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130 Cards in this Set

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divisions of the lung bud are called

dichotomous divisions

• Fluid in pleural cavity


• Lymph in pleural cavity


• Air in pleural cavity


• Blood in pleural cavity


Lungs, at birth, have ______ of adult respiratory bronchioles


postnatal lung growth increases the ______of alveoli.


The number of alveoli and respiratory bronchioles continues increasing until______of age

10 years

When do type I and II alveolar epithelial cells appear?

at 7 months

What's surfactant made out of (mostly)


Contents of alveolar fluid

high electrolyte concentration
with a little protein

What happens if there's no surfactant at birth?

fetal respiratory distress syndrome

How long does the pseudoglandular period last?

5-16 weeks`

How long does the canalicular period last?

16-26 weeks

How long does the terminal sac period last?

26 weeks to birth

How long does the alveolar period last?

8 months 'til childhood (about 10 years old)

The most frequent type of tracheoesophageal atresia?

The proximal part of the esophagus is atretic, while the distal part forms a fistula with the trachea.

Tracheoesophageal fistulas usually accompany ___________ -______ of the time

heart anomalies


The 1st pharyngeal cleft forms ________

the external acoustic hiatus

the pharyngeal pouches form the ______

Eustachian tube, palatine tonsils, parathyroid gland

The ______pharyngeal arches will develop the larynx

4th and 6th

the entrance into the trachea is called

the laryngeal orifice

Epiglottal swellings come from

the fourth pharyngeal arch

Laryngeal swellings come from

the sixth pharyngeal arch

cartilages of the larynx

3 unpaired: epiglottis, thyroid, and cricoid
3 paired: arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform

the respiratory system from the larynx downwards is made out of _____ except the surrounding muscles and CT which come from____

visceral/splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm

Structures that form the tongue

Foramen cecum, the copula, lateral lingual swellings

the thyroid gland comes from _____originally and then it migrates to the ______ of the larynx through the ____

the tongue
thyroid cartilage

foramen cecum

nerves to the larynx

a) Superior laryngeal nerve → to 4
b) Recurrent laryngeal nerve → to 6

Sometimes bronchioles close and form a ______ of the lung

congenital cyst
(polycystic lung)

When is the buccopharyngeal membrane ruptured?

4th week

the cardiac orifice of the stomach is in the thorax →

congenital hiatal hernia.

The bare area of the liver is covered by

the central tendon of the diaphragm

The stomach appears as a fusiform dilation in ___

the fourth week of development

Around the stomach, the left vagus nerve becomes the ____vagus nerve, and the right vagus nerve becomes the _____vagus nerve



The stomach becomes oblique after it rotates around its____

Anteroposterior axis

Differential growth in the stomach leads to the formation of

the lesser and greater curvatures

The _____ called “the policeman of the abdomen” because _______

Greater omentum
the lymphatic vessels in it are variable and move towards areas of infection to localize them.

the connection between the greater and lesser sacs

Epiploic foramen/ opening of lesser sac/ Omental foramen

The doudenum is ___ inches long


The 1st part of the duodenum is

2 inches long

The 2nd part of the duodenum is

3 inches long

the 3rd part of the duodenum is

4 inches long

the 4th part of the duodenum is

1 inch long

• The whole small intestine is_____meters long


The large intestine is _______ meters long


The first and last inches of the duodenum are


The root of the mesentery is

15 cm long

The superior mesenteric artery and vein run through ____

the root of the mesentery

• How do we differentiate between the jejunum and the ileum during surgery?

o The mesentery is thick at the end, and thin (translucent) at the beginning.
o The arcade system of branching, arching arteries is obvious at the beginning and less visible at the end
o The jejunum is thicker than the ileum

canaliculi are formed by

the hepatic bud

when does the liver weight 10% of body weight?

at 10 weeks because it's active in hematopoiesis

when does the liver weigh 5% of body weight

2 months before birth

When does the liver start producing bile secretions?

at 12 weeks

the bile duct is formed from

the hepatic bud

the gallbladder bud and cystic duct are formed from

the bile duct

The ventral pancreatic bud forms the

uncinate process of the pancreas and the lower part of the head of the pancreas

The dorsal pancreatic bud forms the

upper part of the head of the pancreas, in addition to the body and the neck and the tail

The main pancreatic duct is formed from the

distal part of the dorsal pancreatic duct and the entire ventral pancreatic duct

The accessory pancreatic duct is formed from

the proximal part of the dorsal pancreatic bud. .

a ring around the duodenum in

annular pancreas

distension of the gallbladder, the hepatic duct and the cystic duct in

obliteration of the bile duct

Physiological umbilical hernia occurs in the ____ week, and it goes back to normal in the ____week.



The intestines will rotate _____ degrees _____

270 counter-clockwise.

