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101 Cards in this Set

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Which items should operator's check when troubleshooting poor ultraviolet (UV)disinfection performance?

Biofilms on UV channel walls and equipment Particles shielding bacteria

System hydraulics

What is the chlorine demand of a water that is doses at 5.0 mg/L? The chlorine residualis 1.5 mg/L after a 30-minute contact period/

3.5 mg/L

What should be the setting on a chlorinator (lbs chlorine per 24 hours) if a pump usually delivers 500 GPM and the desired chlorine dosage is 5.0 mg/L?

30 lbs chlorine/24 hours

At 9:00 am on Wednesday morning, a chlorine cylinder weighs 72 pounds. At 9:00 am on Thursday morning, the same cylinder weighs 58 pounds. What is the chlorinator feed rate in pounds per 24 hours?

14 lbs per 24 HOURS

What is the chlorine dose in mg/L is a chlorinator feeds at a rate of 30 lbs per 24 hours and the flow is 0.50 MGD?

7.2 mg/L

Water from a well is being treated by a hypochlorinator. If the hypochlorinator is set at a pumping rate of 24 gallons per day (GPD) and uses a two percent available chlorine solution, what is the chlorine dose in mg/L if the pump delivers 125 GPM?

2.7 mg/L

What is the water velocity in a channel in feet per second if a float travels 32 feet in seconds?

4.0 ft/sec

That is the water flow rate in an open channel in cubic feet per second (SCS) if the channel is three feet wide, the water depth is 2.0 feet, and the water velocity is two feet per second?

12/0 cu ft/sec

What is the water flow rate in a 15-inch diameter pipe in gallons per minute (GPM) when the flow velocity is 1.6 feet per second?

(end of chapter 7)

884 GPM

Corrosion is a very simple problem, involving numerous chemical, electrical, physical,and biological factors


Corrosion can occur only on the interior of metal piping and equipment.


If the rust film inside a pipe is flushed away, the corrosion reaction accelerates again.


The degree to which a particular metal will become anodic (corrode) in a galvanic reaction is related to its tendency to enter into solution


The types of coatings or other protective measures taken on both the inside and outside of pipes and tanks play a major role in corrosion activity.


The rate of chemical reactions usually increases as temperature drop.


The hydrogen ion is extremely active (Corrosive) at pH values above 4


Chloride and sulfate ions in water may inhibit the formation of protective scales by keeping hardness ions in solution


If no oxygen is present in well water, the water cannot be corrosive


A positive Langelier Index indicates that the water is supersaturated with calciumcarbonate and will tend to be corrosive


The calculations used to determine the chemical dose required to saturate water with calcium carbonate ar exact


To achieve and maintain a high degree of corrosion control, operators must regularlyinspect and test the operation of the cathodic protection systems and it’s parts


Electrolysis of water mains can result from stray currents generated by cathodic protection installed by the gas company


The EPA specifically allows the utility to dispute the accuracy of a first-draw samplecollected by a resident


All utilities must provide a notification of tap water monitoring results for lead to owners and/or occupants of homes and buildings


What is the electrolyte?

A substance which dissociates (separates) into two or more ions when it isdissolved in water

The seventy and type of corrosion depend on which factors

The chemical and physical characteristics of the water and the material

Electrochemical corrosion caused by the joining of dissimilar metals is called what type of corrosion?

Galvanic corrosion

What is a sacrificial anode?

An easily corroded material deliberately installed in a pipe or tank

What is a corrosion inhibitor?

A substance that slows the rate of corrosion

What action is responsible for the foul odors usually found is the dead ends of water mains?

Action of anaerobic bacteria on traces of organic matter and on reducing thesulfate ions to sulfide

What is a coupon?

A steel specimen inserted into water to measure the corrosiveness of water

Why should accurate records be maintained of drinking water complaints?

To help determine where corrosion problems are occurring and indicate how theproblem can be corrected

The selection of a chemical to achieve calcium carbonate saturation will depend on which factors?

The water quality characteristics of the water and the coast of chemicals

What is the major use of sodium polyphosphates in water treatment?

To control scale formation in waters that are supersaturated with calcium carbonate

Why is cathodic protection of flocculators, clarifiers, and filters a very effective means of controlling corrosion?

