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92 Cards in this Set

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3 processes of urine formation
- filtration
- reabsorption
- secretion
- excretory tubule collects a filtrate from blood
- water and solutes are forced by BP across the selectively permeable membranes of a cluster of capillaries and into excretory tubule
- obligatory
- nondiscriminate
- renal corpuscles
- transport epithelium reclaims valuable substances from filtrate
- returns them to body fluids
- selective obligatory or faculative
- pumps and channels reabsorb filtered matter
- other substances, toxins and excess ions, are extracted from body fluids
- added to contents of excretory tubule
- selective movement of substrates from peritubular capillaries into tubular lumen
- moves substances from peritubular capillaries to tubules
- gains access to urine after filtration
- produce primary urine, urine in Bowman's capsule and proximal convoluted tubule
filtration in glomerulus
- filtrate is produced by means of ultrafiltration
- hydrostatic pressure of the blood and osmotic pressure pushes stuff out
- capillary endothelium is perforated with many fenestrations
- cellular way of Bowman's consist of podocytes
- podocytes have processes that interdigitate complexly, forming slits between juxtaposed elements
- ends up in Bowman's capsule
- 75-90 nm in diameter
- barrier to whole cells
- anionic glycocalyx hindering anionic molecules = albumin
glomerular basement membrane
- collagen and glycoproteins
- collagen a barrier for size and shape
- glycoproteins are strongly negatively charged repelling albumin and other plasma proteins small enough to pass through fenestra
- major size, shape, and charge barrier
- less than 1% of filtrate is plasma proteins
- excludes molecules larger than 8 nm
- between interdigitations of podocytes
- slits are 20-30 nm spaces
- slows that rate of filtration
- barrier for large anions
substances filtered
- almost any molecule small that 3 nm can pass freely through filtration membrane
- includes water, electrolytes, glucose, fatty acids, amino acids, nitrogenous waste, vitamins
- they have same concentration as blood plasma
glomerulus and Bowman's capsule
- filtration occurs as BP forces fluid from blood in glomerulus into lumen of Bowman's capsule
- filtration of small molecules is nonselective
- filtrate in Bowman's capsule is mixture that mirrors concentration of various solutes in blood plasma
3 physical forces involved in glomerular filtration
- glomerular capillary blood pressure
- plasma colloidal osmotic pressure
- hydrostatic pressure in Bowman's capsule
glomerular capillary blood pressure
- hydrostatic pressure
- averages about 45-60 mmHg
- driving force of filtration
- caused by afferent arteriole being larger than efferent
- intrinsically regulated
- arterial blood pressure is driving force that drives blood in glomerulus
afferent and efferent arterioles
- can alter hydrostatic pressure of blood
- rises with dilation of afferent = increases filtration
- falls with constriction of afferent = decreases filtration
- adjust filtration that occurs
- positive pressure
plasma colloidal osmotic pressure
- 20 mmHg
- opposes filtration
- filtrate is almost protein free
- filtrate contains no blood cells unlike the blood
- draw stuff back into blood
- negative pressure
hydrostatic pressure in Bowman's capsule
- 10-32 mmHg
- opposes filtration
- due to accumulation of fluid in capsular space
- draw stuff back into blood
- negative pressure
filtration pressure
- hydrostatic pressure of blood minus both colloidal osmotic pressure of blood plasma and hydrostatic pressure of capsular fluid
- filtration only occurs if filtration pressure is positive
glomerular filtration rate
- amount of filtrate formed per minute by two kidneys
- 1 mmHg of net filtration pressure the kidneys of young adult male produce 120 mL of filtrate per minute
- properties of glomerular membrane = filtration coefficient Kf
- depends on permeability and surface area of filtration barrier
- GFR = Kf x Net Filtration Pressure
rate at which fluid is filtered is dependent upon:
- pressure forcing fluid out of capillary = glomerular hydrostatic pressure
- pressure drawing fluid into capillary
- capillary membrane permeability
regulation of GFR
- plasma colloidal pressure and Bowman's capsule hydrostatic pressure do not vary much
