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45 Cards in this Set

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What is a Catastrophic Injury

Condition affecting the mental or physical health of the employee or employees immediate family that requires the services of licensed practitioner for a prolonged period of time.

What are some examples of a catastrophic injury?

1. Stroke with residual paralysis or weakness, 2. Severe heart attack, 3 Major Surgery, 4. Cancer related surgery, 5. Potentially fatal tumor, 6Amputations.

What is the maximum amount of leave granted per calendar year? (Sick leave pool)

90 days , 720 hours

Unused Vacation entitlement.

The net balance of unused accumulated leave not to exceed the maximum will be carried forward from one year to the next. All hours of unused accumulated vacation leave which are lapsed at the end of a fiscal year may be credited to the employees sick leave balance as of the first day of the next fiscal year.

(HCT) T/F Any employee, assigned to work the normal work week m-f, who is required to work and does work on any holiday shall be entitled to comp time off to be taken on such day as may be mutually agreed upon by the employee and supervisor.


(HCT) T/F Employees may earn holiday comp time for a holiday observed on their scheduled day off.


(HCT) Holidays occuring on a Saturday sunday will not be recorded as earned or observed. (If normal work week is m-f)


(HCT) T/F A peace officer, police communication officer, police security officer or RLO required to work a national or state holiday on a Sat ot Sun is entitled to HCT for any hours worked.


How long do employees have to use Holiday Comp time?

12 months from the date of the holiday worked.

When does the standard workweek begin and end?

Begins at 6:00am Saturday - 5:59am the following Saturday. Unless otherwise designated.

(EL)T/F Per govt code the death of an employees spouse or the employees spouses parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, great grandparents, great granchildren, or children shall constitute adequate need for emergency leave.


Emergency leave shall be granted for a period not to exceed ___ working days.


T/F. The Deputy director shall grant an emergency leave for other reasons when in his determination thd employee show good cause.


The request for Deputy Director approved emergency leave shall be submitted by memorandum through supervisor channels.


What are the requirements for promotion to Texas Ranger Lieutenant.

Minimum 2 year experience as a Texas Ranger.

What are the requirements for Criminal Investigation Division Lieutenant?

2 years experience as a CID agent.

Requirements for Texas Ranger Captain?

Two years experience as a Texas Ranger Lieutenant.

Requirements for Criminal Investigations Division Captain?

Minimum one year experience as a CID Lieutenant.

T/F The trooper II must request progression to trooper III no more than 60 and no less than 45 days prior to the projected progression date to the service commander through the chain of command.


T/F. State law requires the Dept to maintain employee absentee records.


(Return from military activation) The federal law gives employees a certain amount of time to report to their employer after a military activation ends. The amount of time is dependent on length of activation.


(Return from military activation) Period of service was less than 30 days.

The employee must must return ti work not later than the beginning of the first regularly scheduled work day after the end of military service and the expiration of 8 hours after a period allowing for safe transportation to employees residence.

(Return from military activation) Service period was betweenof 30 days and 181 days?

Employee must apply for reinstatement not later than 14 days after the end of military service.

(Return from military Activation) Service more than 180 days.

The employee must apply for reinstatement not later than 90 days after the end of service.

T/F. When an employee is absent more than 3 consecutive working days due to illness or the illness of a member of his immediate family an employee is required to give his supervisor a health care provider statement or some other written statement of the facts concerning the illness.


T/F. When an employees is absent 3 or less continuous working days due to illness or illness of immediate family member the employees supervisor may require the employee to give the supervisor a heath care provider statement or some other written statement concerning the illness.


T/F. An employee must provide noticd to his supervisor whenever he is taking sick leave for a qualifying event under FMLA.


T/F. Donations of sick leave must be in __ hour increment. A retiring employee may designate the number of accrued sick leave hours to be used for retirement credit and the number of hours to be donated on retirement to the sick leave pool.


Only employees commissioned as peace officers with this department are eligible to request _________ leave.

A. Executive

B. Judicial

C. Legislative


What are the types of leave without pay.

Personal leave, Temporary disability leave, elective office

An employee must notify their immediate supervisor that they have decided to engage in secondary employment by submission of form ______ as the means of notification within _____ days of job.

HQ-43, 3

T/F. CID commissioned personnel will not work in any secondary employment which requires the wearing of a DPS or generic police officers uniform.


No secondary employment during 6month period following recruit school and or until successful completion of the FTO program.


No secondary during disciplinary suspension or while on performance improvement plan.


No secondary employment while on DPS time. (Scheduling secondary jobs, responding to apartment security calls, drive by security checks)


No secondary employment during disciplinary days off without pay or when placed on admin leave or restricted duty as a rezult of allegations of misconduct.


1No secondary employment while on active duty with military, 2 unless the employee has. passing physical readiness Test or military waiver, 3 of the rank of major and above must have approval through the chain of command to the level of director.


Uniformed commissioned personnel who wear rank insignia in the course of their regular duties shall be allowed to wear same insignia on secondary employment.


Out of state employment in DPS uniform that requires the use of DPS commission must be approved by the director. Generally limited to college football and teaching.


What are some incidents in which DPS personnel working secondary employment will immediately notify their supervisor?

1. Death of person,

2.firearm discharge,

3.chemical spray discharge,

4.use of electronic control device, 5.enforcement action resulting in a possible injury

6.personal injury,

7.property damage to another

The maximum hours of secondary employment hours when combined with DPS cannot exceed ________ per work week.


The maximum number of secondary hours when combined with department work cannot exceed ____ hrs in a 24 hr period


An employee must rest a minimum of ___ hours following secondary employment that exceeds 4 hours before returning to work with the department.


All hours worked on secondary employment requiring commission must be reported to the department.


(Formal counseling) The supervisor will document the counseling using an ____ counseling record. The supervisor will give a copy to employee and put the original in the employees local file.
