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56 Cards in this Set

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collections of cells adapted to perform a specific function
a group of tissues designed to perform a specific function (example the heart which contains muscle tissue, nerve tissue, and so on)
organ system
a collection of organs that work together to perform an overall function
compartments, particles, or filaments that perform specialized functions within a cell
any of a class of fat-related substances that contain phosphorus, fatty acids, and a nitrogen-containing component. They are an essential part of every cell
a compound that speeds the rate of a chemical process but is not altered by that process (almost all are proteins)
the fluid and organelles (except the nucleus) in a cell
not requiring oxygen
the main sites of energy production in a cell. They contain the pathway for oxidizing fat for fuel, among other metabolic pathways
requiring oxygen
cell nucleus
an organelle bound by its own double membrane and containing chromosomes, the genetic information for cell protein synthesis and cell replication
a specific segment on a chromosome, provide the blueprint for the production of cell proteins
a single, large DNA molecule and its associated proteins; contains many genes to store and transmit genetic information
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
the site of hereditary information in cells it directs synthesis of cell proteins
ribonucleic acid (RNA)
the single stranded nucleic acid involved in the transcription of genetic information and translation of that information into protein structure
when information on DNA needed to make a protein is copied onto RNA
cytoplasmic particles that mediate the linking together of amino acids to form proteins: may exist freely in the cytoplasm or attached to endoplasmic reticulum
when the information contained in RNA is used to determine the amino acids in a protein
gene expression
use of DNA information on a gene to produce a protein, thought to be a major determination of cell development
endoplasmic reticulum
communication network
Golgi complex
packaging site for protein
secretory vesicles
membrane-bound vesicles produced by the Golgi containing protein and other compounds to be secreted by the cell
cell's digestive system
detoxify harmful chemicals
adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
main energy currency for cells (used to promote ion pumping, enzyme activity, and muscular contraction)
epithelial tissue
tissue that lines the outside surfaces and external passages
connective tissue
tissue that holds structures together
muscle tissue
tissue that contracts to cause movement
nervous tissue
tissue that transports nerve impulses
cardiovascular system
system consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and blood. Circulates blood through the body
lymphatic system
system consisting of vessels and lymph which helps to maintain fluid balance and contain immune cells
a clear fluid that flows through lymph vessels; carries most forms of fat after their absorption by the small intestine
a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart
exchange of nutrients and waste
a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart
portal circulation
portion of the circulatory system that uses a large vein (portal vein) to carry nutrient-rich blood from capillaries in the intestines and portions of the stomach to the liver
nitrogenous waste product of protein metabolism; major source of nitrogen in the urine
portal vein
large vein leaving the intestine and stomach and connecting to the liver
nervous system
the body system consisting of the brain, spinal chord, nerves, and sensory receptors. This system detects sensations, directs movements, and controls physiological and intellectual functions
the structural and functional unit of the nervous system. consists of cell body, dendrites, and an axon
the space between one neuron and another neuron
a compound made by a nerve cell that allows for communication between it and other cells
a neurotransmitter from nerve endings and a hormone from the adrenal gland. It is released in times of stress and is involved in hunger regulation, blood glucose regulation, and other body processes
a hormone also known as adrenaline; it is released by the adrenal glands at time of stress. It acts to increase glycogen breakdown in the liver among other functions
myelin sheath
a lipid and protein combination that covers nerve fibers
endocrine system
the body system consisting of the various glands and the hormones these glands secrete. This system has major regulatory functions in the body, such as reproduction and cell metabolism
endocrine gland
a hormone-producing gland
thyroid hormones
hormones produced by the thyroid gland that among their functions increase the rate of overall metabolism in the body
a site in a cell at which compounds ( such as hormones) bind. Cells that contain receptors for a specific compound are partially controlled by that compound.
Immune System
the body system consisting of white blood cells, lymph glands and vessels, and various other body tissues. Provides defense against foreign invaders, primarily due to the action of various types of white blood cells
proteins found in the blood that bind to specific antigens; also called antibodies. Their five major classes play different roles in antibody-mediated immunity
White Blood Cells
they phagocytize bacteria, fungi, and viruses, as well as detoxify harmful proteins
process by which food is broken down into their component molecules, either mechanically or chemically
process by which molecules of food cross from the intestine into the cells
process by which undigested food and waste is expelled from the G.I. tract
Gastrointestinal Tract (GI)
long tube from mouth to anus which is separated from other parts of the body