- can change pathologically = burn patients lose plasma, dehydrating dirreaha, kidney stone blockage
- change results from changes in glomerular capillary blood pressure
- increases in proportion to increase in arterial pressure
- intrinsically regulated by tubuloglomerular feedback mechanism
intrinsic regulatory controls
- prevents increase
- myogenic mechanism
- vasoconstriction of afferent arteriole decrease GFR
- vasodilation of afferent increase GFA tubuloglomeular feedback
increase afferent arterial volume/pressure
- increase afferent arterial stretch
- increase automatic constriction of afferent arteriole
- limits blood flow to glomerulus
decrease afferent arteriole volume/pressure
- decrease afferent arteriole stretch
- vasodilation of afferent arteriole
- increase flow into glomerulus
justaglomerular apparatus
- involved in tubuloglomeular feedback mechanism
- vasomotion
- monitor salinity
- smooth muscle of efferent arterioles
- thick layer of loop of Henle = muscula densa
- release renin = converts angiotensin to angiotensin 1
GFR extrinsically regulated
- mediated by sympathetic nervous system
- parasympathetic exerts no control on kidney
- nerve fibers attach to juxtaglomerular system
GFR influenced by changes in filtration coefficient
- instead of net filtration pressure
- each tuft of glomerular capillaries is held together by mesanglial cells
mesanglial cells
- specialized pericytes
- function as phagocytes
- function as contractile elements
- function in maintenance of basement membrane
- constrict and dilate themselves
- unsure how it works
sympathetic stimulation
- certain hormones and local mediators of mesanglial cells cause them to contract
- contraction shuts off a portion of glomeular capillaries
- reduces surface area for filtration but doesn't change net filtration pressure
- reduction if filtration coefficient (surface are for filtration) results in reduced GFR
- posses actin-like contractile filaments
- contraction and relaxation can decrease or increase number of filtration slits opened
- more slits open = greater filtration surface
- seems to be under some physiological control
- proximal convoluted tubule
- loop of Henle
- distal convoluted tubule
- collecting tubules
- highly selective process
- involves trans-epithelial transport
- permeability to water achieved by aquaporins
reabsorption in proximal convoluted tubule
- stereocilia point into urine = have protein carriers
- tight junction prevents urine flow between two cells but allows water to pass through
- carriers different in basal and apical surface
- solvent drag due to the water passing through tight junction
- large surface area = apical and basolateral surface
process of reabsorption in PCT
- substance binds to transporter on apical surface
- substance passes through the cytoplasm
- substance binds to transporter on basolateral surface
- moved to interstitial fluid
- substance diffuses through interstitial fluid
- substance penetrates capillary wall into blood
passive reabsorption
- ion channels
- carrier proteins
active reabsorption
- active transporters
- secondary active transport
formation of urine by active solute secretion
- energy from ATP is used to secrete solute X into tubule
- increases osmotic pressure of tubular fluid
- water enters the tubular fluid by osmosis
- dilutes solute Y
- solute Y diffuses inward, following concentration gradient
proximal tubule
- most amino acids, proteins and glucose
- 60% of fluid and ions
- apical surface has long microvilli = stereocilia
- basolateral surface = membrane is folded
- Na,K ATPase pump creates electrochemical gradient
- gradient used to drive processes at apical surface
- secondary active transport of glucose and AA into cell
- transport maximum determined by number of transport proteins present
tight junctions
- prevent substances except water from moving between tubular cells
- solvent drag brings some substances through
- solvent drag due to pressure in interstitial fluid
reabsorption in peritubular capillaries
- fluid in filtrate entering proximal tubule is reabsorbed
- driven by Na,K ATPase in basolateral membrane of epithelial cells close to capillaries
luminal side of proximal tubule epithelium
- sodium enters cells
- symporter membrane proteins = co-transport with glucose, galactose, phosphate, sulfate, vitamins, or amino acids
