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17 Cards in this Set

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Why is Ionic brittle

Distortion causes repulsion between ions of like charge

Why is ionic had

Atoms strongly bound in lattice

Why do ionic have high MP/BP

Strong ionic bonding extended through the lattice

Why are ionic conductive either molten or in aqueous solution

Ions free to move

Ionic substances Non- conductors of electricity when solid

Ions firmly bound in crystal lattice so no mobile charge particles

Why are metallic good conductors of heat and electricity

Deloclised electrons transfer charge and thermal energy

Metallic high MP/BP

Strong metallic bonding throughout lattice

Why are metallic dense

Ions tightly packed in lattice

Why are mattalic ductile and maleable

Distortion does not disrupt metallic bonding

Why are metallic Lustours

delocalised electrons cause reflection of light

Why are covalent molecular no-counducter of electricity when solid, or dissolved with water, unless a reaction occurs to produce ions

The molecules are unchanged and electrons are localised in covalent bonds or on the atoms

Why do covalent molecular bonds have low melting point / BP

Week forces between molecules

Why r covalent molecular soft solids, liquids or gas

Week forces between molecules

Why are covalent networks non-counuctors when solid or molten

Electrons localised in covalent bonds of atoms

Why r c networks have very high MP

Strong covalent bonding extendig throughout the lattice

Why r C networks hard

ions strongly bound in the lattice

Why r c networks brittle

Distortion breaks covalent bonds