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15 Cards in this Set

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-To understand and be able to identify or define differences between apoptosis and other mechanisms resulting in cell death
-To understand the key differences between the intrinsic, and extrinsic pathways for activating apoptosis
-To understand the critical role(s) of specific caspases in the initiation and execution phases of apoptosis
-To understand and be able to identify positive and negative regulatory elements in apoptosis


-To understand and be able to identify or define differences between apoptosis and other mechanisms resulting in cell death
-To understand the key differences between the intrinsic, and extrinsic pathways for activating apoptosis
-To understand the critical role(s) of specific caspases in the initiation and execution phases of apoptosis
-To understand and be able to identify positive and negative regulatory elements in apoptosis

***What are caspases? (chemically)

Cystein proteases that cleave after aspartic acid residue

(mnemonic= C, ASP)

What is the function of initiator caspases and what are their numbers?

Involved in decision/commitment to apoptosis

(only real way to prevent apoptosis)

Caspases 8, 9, 10

What is the function of effector caspases and what are their numbers?

Involved in execution of apoptosis

Caspases 3, 6, 7

What caspase involved in promotion of inflammation and what is it activated via?

Caspase 1 via IL-1 beta

Non-apoptotic function of Proliferation, Inflammation, and Differentiation of many cells through which caspases?

Caspases 3 and 7

(these also effector caspases)

In order to be activated out zymogen form, caspases must undergo ___?

Cleavage by other caspases or by itself

*What pathway is the mitochondrial pathway?

Intrinsic Pathway

*What pathway is the death receptor-initiated pathway?

Extrinsic Pathway

Caspases play additional role in __________ (hint caspase 1)

Also in 'response to ______" and ______?

Role in Inflammation (Caspase 1)

Role in response to PRR (Pattern Recognition Receptors) as well as PAMPS

What 2 caspases play a role in proliferation and inflammation?

Caspase 3 and 7

Cytochrome C released in what pathway and what does it activate?


Activates initiator caspase (pro caspase 9)

In extrinsic pathway, receptor ligand interaction with either ______ or _________?

What do they both do?

Fas or TNF-R

Fas removes immunce cells after adaptive immune response completes

TNF-R is important mediator of inflammation

TNF-R induces apoptosis

TNF-R associates with TRADD, then TRADD binds FADD, leading to caspase activation

Which pathway?

Change in mitochondrial membrane -->

Cytochrome C released and activates initiator complex (pro Caspase 9) --> Executioner caspase initiated

Intrinsic Pathway

Which caspase is the initator caspase?

ProCaspase 9