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143 Cards in this Set

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The religion known as Islam originated with which of the following peoples?

a. Turks
b. Greeks
c. Bedouin Arabs
d. Southern Indians
Which of the following is a content of the Kaaba?

a. the birthplace of Abraham
b. a meteorite
c. the Ten Commandments
d. No one knows what the contents are.
Which of the following describes Muhammad’s lifelong career?

a. clergyman
b. low-level bureaucrat
c. fisherman
d. caravan driver
What event marks year one of the Islamic calendar?

a. the birth of Christ
b. the hijra to Medina
c. the fall of the Roman Empire
d. the creation of the earth
The holy scripture of Islam is called which of the following?

a. the New Testament
b. the Qur’an
c. the Torah
d. the Pentateuch
Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

a. confession of faith
b. recitation of prayers five times a day
c. fasting every Friday
d. pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in a lifetime
The maximum number of wives allowed to Islamic men is which of the following?

a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. There is no limit on the number of wives allowed
The text suggests that a large advantage of Islam in spreading throughout the world has been its
a. fanaticism.
b. complexity.
c. simplicity.
d. promise of wealth or reward.
The all-embracing code of ethical conduct is called the
a. sharia.
b. Hadith.
c. Five Pillars.
d. mullahs.
Islamic spiritual supervision lies partly in the hands of prayer leaders called
a. sharias.
b. Hadiths.
c. Five Pillars.
d. mullahs.
Muhammad’s designated successor was which of the following?
a. Ali
b. Sunni
c. Abraham
d. Muhammad left no designated successor.
The early attempts of Islam to penetrate the European continent
a. were successful.
b. were repelled, by Charles Martel and by fortifications at Constantinople.
c. were unsuccessful and led to little Islamic influence in Europe for over six centuries.
d. None of the answers are correct.
Which of the following cities served as the Islamic capital during the religion’s “golden era” of the eighth and ninth centuries?
a. Alexandria
b. Baghdad
c. Constantinople
d. Damascus
Ancient Islamic scholars are famous for having preserved which of the following throughout the Middle Ages?
a. Roman numerals
b. hundreds of Greek manuscripts
c. the Torah
d. the Holy Grail
Poetry produced by which Islamic movement is famous for its mysticism and visionary representations?
a. Jainism
b. Sufism
c. Zen
d. Shiite
The biggest threat to the Roman Empire as early as the first century B.C.E. was which of the following?
a. lack of fresh water
b. the Germanic tribes
c. inadequate roads, making it difficult to move troops
d. Islamic invaders
The “invincible” Roman army was defeated near Constantinople at the Battle of
a. Agincourt.
b. Hastings.
c. Adrianople.
d. Carthage.
Which of the following groups was responsible for the infamous sack of Rome in which much of the ancient city was destroyed?
a. the Franks
b. the Burgundians
c. the Visigoths
d. the Vandals
The bond of loyalty between chieftain and his warriors is called which of the following?
a. gallantry
b. fealty
c. chivalry
d. feudalism
The first monumental literary composition in a European vernacular language was
a. the Song of Roland.
b. Beowulf.
c. the Bible.
d. the Magna Carta.
Enamelwork produced by pouring molten colored glass between thin gold partitions is called
a. zoomorphoic.
b. niello.
c. cloisonné.
d. filigree.
The Frankish chieftain responsible for re-unifying the fallen Roman Empire under Christian leadership was
a. Alexander the Great.
b. Charlemagne.
c. Charles Martel.
d. Peter the Great.
During this era, the only toe-hold of European occupation claimed by the Islamic peoples was in which of the following countries?
a. Ireland
b. France
c. Italy
d. Spain
The type of copyist writing favored by the Carolingian monks and nuns is the direct ancestor of modern typography and is called which of the following?
a. block lettering
b. illumination
c. Roman script
d. the minuscule
The system of military and political organization known as feudalism centered around which of the following?
a. the Holy Roman Emperor
b. descendants of dukes and counts appointed by Charles the Great
c. the Bishop of Rome
d. the monarchs of the European countries
Which of the following is the quintessential lyrical representation of the fighting nobility in the feudal age?
a. the Song of Roland.
b. Beowulf.
c. the Bible.
d. the Magna Carta.
The Normans traced their direct ancestry to the
a. Ostragoths.
b. Vikings.
c. Greeks.
d. Franks.
The Normans brought feudalism to which of the following?
a. France
b. England
c. Germany
d. Africa
The main building inside a castle complex is the
a. crenellation.
b. keep.
c. moat.
d. dungeon.