Maintenance and repair of protective coatings on these facilities is very difficult

How does lead primarily enter drinking water?

As a result of the corrosion, or wearing away, of materials containing lead in the water distribution system and household plumbing

The number of samples to be collected for lead and copper analysis is based on which factor?

Size (population served) of the distribution system

The success of corrosion inhibitor addition depends on which factor?

The ability of the inhibitor to provide a continuous coating throughout thedistribution system

What is a negative side effect of controlling corrosion using silicates?

May reduce the useful life of domestic hot water heaters due to glassification

Which physical factors influence corrosion?

Soil moisture

Stray electric current

System construction

System pressure

Temperature of water

Which chemical factors influence corrosion?


Chloride and sulfate

Dissolved oxygen



Which biological factors influence corrosion?

Iron bacteria

Sulfate-reducing bacteria

Which items are indicators of corrosion problems in a water distribution system?

Chemical tests on the water indicate corrosiveness

Consumers are complaining about dirty or red water

Materials removed from the distribution system show signs of corrosion damages

The distribution system has an increasing number of leaks

Which approaches are commonly used by water treatment plant operators to determine the calcium carbonate saturation level of their water?

Langelier Index

Marble Test

How can internal pipe corrosion be detected?

By examining the insides of pipes for evidence of corrosion

By examining the insides of pipes for pitting and tubercles

By rusty water complaints

How can external pipe corrosion be detected?

By observing pinhole leaks

By observing rust on the outside of pipes

The 2007 revisions and clarifications to the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) enhance the implementation of the 1991 rule in which areas?)

Customer awareness

Lead service line replacement



If routine monitoring indicates that a lead and copper problem exists in the source water feeding the distribution system, the utility must remove the contaminant from the source water by selection one of which treatment methods?


Ion exchange

Lime softening

Reverse osmosis

Public education programs are designed to provide the consumer with information on how to minimize the exposure to lead in the water through which activities?

Checking new plumbing for lead solder

Cooking with cold rather than hot tap water

Flushing the taps before use

Testing their water for lead

What horsepower must a pump deliver to water that must be listed 90 feet? The flow is 40 GPM.

0.9 HP

If the required water horsepower of a pump is 40 HP, what must be the motor horsepower if the efficiency of the pump is 75 percent and the efficiency of the motor is 90 percent?

59 HP

How many kilowatt-hours per day are required by a pump with a motor horsepower of 45 horsepower when the pump operates 24 hours per day?

806 kW-hr/day

What is the wire-to-water efficiency of the pump if the water horsepower is 7.2 horsepower and the power input is 10.3 horsepower?

(end of chapter 8)


Tastes and odors in drinking water are among the most common and difficult problems that confront waterworks operators


Operators must treat for tastes and odors before the problem occurs


When searching for the causes of tastes and odors, each water system must be evaluated individually since each will have unique characteristics that may significantly affect water quality


Pollutants themselves normally cause the oxygen concentration in the water to decrease


When algae produce oxygen, carbon dioxide is removed from the water and the pH will increase during the daylight hours.


Inadequate or incomplete maintenance of water treatment plants and water distributionsystems will result in water quality deterioration


Comprehensive flushing program should be used by utilities as part of a system water quality maintenance effort


Sometimes a taste and odor problem is traceable directly to the consumer’s plumbing system


Dewatering a treatment plant during a taste and odor episode is a practical means of removing the source of the problem


Cross connections in the distribution system are potentially very hazardous and can be a source of taste and odor complaints


One single treatment process is applicable to all taste and odor problems


In plants where chlorine is added to the head works, a decrease in odor levels may occur due to the destruction of algal cells by the chlorine


In general, volatile compounds will be noticed as objectionable odors, while less volatile compounds are more often associated with objectionable tastes


By application of a strong oxidant, objectionable taste and odor compounds are chemically modified or broken down into less objectionable by-products


Never store permanganate in the same area where activated carbon is stored because they are both highly flammable


Ozone is a stable form of oxygen that is an extremely powerful oxidant


Powdered activated carbon (PAC) may be applied to the water at any point in the processafter filtration


From an economic standpoint, it is good practice to apply chlorine and powdered activated carbon (PAC) near the same location


If the air around the plant contains the odor of concern, none of the people at the plant site will be able to perform the threshold odor number (TON) test


Every water utility must have an effective communications network to deal with all types of consumer complaints


What is the secret to successful taste and odor control?

