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39 Cards in this Set

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10 mm

The EKG machine is properly standardized if 1mV produces a deflection of how many milimeters (mm)

The eletrical activity of the heart

What does the EKG record?



The pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood from the lungs to the heart. True or false?


Right leg

This limb sensor is the reference or ground electrode

Normal PR Interval

0.12 - 0.20 measures this duration

PR interval

This represents the time it takes for electrical impulses to travel from the SA node and atria to the AV node, bundle of His, bundle branches and to the Purkinje fibers


The horizontal axis on an ekg represents what unit of measurement

Left leg to left arm LL LA

The proper electrode for lead III is located where


A decrease in the amount of blood flow to a section of the heart can cause chest pain and discomfort, which is called:

25 mm/sec

The normal running speed of the EKG paper


Electrodes are also referred to as what

Pt diagnosis

EKG strips should include all of the following except:

Date of the exam

Technician name or initial

Pt name or initial

Pt Diagnosis

Lead II

The left leg is positive and the right arm is negative

P wave

The first electrical impulse that is recorded on the EKG paper during a normal cardiac cycle


Several waveforms


Movement away from the baseline


A waveform + a segment


A line between waveforms

Heart attack and coronary occlusion

What are two other names for a myocardial infarction

30 large boxes or 150 small boxes

When the speed of the ECG paper equals 25 mm/sec, the 6 sec strip is represented by how many boxes

10 leads

The 12 lead EKG is produced by applying how many leads on a pt

0.20 seconds

Large boxes on an ekg measures this unit of time

0.04 seconds / 1 mm high

Small squares on an ekg represent these units of measurement

Time / size


The vertical axis of the ecg measures what unit

15 large squares

A 3 second strip represents how many large squares

6 sec strip = 30 large boxes

Less than 0.12 seconds

What is the normal QRS complex measurement

R-R interval (or P-P)

When analyzing a strip, you determine rhythm by looking at what on the ecg

Measuring a strips RATE

When analyzing a strips ____, you can:

-Estimate by counting R peaks in 6 sec strip and multiply by 10

-Count small blocks in R-R interval and divide into 1500

-Count the amount of large boxes in R-R intervals and divide into 300


A qrs measurement that 0.16 seconds is considered what:

More than 12 seconds

Artifacts/EKG interferences

60 cycle appliances

Muscle tremors


Affects results of ekgs

Flat line on ekg

A pt is in systole

The leads have come off

Pt is not hooked up

These are the causes of this on ekg tracing...

Sinus dysrhythmia

A rhythm that has all the characteristics of a normal sinus rhythm, but is irregular

SA node

Natural pacemaker of the heart

Semi Fowlers 30 degrees

Position of a pt with orthopnea

Trouble breathing

60 cycle interference/ electrical interference

Electrical cord localized under the pt bed produces which artifact

80 bpm

The number of R waves on a six second strip is 8. Whats the HR

60 bpm

The R-R interval is 5 large boxes, the HR is:


Erroneous mark

What kind of artifact is produced by a loose electrode


On an ecg of a 75 yo pt with complaints of chest pain, there are 37 small boxes in RR interval. What's the rhythm