The principle of primogeniture allowed
a. serfs to have an equal share in the production of the land they worked.
b. serfs to purchase their own freedom.
c. the eldest male heir of an aristocratic family to inherit the entire estate.
d. None of these answers is correct.
Grace is bestowed by following the
a. five faith pillars.
b. seven sacraments.
c. ten paths to righteousness.
d. holy communion.
Extreme unction is another name given to which of the following acts?
a. admittance to the Church
b. the union of man and wife
c. the joining of human being to God
d. final absolution before death
The intermediate step between Heaven and Hell was defined by the medieval church as
a. the Eucharist.
b. Hades.
c. Purgatory.
d. Lateran.
Hildegard of Bingen
a. was abbess of a Benedictine convent.
b. was a scholar of Latin and German.
c. wrote visionary texts and a wealth of diverse academic literature.
d. All these answers are correct
Pope Innocent III’s On the Misery of the Human Condition is considered the greatest of medieval
a. allegories.
b. sermons.
c. epic poems.
d. songs.
Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of medieval drama?
a. miracle plays
b. mockery plays
c. mystery plays
d. morality plays
Dante’s Divine Comedy is which of the following literary types?
a. allegory
b. sermon
c. epic poem
d. song
According to Dante, the most foul of all sins is
a. parsimony.
b. adultery.
c. treachery.
d. neglect.
The intellectual melting pot of the medieval West was which of the following cities?
a. Bologna
b. Paris
c. Rome
d. Oxford
Which of the following is an accurate paraphrasing of the Augustinian credo regarding inquiry?
a. reason is paramount
b. the unasked question is never answered
c. faith precedes reason
d. science is just another face of God
Which of the following philosophers’ writings was safeguarded throughout the Middle Ages by Arab scholars and caused great intellectual challenges in the West once released?
a. Peter Abelard
b. Aristotle
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. Socrates
Which scholar’s Yes and No sought to balance multiple points of view in synthesizing a most-correct answer in terms of religious dogma?
a. Peter Abelard
b. Aristotle
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. Socrates
Which of the following was considered the greatest of the so-called Scholastics, a Dominican theologian and teacher, and author of the major treatise Summa Theologica?
a. Peter Abelard
b. Aristotle
c. Thomas Aquinas
d. Socrates
The first of the mendicant orders created at the Fourth Lateran Council was which of the following?
a. Carmelites
b. Jesuits
c. Dominicans
d. Franciscans
The dominant political, religious, and cultural force of the European Middle Ages was which of the following?
a. the mendicant orders of friars
b. the feudal system
c. the Catholic Church
d. the medieval university
The Benedictine abbey in the French city of ________ became a model for the revised and energized monastic tradition in the medieval West.
a. Tours
b. Paris
c. Cluny
d. Calais
Which of the following describes the purpose of a reliquary?
a. a housing arrangement for the monastic orders
b. an ornamental housing for important religious artifacts
c. a meeting place for worshippers; a church
d. a burial place for the congregation; consecrated ground
The medieval architects’ return to cut stone (in the ancient Roman method) for vaulting in their expanded churches introduced the new ________ style.
a. Palladian
b. Gothic
c. Romanesque
d. Classical
The dividing point between an earthly city and the realm of God was clearly illustrated by which of the following parts of the medieval church?
a. transept
b. clerestory
c. entrance portal
d. ambulatory
Historiated capitals are found as an element of which of the following parts of the medieval church?
a. arches above portals
b. columns
c. clerestory
d. ambulatory
In which of the following countries did the style of Gothic architecture begin?
a. Spain
b. the Netherlands
c. Italy
d. France
The Gothic cathedral was firstly a church, but it also acted as the official administrative seat of a
a. metropolitan
b. bishop
c. cardinal
d. archdeacon
The principal intercessor between God and the Christian believer is traditionally
a. the pope.
b. the Virgin Mary.
c. Jesus Christ.
d. the clergy.
The first example of a true Gothic cathedral was the construction of ________ between 1122 and 1144.
a. the Duomo in Milan
b. Notre Dame
c. Chartres
d. Saint-Denis
The flying buttress architectural feature was first employed at
a. the Duomo in Milan.
b. Notre Dame.
c. Chartres.
d. Saint-Denis.
The stained-glass windows at Chartres are especially unique for their emphasis on which of the following colors?
a. blue.
b. white.
c. green.
d. red
The crowning example of the Gothic period in Europe was the
a. Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris.
b. Duomo, Milan.
c. Chartres Cathedral, France.
d. Sainte Chapelle, Paris.
