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14 Cards in this Set

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What does the Axial Skeleton consist of?


How many axial bones total and what is the percentage of all bones in the body are axial?
- Skull (8 cranial, 14 facial)
- Bones associated w/skull (6 auditory ossicles & hyoid bone)
-Vertebral Column (24 vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx)
-Thoracic Cage (24 ribs, sternum)

80 axial bones - 40%
Name all 8 cranial bones:
- Occipital (1)
- Frontal (1)
- Sphenoid (1)
- Ethmoid (1)
- Parietal (2)
- Temporal (2)
What is Calvaria also known as?


What bones does Calvaria consist of?
- Skullcap

- Occipital, both Parietal bones, and the Frontal bone
Name all 14 facial bones:
- Maxillary (2)
- Lacrimal (2)
- Nasal (2)
- Zygomatic (2)
- Mandible (1)
- Palatine (2)
- Inferior Nasal Conchae (2)
- Vomer (1)
Name all 9 superficial facial bones:
- Maxillary (2)
- Zygomatic (2)
- Lacrimal (2)
- Nasal (2)
- Mandible (1)
Name all 5 deep facial bones:
- Palatine (2)
- Inferior Nasal Conchae (2)
- Vomer (1)
What are sutures?


Name 4 major sutures:
- They form where 2 bones interconnect and join

- Lambdoid Suture
- Coronal Suture
- Sagittal Suture
- Squamous Suture
What does the Lamdoid Suture connect?


What other bones may the Lambdoid Suture contain?
- Connects the Occipital bone with both Parietal bones

-It may contain other sutures connecting Wormian bones
What does the Coronal Suture connect?
- Connects the Frontal bone to the two Parietal bones
What does the Sagittal suture connect?


Where does the Sagittal suture extend from?
- Connects the 2 Parietal bones

- Extends from the Coronal and Lambdoidal suture
What does the Squamous suture connect?
- Connects the Temporal and the Parietal bones on either side of the skull
What is the general function of the Occipital bone?


What are the Occipital bone's articulations?


What is the stire of articulation between the skull and first vertebra of the neck?
- Forms much of the posterior and inferior portions of the cranium

- Articulates with the Parietal, Temporal, Spehnoid bones, and the first Cervical Vertebra

- Occipital Condyle
What are the general functions of the Foramen Magnum?


What is the Foramen Magnum associated with?
- Connects the cranial cavity with the spinal cavity which is enclosed by the vertebral column. The Foramen surrounds the connection between the brain and the spinal cord.

- Occipital bone
What is the general function of the Parietal bones?


What are the Parietal bone articulations?
- Forms part of the superior and lateral surgaces of the cranium

- Articulates with one another, the occipital, Temporal, Frontal, and Sphenoid bones