- SGLT example of symporter
- antiporter membrane proteins = co-transport with protons
reabsorption of bicarbonate
- liked to Na+ reabsorption and H+ secretion
- help from luminal and intracellular carbonic anhydrase
- alters pH
bicarbonate reabsorption process
- filtered bicarbonate and secreted H+ from tubular cell forms with help of luminal carbonic anhydrase
- H2CO3 dissociates to carbon dioxide and water
- CO2 enters tubule cell and binds OH- to bicarbonate
- Na+/HCO3- co-transporter in basal membrane returns bicarbonate into blood
- in case of alkalosis = bicarbonate can be secreted to balance acid-base homeostasis
- follows sodium because of electrical attraction
- antiports for chloride with anions
- chloride and potassium are driven out the basolateral surface by K+,Cl- symport
another route for water and ions
- water can pass through tight junctions
- as it travels, water drags solutes with it = solvent drag
- potassium, magnesium, and phosphate
- 60-70% of filtered is reabsorbed in proximal tubule
- no specific K-transporter
- reabsorption managed with absorption of water (solvent drag), simple diffusion, and K+ ion channels
- 60% is reabsorbed in proximal tubule
- solven drag and active transport mechanism
- mostly stay in the lumen
- if in filtrate, removed by receptor mediated endocytosis
- bind receptors
- coated vesicles endocytosed
- vesicles fuse with lysosomes
- digested lysosome
- amino acids leave cell across basolateral surface
protein digestion
- hydrolytic enzymes that are integral membrane proteins on microvilli
- many of these proteins are hormones
- destruction by PCT is important means of regulating blood levels
amino acids
- different sodium-amino acid co-transporter is responsible for reabsorption of AA in proximal tubule
- seven different transporters
- acidic amino acids (Glu, Asp), basic amino acids (Arg, Lys, Orn) and 5 other systems of neutral amino acids
nitrogenous waste
- urea
-uric acid
- creatine not reabsorbed at all
- reabsorbed from 40-60% in PCT
- passes through with water
uric acid
- PCT reabsorbs nearly all
- secreted back
uptake by peritubular capillaries
- reabsorb water and solutes from PCT
- osmosis = water reabsorbed
- concentration gradient
- narrowness of efferent arterioles lowers blood hydrostatic pressure = 8 mmHg
- unsually high collodial osmotic pressure of blood
- solvent drag = water carries other solutes
- fenestrae
loop of Henle
- concentrate urine and conserves water
- plays important role in concentrating urine by generating an osmotic gradient
- gradient used by collecting ducts to concentrate and conserve water
- each loop consists of descending thin loop, ascending thin loop, and ascending thick loop
- vasa recta parallel loops of Henle through medulla
salt through loop of Henle
- more salt is continually added by PCT
- higher the osmolarity of ECF, the more water leaves descending limb by osmosis
- more water that leaves descending limb, the saltier the fluid is that remains in tubule
- saltier the fluid in ascending limb, the more salt the tubule pumps into ECF
- more salt that is pumped out of ascending limb, the saltier the ECF is in renal medulla
descending loop
- enters medulla
- permeable to water
- mostly impermeable to ions
- contains water channel aquaporin 1 in both luminal and basolateral membrane
thin ascending loop of Henle
- Na+/K+ ATPase active transport of Na and K
- Cl- moves in through Cl- channels = secondary active transport
thick ascending limb
- reabsorb sodium chloride which dilutes urine
- produces concentration gradients that drive counter current multiplier system in medulla and medullary rays - concentrates urine
- reabsorb large amounts of potassium, calcium, and magnesium in energy-efficient manner
NaCl reabsorption
- primary energy comes from Na+/K+ ATPase pump in basolateral
- in thick ascending limb much Na+ entry into cell occurs mainly by means of Na-K-2Cl co-transporter
- K+ and Cl- carried inward by secondary active transport
- loop diuretics inhibit co-transporter
- electrical and concentration gradient drives more reabsorption of Na+ as well as Mg++ and Ca++
- cortical thick ascending limb drains urine into distal convoluted tubule
osmotic pressure increase
- inner zone contains more salt = more capable to concentrate urine
- increases with depth in medulla