The chalky white plaster that formed the base layer for much medieval painting is called
a. tempera.
b. gesso.
c. fresco.
d. contrapposto
Musical developments during the Early Middle Ages were almost exclusively the products of
a. traveling minstrels.
b. monasteries.
c. royal courts.
d. soldiers.
Hildegard of Bingen’s Ordo virtutum is the earliest known ________ in Western history.
a. written music with notation
b. symphony
c. morality play
d. written sermon
The death of Charles IV of France in 1328 ended the Capet line of monarchs and opened up claims to the French throne by
a. the Germans.
b. the papacy.
c. the English.
d. the Turks.
The war that began as squabbling over the throne of Charles IV is now know as
a. the French Revolution.
b. the Great Game.
c. the War of the Roses.
d. the Hundred Years’ War.
According to the text, the war was particularly effective in ending which of the following things?
a. use of the foot soldier
b. horses
c. feudalism
d. monarchy
The relocation of the papacy from Rome to ________ is generally recognized as the beginning of the Great Schism.
a. Vichy
b. Avignon
c. Constantinople
d. Vatican City
The act of selling church leadership positions to the highest bidder regardless of qualifications is called
a. simony.
b. indulgences.
c. parsimony.
d. extreme unction.
Which of the following cities produced the “third” pope at a 1409 ecumenical council designed to heal the Great Schism?
a. Milan
b. Pisa
c. Capri
d. Piacere
Wycliffe and his band of followers were called which of the following?
a. Lombards
b. Lollards
c. Adventists
d. Anarchists
Where did the Black Death originate?
a. in France along the River Seine
b. in Asia where it was spread by the Mongols
c. in Asia Minor among the remnants of the Eastern Empire
d. in Great Britain along the Thames
What specific part of the human anatomy did the Black Death affect?
a. skin; black rash
b. lungs; akin to pleural pneumonia
c. lymphatic system; lymph nodes
d. circulatory system; blood-borne disease
In Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, where are the travelers going?
a. Lourdes
b. Paris
c. Canterbury
d. Rome
A painting or drawing technique that emphasizes gradations of light and shade upon the subject is called
a. contrapposto.
b. chiaroscuro.
c. impressionism.
d. realism
The early, innovative composer of Church music who successfully unified the parts of the Mass into a single musical composition was
a. Lorenzetti
b. Machaut
c. Pucelle
d. Giotto
The realistic sculptures of six Old Testament prophets surrounding a well was placed in the French monastery at Champmol by the master sculptor,
a. Boccaccio
b. Claus Sluter
c. Giotto
d. Michelangelo
Which of the following people is considered the world’s first feminist writer?
a. Lucretta Borgia
b. Beatrice of Hildebrand
c. Boccaccio
d. Christine de Pisan
In 1358, French peasants staged an angry protest known as ________ that took the lives of hundreds of noblemen before it was suppressed by the French king.
a. the Junkers
b. the Libertat
c. the Jacquerie
d. the French Revolution
The Renaissance was born in which of the following cities?
a. Athens
b. Rome
c. Florence
d. Pisa
Cultural and political leadership for the early Renaissance was under the auspices of which of the following families?
a. the Lombards
b. the Medici
c. the Visconti
d. the Castiglione
Which of the following events caused a climate of intellectual skepticism in middle-class men and women of the era?
a. the Black Death
b. the Hundred Years’ War
c. the Great Schism of the Catholic Church
d. None of these answers is correct
The artistic and intellectual movement to recover, edit, and study ancient Greek and Latin manuscripts is called
a. humanistic Classicism.
b. secular humanism.
c. Classical secularism.
d. Classical humanism.
The father of the new movement to recover, edit, and study ancient Greek and Latin manuscripts is generally regarded to be
a. Talleyrand.
b. Petrarch.
c. Pliny the Elder.
d. Pope Julius.
