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24 Cards in this Set

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What is the vaccine name for following abbreviation?

measles, mumps, rubella
What is the vaccine name for following abbreviation?

hepatitis b

vaccine abbreviation

common name

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments

vaccine abbreviation - DTaP, Td, DT (combo)

common name - lock jaw

invader type - bacteria

result of infection - stiffness of the jaw & muscles

vaccine administration - IM

special comments - dtap combo vaccine contains diptheria, tetanus, pertussis adults use Td (tetanus, diptheria) & children use DT (diptheria, tetanus)
DTaP requires 5 vaccinations
Adult Immunization Recommendations

For tetanus immunization, who is the vaccine recommended for and at what interval?

interval - after initial series as a child, every 10 years for healthy patients

patients with a contaminated would, vaccinate now if not immunized within the last 5 years
Adult Immunization Recommendations

For flu immunization, who is the vaccine recommended for and at what interval?
age 50+
chronic illness
weakened immune system
work in a health care setting
live in a long term care facility
pregnant mothers after the 3rd month of prenancy

interval - every year

vaccine abbreviation

common name

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments

vaccine abbreviation - IPV

common name - polio

invader type - virus

result of infection - paralysis, usually of the legs

vaccine administration - SQ

special comments - requires 4 vaccinations

vaccine abbreviation

common name

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

vaccine abbreviation - varivax

common name - chicken pox

invader type - virus

result of infection - red itchy rash

vaccine administration - SQ
Adult Immunization Recommendations

For hepatitis b immunization, who is the vaccine recommended for and at what interval?
patients with more than 1 sexual partner in the last 6 months
men having sex with other men
patients having sex with a partner who has hepatitis b
patients living in a household with someone who has hepatitis b
illicit drug users patients with hemodialysis health care workers exposed to bodily fluids

interval - 3 injections, once in a lifetime
Adult Immunization Recommendations

For pneumonia immunization, who is the vaccine recommended for and at what interval?
age 65+
chonic illness
weakened immune system
spleen was removed

interval - every 5 years
Child Immunization Schedule

What is the recommended vaccines for the following ages?

2 months
4 months
6 months
9 months
12 months
15 months
3 to 6 years
5 years
11 years
Child Immunization Schedule

Here is the recommended vaccines for the following ages...

2 months - PCV, HBV, DTaP, IPV
4 months - PCV, HBV, DTaP, IPV
6 months - PCV, DTaP
9 months - HBV, IPV
12 months - MMR, Varivax
15 months - PCV, DTaP
3 to 6 years - MMR
5 years - DTaP, IPV
11 years - Td

vaccine abbreviation

common name

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments

vaccine abbreviation - MMR (combo)

common name - german measles

invader type - virus

result of infection - distinctive red rash

vaccine administration - SQ

special comments - MMR combo vaccine contains measles, mumps, rebella rubella is closely related to measles, but caused by a different virus very damaging in pregnant women, especially in the 1st trimester can cause fetus death/abnormalities
MMR requires 4 vaccinations

vaccine abbreviation

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments

vaccine abbreviation - DTaP, Td, DT (combo)

invader type - bacteria

result of infection - sore throat, fever, swollen gland, weakness

vaccine administration - IM

special comments - dtap combo vaccine contains diptheria, tetanus, pertussis adults use td (tetanus, diptheria) & children use dt (diptheria, tetanus)
dtap requires 5 vaccinations

vaccine abbreviation

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments

vaccine abbreviation - MMR (combo)

invader type - virus

result of infection - swelling in one or both parotid salivary glands (below & in front of ears)

vaccine administration - SQ

special comments - MMR combo vaccine contains measles, mumps, rubella
MMR requires 4 vaccinations

vaccine abbreviation

common name

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments
pertussis vaccine abbreviation - DTaP, DPT (combo)

common name - whooping cough

invader type - bacteria

result of infection - severe cough & high pitched intake of breathe that sounds like a whoop

vaccine administration - IM

special comments - DTaP combo vaccine contains diptheria, tetanus, pertussis
hepatitis b

vaccine abbreviation

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration
hepatitis b

vaccine abbreviation - HBV

invader type - virus

result of infection - chronic liver infection that can lead to cirrhosis/cancer

vaccine administration - IM

vaccine abbreviation

common name

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments

vaccine abbreviation - flu

common name - flu

invader type - virus

result of infection - infection of the upper respiratory system, high fever, body aches

vaccine administration - IM

special comments - annual flu immunization is required each year
the flu vaccine is made using 3 most likely flu viruses

vaccine abbreviation

common name

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments

vaccine abbreviation - PPV (adults), PCV (infants)

common name - pneumonia

invader type - bacteria

result of infection - inflammation of the lungs

vaccine administration - IM

special comments - protects from 23 types of pneumoccal bacteria
PCV (infants) requires 4 vaccinations

common name

invader type

result of infection

vaccine administration

special comments

common name - smallpox

invader type - virus

result of infection - fever, malaise (general feeling of unwellness), headache, severe fatigue, severe back pain, flat red lesions that fill with pus & erupt, deep pitted scars

vaccine administration - scratch method

special comments - smallpox vaccine does not contain the smallpox virus
contains a closely related virus called vaccinia
administration uses a special needle with 2 lines that scratch the skin's surface
a sore appears just like the actual smallpox cycle develops at the administration site
this area contains active live viruses which are very contagious if the area is touched
infection can spread to other body parts or individuals
the site remains contagious until the formed scab falls off
What is the vaccine name for following abbreviation?

diptheria, tetanus, pertussis
What is the vaccine name for following abbreviation?

polio, inactivated virus
What is the vaccine name for following abbreviation?

pneumococcal conjugate vaccine
What is the vaccine name for following abbreviation?

tetanis, diptheria booster for adults
What is the vaccine name for following abbreviation?

diptheria, tetanus booster for children
What is the vaccine name for following abbreviation?

varicella (chicken pox)