In ____% of cases, pelvic appendix


In ___% of cases, retrocecal/ retrocolic appendix


the base of the appendix is the

point where tenia coli meet at the cecum

when the intestines only rotate 90 degrees we get

left-sided colon

when the intestines rotate 90 degrees clockwise we get

Reversed rotation of the intestinal loop

the proximal part of the vitelline duct persists and the distal part is obliterated into a vitelline ligament

Meckel's diverticulum

• The middle portion of the vitelline duct persists

vitelline cyst

• Feces emerges from the umbilicus

umbilical/ vitelline fistula

the affected portion of the bowel is coiled around a remnant of mesentery.

apple-peel atresia (10%)

in _____ of cases, there are multiple atresias in the intestinal wall


In ______of cases, a region of the bowel is lost The first part is normal-sized and closed off, the second part is stenosed and closed off


The urorectal septum separates the cloaca into

urogenital sinus and anorectal canal

The urorectal septum separates the cloacal memebrane into

anal membrane and urogenital membrane

o The urorectal septum forms the _____

perineal body

the superior part of the urogenital sinus forms the

urinary bladder

The pectinate line is formed from ______

anal sinuses

• Anal fistula at thigh with pus coming out

anal fissure

Length of male urethra

15-20cm long

Length of female urethra

4 cm

Pronephros appears and degenerates in ___

4th week

excretory tubules from mesonephros appear at ____ and stop functioning at _____ and degenerate at ____

4 weeks

8 weeks

8 months

the ____ will form the permanent kidney


The collecting system is composed of:

collecting tubules + the ureters + the renal pelvis + the major and minor calyces

The excretory system is composed of

renal corpuscle + proximal convoluted tubule + loop of Henle + distalconvoluted tubule

At birth kidneys are ____


Urine accumulates and forms sacs in____

polycystic kidney

When the uretric bud divides in two, we get a ___

bifid ureter

Kidneys are usually developed in the ___


Pelvic kidneys are usually accompanied by___

stone formation

Accessory renal arteries usually arise from the aorta and enter the _____

superior or inferior poles of the kidneys.

The horseshoe kidney is usually at the level of ______ because its ascent is prevented by the ______

the lower lumbar vertebrae

root of the inferior mesenteric artery

Parts of the urogenital sinus

• Upper part → forms the urinary bladder

• Middle part → definitive urogenital sinus → forms prostatic and membranous urethra in maleso Participates in formation of the female urethra

• Third part → phallic part → forms penile urethra in males o Participates in formation of the female urethra

Prostatic glands secrete ___ containing ____

seminal fluid

• Gonadal development is determined by _____

the presence/ absence of the Y chromosome.

the SRY gene carries ____

testis determining factor

testes/ ovaries are formed in the ____

seventh week

Primitive sex cords cords form

rete testis cords and horseshoe-shaped cords (seminepherous cords)

Mesonephric ducts in the male genital system form

excretory mesonephric ducts → will form efferent ductules
they themselves from the vas deferens

_____ + ____ = ejaculatory duct → opens in_____

Seminal duct + vas deferens

prostatic urethra.

supporting cells of primordial germ cells

Sustentacular cells of Sertoli

produce testosterone

Interstitial cells of Leydig

in females the medullary sex cords____

degenerate. instead, new cortical cords are formed

genital ducts and external genitalia develop under the effect of ______


secrete Mullerian inhibitory substance

Sartolli cells

In males, remnants of the paramesonephric ducts form

appendix of the testis
atticus prostaticus

In males, the mesonephric ducts form

the epididymis
the vas deferens

the seminal vesicles

the ejaculatory ducts

the paradidymis →vestigeal

the appendix of the epididymis→ vestigeal

The uterine canal forms

the body of the uterus, the cervix of the uterus, and the upper third of the vagina.

What forms the lower 2/3 of the vagina

sinovaginal bulbs

The hymen is formed from

a part of the wall of the urogenital sinus that's left behind

Epoophoron and Paraoophoron.

vestigeal structures in the mesovarium from remnants of the mesonephric ducts

Gartner cyst

remnants of the mesonephric ducts in the wall of the vagina

septum between paramesonephric ducts persisted

uterus didelphysis w/ double vagina

uterus is only slightly indented in the middle

uterus arcuatus

uterus has two horns entering a common vagina

uterus bicornis

complete or partial atresia of one of the paramesonephric ducts

uterus bicornis unicollis

Three common structures in external genitalia

urethral folds

genital tubercule

genital swellings

Parts of the penile urethra

endodermal→ from urogenital sinus
ectodermal→ at tip

urethral folds don’t close over the urethral groove at the root of the glans


urethral opening is found on the dorsum of the penis


ectopia vesica is accompanied by


When do external genitalia develop?

in weeks 3-8

undescended testes


testes reach inguinal region at

12 weeks

testes reach inguinal canal at

28 weeks

testes enter the scrotum at

33 weeks

testes may descend normally ___ after birth

up 'til 3 months