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93 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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1. Biology -
Study of life.
2. Biopsy -
To look at life.
3. Carcinoma -
Cancerous Tumor.
4. Cardiology -
Study of the heart.
5. Cephalic -
Pertaining to the head.
6. Cerebral -
Pertaining to the largest part of the brain.
7. Incision -
Process of cutting in.
8. Excision -
Process of cutting out.
9. Enocrine Glands -
Secrete inside.
10. Cytoscopy -
Visual examination of the urinary bladder.
11. cytology -
Study of Cells.
12.Dermatitis -
Inflamation of the skin.
13. Hypodermic -
Under, or below the skin.
14. Electrocardiogram -
Record of eletrical waves in the heart.
15. Enteritis -
Inflamation in the small intestine.
16. Erythrocyte -
Red Cells.
17. Gastrectomy -
Excision or removal of the stomach.
18. Gastrotomy -
Incision or cutting of the stomach.
19.Diagnosis -
Complete knowledge of a certain condition.
20. Prognosis -
Prediction of the outcome of an illness.
21. Electroencephalogram -
Record of ones electrical brain waves.
22. Gynecology -
Study of women/female.
23. Hematoma -
Mass of blood, under the skin.
24 Hemoglobin -
Protein in the blood.
25. hepatitis -
Swelling of the liver.
26. Iatrogenic -
Pertaining to a physician, or treatment.
27.Leukocyte -
White blood cell.
28. Nephritis -
Swelling of the Kidneys.
29. Nephrology -
Study of the Kidneys.
30. Nureology -
Study of the nerves.
31. Hematology -
Study of blood.
32. Oncology -
Study of tumors.
33. Oncologist -
One who specializes in the field of tumors.
34. Ophthalmoscope -
Eye instrument.
35. Osteitis -
The swelling of the bone or bones,
36. Osteoarthritis -
The inflamation of the bone or bones.
37.Pathology -
The study of a certIain disease.
38. Pathologist -
A person that studies a disease.
39. Pediatric -
A doctor portaining to children.
40. Psychology -
Study of the mind.
41. Psychology -
The study of the mind.
42. Psychiatrist -
A person that studies the mind.
43. Radiology -
The study of xrays.
44. Renal -
The process of the kidneys.
45. Rhnitis -
The swelling of the nose.
46. Sarcoma -
Cancerous tumor on the flesh.
47. Resection -
Surgical removal of part of an organ.
48. Thrombocyte -
Cotting of a cell.
49. Urology -
The study of the urine tract.
50. Cardiac -
Pertaining to the heart.
51. Neural -
Protaning to the nerves.
52. Arthalgia -
Joint Pain.
53. Neuralgia -
Nerve Pain.
54. Erythrocyte -
Red bood cells.
55. Nephrectomy -
Execission, or removal of the kidneys.
56. Leukemia -
Blood condition - pertaining to whie blood cells.
57. Carcinogenic -
Pertaining to cancer.
58. Pathogenic -
Protaning to diseases.
59.Iatrogenic -
the healer or physician
60. Electroencephalogram -
A study of electrical current within the brain.
61. Gastric -
Pertaining to the stomach.
62. Neurological -
Having to do with the nerves or the nervous system.
63. Excision -
Surgical removal, as in the excision of a tumor.
64. Gyncologist -
A doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the female reproductive organs.
65. Cystitis -
Inflammation of the bladder
66. Endocrinology -
The study of hormones, their receptors
67. Hepatoma -
Cancer originating in the liver.
68. Biopsy -
The removal of a sample of tissue for purposes of diagnosis.
69. Nephrosis -
Non-inflammatory, non-neoplastic disease of the kidney.
70. Leukocytosis -
condition characterized by an elevated number of white cells in the blood
71. Enteropathy -
disease of the intestine.
72. Adenopathy -
Large or "swollen" lymph nodes.
73. Endoscope -
A lighted optical instrument used to get a deep look inside the body and examine organs
74. Endoscopy -
visual examination by means of an endoscope.
75. Prognosis -
a prediction of the course of a disease.
76. Osteotomy -
Taking out part or all of a bone, or cutting into or through bone.
77. Gastroenterology-
diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the digestive system.
78. Anemia -
The condition of having less than the normal number of red blood cells or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood
79. Autopsy -
Examination of a cadaver to determine or confirm the cause of death
80. Diagnosis -
identification of a disease from its symptoms
81. Enocrinologist -
The study of hormones, their receptors.
82. Epigastric -
lying upon or over the stomach
83. Epidermis -
The outer, protective, nonvascular layer of the skin of vertebrates, covering the dermis
84. Excision -
Surgical removal, as in the excision of a tumor.
85.Exocrine Glands -
A gland that secretes a substance out through a duct.
86. Hyperglycemia -
The presence of an abnormally high concentration of glucose in the blood.
87. Incision -
Cut into a surface.
88. Pericardium -
The conical sac of fibrous tissue that surrounds the heart and the roots of the great blood vessels.
89. Prognosis -
prediction of the course of a disease.
90. Resection -
Surgical removal of part of an organ.
91. Retrocardiac -
Situated behind the heart.
92. Subhepatic -
below the liver.
93. Transhepatic -
passing through or performed by way of the bile ducts