Which of the following stressed the importance of Classical education and hard work in the cultivation of virtù?
a. Alberti
b. Ficino
c. Pico della Mirandola
d. Castiglione
Which one of the following applied his vast study of ancient literature to defend free will and the unlimited potential of the individual?
a. Alberti
b. Ficino
c. Pico della Mirandola
d. Castiglione
Which one of the following translated the entire body of Plato’s writings from Greek into Latin?
a. Alberti
b. Ficino
c. Pico della Mirandola
d. Castiglione
Which one of the following established the then-modern educational ideal in the person of l’uomo univerale (the well-rounded individual)?
a. Alberti
b. Ficino
c. Pico della Mirandola
d. Castiglione
The Venetian writer ________ is famous for her written retort to a contemporary diatribe promoting the defects of women in The Nobility and Excellence of Women and the Defects Vices of Men.
a. Cereta
b. Marinella
c. Christine de Pisan
d. Cervantes
The central theme in Machiavelli’s The Prince is
a. anyone can lead if thrust into the position.
b. the need for a strong state justifies strong rule.
c. two wrongs do not make a right.
d. money is the root of all evil
The Book of the Courtier was written by which of the following?
a. Alberti
b. Ficino
c. Pico della Mirandola
d. Castiglione
Which of the following correctly identifies the approximate years of the Renaissance?
a. 940–1300
b. 940–1600
c. 1300–1600
The beginnings of the Renaissance can be found in which of the following?
a. Florence
b. Classical humanism
c. Petrarch
d. All these answers are correct
The word “renaissance” literally means
a. new breath.
b. new thinking.
c. rebirth.
d. to cover over the old.
In the commercial cities of Italy and the Netherlands, the arts became tangible expressions of increased
a. urbanization.
b. piety.
c. affluence.
d. crime and sin.
Renaissance artists were disciples of
a. God.
b. nature.
c. religion.
d. orthodoxy.
The first freestanding life-sized sculpture of a human since antiquity was created by which of the following?
a. Donatello
b. Masaccio
c. Ghiberti
d. Brunelleschi
Which of the following painted The Birth of Venus sometime after 1482?
a. Donatello
b. Masaccio
c. Botticelli
d. Brunelleschi
Which of the following was responsible for the colossal and innovative dome on the cathedral (il Duomo) in Florence, Italy
a. Donatello
b. Masaccio
c. Ghiberti
d. Brunelleschi
An early master of the new Renaissance technique of linear perspective, ________ died young but left many innovative church frescos in Florence.
a. Donatello
b. Masaccio
c. Ghiberti
d. Brunelleschi
________, the quintessential artist-scientist, tried to reconcile empirical experience with abstract principles of design.
a. Brunelleschi
b. Michelangelo
c. Leonardo
d. Ghiberti
In 1510, Pope Julius II commissioned which of the following artists to execute a series of frescoes for the Vatican Stanza Della Segnatura, including The School of Athens?
a. Michelangelo
b. Raphael
c. Leonardo
d. Ghiberti
Architect, sculptor, and painter, Michelangelo brought a ________ dimension, both in size and execution, to the treatment of traditional Christian and classical subjects.
a. sympathetic
b. heroic
c. understated
d. rough
The Venetian architect celebrated for having resuscitated the Classical ideals of symmetry and centrality in numerous buildings and villas throughout Northern Italy was
a. Bramante.
b. Palladio.
c. Michelangelo.
d. Ghiberti.
In Venice, Titian achieved fame for his ________ renderings of sensuous female nudes occupying landscapes and rich interiors.
a. painterly
b. pointillist
c. expressionist
d. impressionist
________ helped to popularize the madrigal and other vernacular song forms.
a. Church choirs
b. Troubadours
c. Concerts
d. Printed sheet music
Which innovative musical instrument developed in the Renaissance used multiple quills fixed to a keyboard that would pluck pre-tuned strings when depressed?
a. clavichord
b. harpsichord
c. spinet
d. piano
The Renaissance technique of marrying the manipulation of the musical composition to follow the literal meaning of a given text is called
a. melodizing.
b. sounding.
c. syncopation.
d. word painting.
Guglielmo Ebreo wrote the first known treatise on which of the following disciplines?
a. choral arranging
b. instrumental music
c. bronze casting
d. dance
The period between ________ was the greatest age of trans-Eurasian travel since the days of the Roman Empire.
a. 1300 and 1400
b. 1600 and 1800
c. 1400 and 1600
d. 900 and 1300
European exploration was motivated by the fall of ________ in 1453 to the Ottoman Turks, who now dominated overland trade routes to the East.
a. Rome
b. Constantinople
c. Syracuse
d. Jerusalem
The ________ produced maps and charts that exceeded the accuracy of those drafted by Classical and Muslim cartographers.
a. Dutch
b. Norwegians
c. Lombards
d. Portuguese
By 1498, ________ had navigated around Southern Africa to establish Portuguese trading posts in India.
a. Francesco Pegolotti
b. Vasco da Gama
c. Marco Polo
d. Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus, an Italian in the employ of ________, sailed west in search of an all-water route to China.
a. Spain
b. Portugal
c. Genoa
d. the papacy
Two features that distinguish the history of the vast African continent are the dominance of a kinship system that forms the basis of social and communal organization, and a(n) ________ view of nature.
a. monotheistic
b. scientific
c. patriarchic
d. animistic
Which of the following African empires did NOT come under the influence of Muslim culture?
a. Songhai
b. Ghana
c. Benin
d. Mali
The great body of African literature emerges out of
a. a written tradition.
b. an oral tradition.
c. a priest-to-initiate system.
d. a leader-scholar system
Inseparable from the rituals for which they were made, African masks function as transformative objects that work to
a. channel spiritual energy.
b. scare away evil.
c. depict a story.
d. illustrate musical lyrics.
