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28 Cards in this Set

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referring to the bony components housing the spinal cord. as a whole considered to be triaxial. It has movements in three planes.


is a small, smooth, flat surface on a bone, found on thoracic vertebrae at the point of contact with the rib.

atlanto-occipital joint

articulation between the head and C1(Atlas). The main motion here is flexion and extension, as when your nodding your head in aggreement.

atlantoaxial joint

most rotation of the head on the neck as in the shaking your head in disagreement. articulation between the atlas and the axis.

median atlantoaxial joint

consists of sinovial joint articulation between the odontoid process (Dens) of the axis and the anterior arch of the atlas anteriorly and the transverse ligament posteriorly.

lateral atlantoaxial joints

are between the articular processes of the two vertabrae

facet joints

the posterior portion of the vertebrae has two articulation(one on each side).

-are formed by the articulation between the superior articular process of the vertebra below and the inferior articular process of the vertebra


anterior longitudinal ligament

runs down the vertebral column on the anterior surface of the bodies and tends to prevent excessive hyperextension. It is found in the thoracic region and lumbar regions deep into the aorta.

posterior longitudinal ligament

runs along the vertebral bodies posteriorly, inside the vertebral foramen. Its purpose is to prevent excessive flexion. Its thick superiorly to protect the skull.

supraspinal ligament

extends from seventh cervical vertebra distally to the sacrum posteriorly along the tips of the spinous proccesses

interspinal ligament

runs between the successive spinous proccesses.

ligamentum flavum

connects adjacent laminae anteriorly.

Thoracic outlet syndrome

is a general term referring to compression of the compression of the neurovascular structures (brachial plexus and subclavian artery and vein) that run from the neck to the axilla.


is deformity of the neck in which the person's head is laterally bent to one side and rotated toward the other side, also knows as wry(twisted) neck.

cervical sprains

occur when the head suddenly and violently hyperextends then flexes. whiplash is the layman term.


is pain that tends to run down the posterior thigh and leg. It is caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve roots and usually is symptomatic of an underlying pathology such as herniated disc.


is an abnormally increased curve of the lumbar spine. The layman's term swayback.

Flat back

is abnormally decreased lumbar curve.


is an abnormally increased thoracic curve.

Spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis)

is a degenerative disorder of vertebral structure and function.

Spinal stenosis

is a narrowing of the vertebral canal that houses the spinal cord.

Herniated disk

occur when there is a weakness or degeneration of the annulus fibrosus (outer layer).

Ankylosing spondylitis

a chronic inflammation of the vertebral column and sacroilic joints, leads to fusion. It is a progressive rheumatic disease; overtime, it can lead to a total loss of spinal mobility


is a vertebral defect in the pars interartiicularis (part of the lamina between the superior and inferior and inferior articular processes) most common on L5


usually results from fracture, or giving way, of a defective pars interarticularis.


meaning porous bone, is a disease in which bone removed faster than it can be laid down. decreased bone mass and density, making bone more prone to fracture.

Compression fractures

typically result in the collapse of the anterior (body) portion of the vertebrae. They are usually caused by a trauma in the lumbar region or by osteoporosis in the thoracic region.

hangman's fracture ( fractures with dislocation)

typically occurs when forceful, sudden hyperextension of the head. Striking your head against the windshield in a motor vehicle accident is often the cause.