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28 Cards in this Set

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In the Revolution of 1800 Aaron Burr and Daniel Shays attempted to overthrow the government with a band of angry farmers.
Paying off the war bonds, left over from the Revolution, in full would restore faith in the nation's credit. Unfortunately this would also benefit speculators who had bought them from the original purchasers.
Among the first chore of the new House of Representatives was TO PASS A STATEMENT of individual and state rights to fulfill a ratification promise.
The problems evident from the weak national government under the Confederation were soon overcome by a stronger central authority under the Constitution.
Completing the stipulations in Article I of the Constitution the first President staffed the Cabinet with a dozen strong Federalists.
The Federalists favored high prices for land sales in the Northwest territory in order to :
discourage settlement of the West and keep the population of New England from declining
The decision to move the national capital to a site on the Potamic was the result of:
a compriomise involving the Republicans' agreement to Hamilton's terms on the Report on Public Credit
The Embargo hit the following Americans hardest, which is ironic in view of the fact that this group was among the staunchest supporters of the President who sponsored the Embargo:
Southern and Western farmers
The purchase of Louisiana territory presented President Jefferson with a problem because
nowhere does the Constitution mention the purchase of territories
Alexander Hamilton was
distrustful of democracy and in favor of rule by a self-interested elite
The Father of the Constitution, whose doubts convinced Washington to consider very carefully the constitutionality of a National Bank, was
James Madison
The correct chronological sequence for early Presidential administrations was
Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison
In the election of 1796, the Federalist John Adams won the Presidency and his Vice President was
the Republican Thomas Jefferson
The Bill of Rights
he bill of rights was made by James Madison. The first eight amendments to the bill of rights came from the Virgina Declaration of Rights
Marbury versus Madison
Marbury Versus Madison was the first time the supreme court declared something unconstitutional because President Adams appointed Marbury Justice of peace before he left office but his commission was not delivered by John Marshall. When Thomas Jefferson got into office he appointed new Secretary of State. Then Marbury petitioned the court.
What caused the country to go to war in 1812 and what were the consequences of that fight
The war in 1812 was caused by trade restrictions that interfered with American trading with France. The was was highly promoted by farming areas. The other reason for the war in 1812 was the military support that the Indians were getting to fight the United states.The consequences of the fight was America won the Battle of New Orleans and the ended the threat of Indians.
Jay's Treaty
between the United States and Great Britain averted war, solved many issues left over from the American Revolution, and opened ten years of largely peaceful trade in the midst of the French Revolutionary Wars.
Bill of Rights
is a list or summary of rights that are considered important and essential by a nation. The purpose of these bills is to protect those rights against infringement by the government. The term "bill of rights" originates from Britain, where it referred to a bill that was passed by Parliament in 1689
10th Amendment
The Tenth Amendment restates the Constitution's principle of Federalism by providing that powers not granted to the national government nor prohibited to the states are reserved to the states or the people.
Virginia and Kentucky Resolves (1798)
the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions (or Resolves) were political statements in favor of states' rights and Strict Constructionism written secretly by Vice President Thomas Jefferson, who would later become President, and James Madison in 1798, respectively
Burr Conspiracy
was a suspected treasonous cabal of planters, politicians and army officers led by former U.S. Vice President Aaron Burr. According to the accusations against him, Burr’s goal was to create an independent nation in the center of North America and/or the Southwest and parts of Mexico
Lewis and Clark Expedition
headed by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, was the first American overland expedition to the Pacific coast and back
The Quasi War
was an undeclared war fought entirely at sea between the United States and France from 1798 to 1800
XYZ Affair
three agents told the American delegates that they could meet with Talleyrand only in exchange for a very large bribe
Essex Junto
was a group of lawyers and merchants from Essex County, Massachusetts. These Federalists supported Alexander Hamilton and the Massachusetts radicals
Hartford Convention
was an event in 1814–1815 in the United States during the War of 1812 in which New England's opposition to the war reached the point where secession from the United States was discussed.
John Marshall
who shaped American constitutional law and made the Supreme Court a center of power. Marshall was Chief Justice of the United States, serving from February 4, 1801,
Alien and Sedition Acts
were four bills passed in 1798 by the Federalists in the United States Congress—who were waging an undeclared naval war with France,