The fourteenth-century travels of the scholar ________ document a cross-cultural encounter between peoples of vastly different customs and beliefs.
a. Andreas Walsperger
b. Ibn Battuta
c. Henry of Portugal
d. Magellan
By the year 1500, the ________ controlled the flow of both gold and slaves to Europe. The transatlantic slave trade commenced in 1551, when they began to ship thousands of slaves from Africa to work on the sugar plantations of Brazil.
a. British
b. Dutch
c. Portuguese
d. Venetians
Which of the following are NOT among the rich output of the native populations of the Northwest?
a. totems
b. masks
c. textiles
d. kachina figures
The last of the Native American empires, the ________, was centered in Mexico at their capital of Tenochitlán.
a. Aztec
b. Inca
c. Maya
d. Tua
The first of the great Meso-American empires, the ________ built civic centers with stone temples, palaces, and ball courts.
a. Aztec
b. Inca
c. Maya
d. Tua
At their height in the late fifteenth century, the ________ ruled a Peruvian empire of some sixteen million people. They left monumental architecture, textiles, and ritual objects in silver and gold.
a. Aztec
b. Inca
c. Maya
d. Tua
The technological innovation that spurred the Protestant Reformation was the
a. compass.
b. ability to pave roadways.
c. printing press.
d. long bow.
The devotio moderna movement first took root in which of the following countries?
a. Italy
b. Switzerland
c. Spain
d. the Netherlands
Besides the Bible, which of the following was the most frequently published book in the Christian West well into modern times?
a. the Divine Comedy
b. The Book of Hours
c. Imitatio Christi
d. Canterbury Tales
The leading Christian humanist of his day, ________ led the critical study of the Bible and writings of the church fathers.
a. Pliny the Elder
b. Plato
c. Cicero
d. Erasmus
Across the loose confederation of German territories, the Church’s sale of indulgences for the specific purpose of ________ provoked harsh lay criticism and was the final straw that eventually led to the Protestant Reformation.
a. rebuilding Saint Peter’s Cathedral in Rome
b. sending missionaries to the Orient
c. repaving the streets in Paris
d. outfitting the pontiff in several new outfits
________ was the voice of the Protestant Reformation.
a. Albrecht Dürer
b. Martin Luther
c. John Calvin
d. Thomas More
The 1517 call for Church reform posted on the Wittenberg Cathedral’s door was titled
a. The Prince.
b. the Divine Comedy.
c. the Ninety-Five Theses.
d. Imitatio Christi.
German princes either held fast in their allegiance to Rome, or banded together under the name of
a. Lutherans.
b. Calvinists.
c. the Anabaptists.
d. Anglicans.
A Zurich-based radical wing of Protestantism called ________ rejected all seven of the Catholic sacraments, turning instead to individual acceptance of God.
a. Lutherans
b. Calvinists
c. the Anabaptists
d. Anglicans
A Geneva-based Protestant sect named ________ emphasized the predestined nature of humanity from birth for salvation or damnation.
a. Lutherans
b. Calvinists
c. the Anabaptists
d. Anglicans
In 1526, Henry VIII declared himself head of which of the following organizations?
a. Lutherans
b. Calvinists
c. the Anabaptists
d. Anglicans
The founder of Protestantism favored above all others which of the following types of music?
a. the Mass
b. the chorale
c. the concerto
d. the Gregorian chant
The pioneer of Northern Realism in painting was the Flemish artist
a. Giovanni Nicolas Arnolfini.
b. Hieronymus Bosch.
c. Raphael.
d. Jan van Ecyk.
The literary genre of the novel was first created in Japan; which of the following is considered the first Western novel?
a. the Divine Comedy
b. Tale of Genji
c. Don Quixote
d. Canterbury Tales
The most powerful form of literary expression to evolve in the late sixteenth
century was secular
a. readings.
b. dance.
c. drama.
d. sermons.