Prevent tastes and odors from ever developing

When ammonia is added to the treatment process, what common taste and odor compounds may be formed?

Odoriferous inorganic chloramines

How does the depletion of oxygen in the bottom layers of reservoirs contribute to taste and odor problems?

By providing suitable conditions for the growth of microorganisms capable of production objectionable compounds such as hydrogen sulfide

What must be the primary concern of water utility operators after a chemical spill?

Health-related effects due to the toxicity of spilled chemicals

How does urban runoff contribute to tastes and odors, especially in areas where precipitation occurs only during a limited portion of the year?

During dry periods, oil, grease, gasoline and other residues accumulate on paved surfaces and are washed into the local receiving water

What should be the first step in determining the cause of tastes and odors?

To locate where in the overall system the problem is originating

What is often the first warning that a water supplier has a cross-connection problem?

Complaints about a musty, septic, or other strange odor in the water

What is a distinct advantage of ozone over chlorine treatment for tastes and odors?

Objectionable by-products of the ozone reaction do not normally form

What is the most common adsorption technique used specifically for taste and odor control at water treatment plants?

Powdered activated carbon (PAC)

Why do carbon slurry tanks require continuous mixing

To prevent settling and caking of the carbon

How can an operator determine the necessary powdered activated carbon (PAC) dose required to treat the specific taste and odor problem that exists?

Use jar test

What is a slurry?

A watery mixture or suspension of insoluble (not dissolved) matter

Why should bags of powdered activated carbon (PAC) be stored off the floor?

To prevent caking due to spilled or sprayed water

How is it possible for a water utility to predict the start of taste and odor problems and take corrective action before consumers are affected?

By keeping complete and accurate records of taste and odor outbreaks

What is required to provide the public with high-quality, safe, and pleasing supplies of drinking water?

Adequate training of operators responsible for water treatment

Water utilities commonly receive which types of drinking water quality complaints?

Water has an objectionable taste

Water looks dirty of colored

Water smells bad

What are the causes of taste and odor problems water utilities may experience?

Biological growth in source water

Environmental conditions

Human activities in the environment

Specific taste and odor compounds

Which types of algae are known to produce taste and odor compounds?

BLue-green algae



Yellow-green Algae

The contribution to municipal drinking water taste and odor problems by agricultural runoff depends on which factors?

Local irrigation practices

Nature and extent of farming in the watershed Precipitation patterns

Many municipal water intake facilities are located upstream of major agricultural areas to avoid possible contamination of the water supply by which items?



Microbial contaminants (Crypotosporidium and Giardia)


Cross connections commonly occur in which types of situations?

A hose connected to the house is left in a swimming pool

A hose connected to the house is used to apply chemical fertilizers or pesticides

A hose connected the the house is used to flush a car radiator

A potable water source used as a seal supply is connected to a pump deliveringunapproved or non potable water

A sprinkler system using nonpotable water is connected to a potable water supply

The success of chlorination as a taste and odor treatment will depend on which factors?

Contact time between chlorine and the water prior to delivery

Dose applied

Seriousness of the problem

Type of odor

A standard water quality complaint form should include a place for recording which items?

Date and time of the complaint

Description of the problem

Location (address)

Name of the person taking the complaint

What is the volume of a rectangular sedimentation basin 8 feet deep, 20 feet wide, and 55 feet long?

8,800 cu ft

What is the theoretical detention time in hours for a rectangular sedimentation basin with a volume of 65,000 gallons when the flow is 1.0 MGD?

(end of chapter 9)

1.56 hr

Primary drinking water regulations establish maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) based on aesthetic considerations and secondary standards are based on the health significanceof the contaminants


Water treatment plant operators should prepare a checklist of daily operating activities for their plant


To achieve calcium carbonate saturation, which chemicals should be added to waters with high levels of hardness and alkalinity?

Caustic soda

Soda Ash