- medullary vertical osmotic gradient permits excretion of urine of differing concentrations
single effect
- difference in osmotic pressure and NaCl concentration between ascending limb, adjacent interstitial fluid, and descending limb
- oriented side to side
- only about 200 mOsm difference between interstitial fluid and filtrate
generation of single effect
- active transport of NaCl out of fluid into ascending limb dilutes that fluid
- concentrates the interstitial fluid
- walls of descending limb are permeable to water
- fluid becomes concentrated by losing water osmotically to interstitial fluid
- sometimes by gaining Na+, C- by diffusion
multiplier effect
- multiplied difference of concentration is established from end to end
- effect is multiplied in vertical gradient because of counter current multiplier
counter current multiplication
- single effect is generated
- fluid moves in counter current fashion through loop
- single effect is again generated
- fluid concentration at inner end of loop increases and continues to increase
cell volume regulation
- kidney first establishes a vertical osmotic gradient in medullary interstitial fluid
- gradient in turn is used by collecting tubules to concentrate tubular fluid so that urine can be more concentrated than normal body fluids
- fluid is hypotonic as it enters distal portions of tubules
- enable kidney to excrete a urine more dilute than normal body fluids
urea and NaCl
- collecting ducts permeable to urea
- inner medulla has high concentration of urea
- urea diffuses out of collecting duct
- traverses the inner medulla
- urea and NaCl form osmotic gradient that enables kidney to produce urine that is hyperosmotic to blood
2 kinds of cells in DCT and collecting tubules
- principal cells
- intercalated cells
principal cells
- more abundant
- receptors for hormones
- chiefly involved in salt and water balance
- main target of aldosterone which causes cells to synthesize channels and Na+/K+ ATPase pump
intercalated cells
- reabsorb K+
- secrete H+
- involved mainly in acid base balance
- maintain blood pH
lumen side cells of DCT
- have a Na-Cl co-transporter
- permeable to Ca via a calcium channel
- basolateral surface/blood side
- produces gradient for Na to be absorbed from apical surface via Na/Cl symport
- Ca reclaimed into blood by Na/Ca basolateral antiport
- secondary active Na/Ca transporeter = antiport
- ATP dependent Ca transporter
DCT and collecting tubules
- establish aquaporins to increase water
- impermeable to water except in presence of antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)
antidiuretic hormone
- arginine vasopressin
- aquaporin-2 is inserted into membrane of collecting tubules to increase water permeability
- water diffuses out of collecting tubule and comes to osmotic equilibrium with gradient of increasing concentration in medullary interstitial fluid
- increases permeability of epithelium to water
- binds to ADH receptor
- triggers GPCR to release second messenger
- aquaporins inserted into apical surface and basal surface
- alcohol effects by interfering with ADH binding
- apical surface undergoes exocytosis to make storage vesicles with aquaporins
function of ADH
- release of ADH triggered when osmoreceptors in hypothalamus detect increase in osmolarity of blood
- ADH causes thirst and increases permeability of water in collecting ducts = water reabsorption
- drinking and water reabsorption decrease blood osmolarity
renin angiotensin aldosterone system
- acts in antidiuresis
- stimulated by low blood pressure
- juxtaglomerula doesn't experience enough stretch so renin is released
- activates angiotensin in liver to convert to angiotensin 1
- angiotensin converting enzyme in the lungs convert angiotensin 1 to angiotensin 2
- angiotensin cause arterioles throughout body to vasoconstrict = raise BP
- afferent arteriole constricts = decrease filtration
- angiotensin acts on adrenal cortex to release aldosterone
- aldosterone causes DCT to reabsorb Na+ and water = increase blood volume
- renin production discontinued
juxtaglomerular cell
- in wall of afferent arteriole
- modified smooth muscle cells
- sensitive to stretch
- when stretched less they increase their secretion of renin
- innervated by sympathetic nerves
- regulated by paracrines from macula densa of DCT
- when BP low the macula densa reduces paracrine secretion that inhibits the JG cells
