
What is CN XI?
Spinal Accesory
-Striated muscle to trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
What are arachnoid granulations?
small protrusions through the dura, into the venuous sinuses, allows CSF to exit the brain
Where is CSF produced?
In the ventricles of the brain