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74 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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In-Coming Dealer

the new dealer coming onto a game

Out-Going Dealer

The dealer that is leaving a game

Tap On/Tap In

When a dealer goes onto a game

Tap Off/Tap Out

When a dealer is leaving a game

Live Game

An open game with players

Dead Game

An open game with no players


A break


A set of tables getting relieved by one dealer.

Relief Dealer (Breaker)

The dealer that is giving breaks to a string of tables.

Rubber Band

The system used where dealers go to a different table each time they return from break.


Dividing the cards into 2 sections and bringing the back set of cards to the front.


The cards located behind the cut card

Color Coming In

Bringing in a player's cheques to convert to a higher denomination

Cheque Change

Exchanging a player's larger denomination cheques for smaller denomination cheques of equal value


Converting cash into cheques of an equal value.

Cheques Play

announce this when a player wages more than $100 in green (or red) for the first time.

Black in Action

Announce this when a player is betting $100 black chips for the first time

Purple in Action

Announce this when a player is betting $500 purple chips for the first time

Break down

The action of dividing cheques into stacks of 4 or 5 (depending on denomination to determine an amount

Fix the Rack

Organizing the bankroll in such a way that the dealer and the supervisor can easily determine the amount of "money" present.

Drop this

Using the paddle to insert cash or paperwork into the drop box

Drop Tokes

Putting dealer tips into the tote box

Burn This

A term used when card is played in error and removed from the game and discarded.


device on table that allows dealer to look at card


when two dealers talk to each other from different tables

casino gazing

when a dealer is looking away form a table he/she is servicing


a person making a money transaction for another.


casino cheques which are located in front of the dealer


When security take cheques from the table to the cage


when security brings more cheques from the cage to the table to replenish the bankroll


Money Credit that a player receives from the casino. The customer must sign a casino heck promising to pay back the money that the casino lends them

Barber Pole

A stack of cheques in which different denominations are in random order


to change from one denomination to another


a bet made by a player


a gratuity for the dealer

Dirty Money

Cheques picked up from a losing wager before being placed in order in the bankroll

No More Bets

A term the dealer is required to announce while waving their arms across the layout signaling to the customer that they can no longer handle their bet, add a new bet, increased or decrease their bet, or remove bets

Round of Play

One complete cycle of play during which all wagers have been played, all cards have been dealt and all remaining wagers have been paid off or collect in accordance with the rules of the game.


when a customer wins a bet and decides to bet all of the winnings, along with the original bet, on the next wager. This is also called letting it ride.


When a customer doubles the bet in action

Past Poster

A customer who cheats by adding a new bet at the last minute with the hope of getting paid. (taking a shot)


One of 4 categories of cards with none being higher ranking than the other


The making on the face of any numerical value (Ace-10) card that indicates the value and suit of the card. Do not cover center pips!


The term used for the casino chips a customer uses to place a bet

Drop Box

The metal box under the table into which all cash, game related paperwork and markers are dropped.

Toke Box

The metal container into which the dealer tips (tokes) are dropped.


The printed cloth that the game is played on.


The area on the table which holds the casino's bankroll.


A flat piece of plastic with a rounded handle that is used to push money and paperwork into the drop box.


the "container" from which the cards are dealt.


The triangular piece inside the shoe that moves the cards forward.


The opening in the front of the shoe through which the cards are dealt.

Discard Rack

The holder where cards are placed after the round of play

Shuffle Machine

The automatic device used to randomly mix (shuffle) the cards.

Cut Card

The solid plastic "card" used to divide one section of cards from another.


A small plastic dic slightly larger than a standard cheque. Lames are used for various reasons (separate the cheques in the bankroll, show the value of a marker being taken on the table, etc.)


A clear plastic bag used to put cards in after they are used

Tag or Lable

The sticker used to record information about when, where, and by whom the cards are used.


The slip inside the bankroll which has the amount of "money" on the table when the game is opened.


The slip that is put inside the bankroll which has the amount of "money" on the table when the game closes recorded on it.



White Stack




Red Stack




Green Stack




Blue Stack




Black Stack




Purple Stack




Orange Stack