macula densa cells
- located within thick ascending limb at DCT junction
- basolateral membrane in contact with glomerular mesangial cells
- continuous with smooth muscle cells and renin-containing granular cells of afferent arteriole
- unique renal biosensor cells
- detect fluid load to DCT via entry NaCl through NKCC co-transporter mechanism
macula densa cells detect
- fluid load to DCT via entry NaCl through NKCC co-transporter mechanism
- changes in luminal NaCl concentration ([NaCl]/L) and transmit signals to mesangial cell of afferent arteriole
- [NaCl]/L sensitive ATP-permeable large-conductace (380 pS) anion channel signals AA
ATP released from macula densa
- released via a maxi anion channel in response to increased
- transmit signals to mesangial cells
- activate their purinergic receptors
- secreted when blood Na+ falls or K+ concentrations rise
- acts primarily on DCT and collecting tubule
- causes Na+ reabsorption and K+ secretion
- water and Cl- follow water = solvent drag
production of dilute urine
- epithelial wall of collecting tubule is poorly permeable to water
- filtrate is osmotically isolated from medullary interstitial fluid
- become more and more dilute as NaCl is reabsorbed along length of collecting tubule
atrial natiuretic factor
- causes loss of water
- stimulated by high BP and high blood volume
- inhibit reabsorption of water
- dilates afferent arteriole and constricts efferent arterioles increasing GFR
- antagonize renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism by inhibiting renin
- inhibit secretion of ADH
- inhibit NaCl reabsorption in collecting ducts
parathyroid hormone
- mediates Ca++ reabsorption in DCT
- released with changes in blood Ca++ levels
- activates primary active transport via ATP dependent Ca++ carrier and secondary transport via Na+/Ca++ carrier in basolateral surface = moves stuff in
- Ca++/H+ symporter in basolateral surface = move stuff out
tubular secretion
- selective movement of non-filtered or re-admitted substance from peritubular capillaries into tubular lumen
- movement from blood back to urine
- mostly through tubules
- most important are H+, K+, and organic ions
- involves trans-epithelial transport
- H+ secretion important in acid base balance
tubular secretion in PCT
- waste removal
- enter through basolateral surface and out the apical surface
- urea, uric, bile salts, ammonia, catecholamines, and prostaglandins
- pollutants, morphine, penicillin, aspirin, and other drugs
- PCT is main site of secretion for all except K+
- acid base balance
- hydrogen and bicarbonate
- produced continuously by body
- lungs eliminate carbonic acid by exhaling CO2
- almost all H+ is eliminated by secretion
- filtration rate of H+ = plasma [H+] x GFR
- since plasma [H+] is very low filtration rate is low
- DCT and PCT secrete H+
- no neural or hormonal control is involved
- secrete more H+
- removes NH3 from body
- happens in mitochondria
- exists in tubular cells
- in urine the H+ binds to phosphate buffer = normally the only buffer in urine
- developing urine contains NaH2PO4/Na2HPO4 in same concentration as present in blood plasma
phosphate buffer
- when saturated NH3 is secreted into tubular fluid
- NH3 synthesized from glutamine (to glutamate) in PCT cell mitochondria
ammonia excretion
- NH4 is secreted across the Na+/H+ antiport with NH4 instead of H+
- becomes trapped in lumen because the PCT cells are impermeable to NH4
- reabsorbed in TAL via a K+ locus on the Na+/K+/2Cl- symporter
- H+ secreted into lumen of the loop of Henle in exchange for Na+
- NH3 diffuses out the basolateral surface of the TAL into medullary interstitial fluid
- high medullary interstitial NH3 diffuses into the collecting duct
- NH3 binds H+ fo form NH4 and keeping the lumen [H+] low
- ammonia is excreted
tubular secretion in DCT
- specialized for selective secretion and reabsorption of Na+ and Cl-
- K+ and H+ secreted
tubular secretion in collecting tubule
- may secrete H+, K+, or HCO3- depending on blood pH
K+ secretion
- nearly all thats in the urine is from aldosterone drive active tubular secretion into DCT (low) and collecting tubules (high)
- controlled by aldosterone
- actively secreted in (lateral portion) DCT and collecting tubules
- basolateral pump co-transports Na+ into lateral surface and K+ into tubular cell
- K+ leaves the cell through channels in luminal border