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87 Cards in this Set

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It contains their genetic information in pairs of homologous chromosomes, with one member of each pair

Diploid eukaryotic cells

it provides a mechanism by which chromosomes, having been duplicated, are distributed into progeny cells during cell reproduction


It converts a diploid cell into two diploid daughter cells

mitosis (cytokinesis)

the process which distributes one member of each homologous pair of chromosomes into each gamete or spore


It generates genetic variability by distributng variuos combinatins of maternal and paternal members of each homologous pairs


a genetic material taht is condensed into discrete structures


underlying linear structure of DNA which possesses segments


the products of which direct the metabolic activities of cells


an organism's DNA, with its arrays of genes, is organized into structure


a process which leads to the production of two cells, each with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cells


A process which reduces the genetic content and the number of chromosomes by precisely half


it is that portion of the cell cycle during which the hereditary components are equally partitioned into daughter cells


sex cells

gametes or spores

a genetic material making up chromosomes unfolds and uncoils into a diffuse network within the nucleus


In what year was the transmission electron microscope was in its early stages of development

around 1940

In what year that many details of cell ultrastructure had emerged?


- an outer covering that defines the cell boundary and delimits the cell from its immediate external environment

plasma membrane

this membrane is not passive but instead actively controls the movement of materials into and out of the cell

plasma membrane

an outer covering specifically for plant cells

cell walls

major component of cell wall

a polyssacharide called cellulose

a covering over the plasma membrane of animal cells

glycocalyx or cell coat

The glycocalyx is consist of ___ and ____

glycoproteins and polyssacharides

it provides biochemical identity at the surface of the cells


these are molecules that act as a recognition sites that transfer specific chemical signals across the cell membrane into the cell

receptor molecules

It is a membrane-bound structure that houses the genetic material, DNA, which is complexed with an array of acidic and basic proteins into thin fibers


The portions of DNA that encode rRNA

nucleolus orgainzer region or NOR

an organism that lacks a nuclear envelope and membranous orgnelles

Prokaryotic organisms

the genetic material is present as a long, circular DNA molecule that is compacted into an unenclosed region


the remainder of the eukaryotic cell within the plasma membrane and includes a variety of extranuclear cellular organelles


a nonparticulate, colloidal material that surrounds and encompasses the cellular organelles


provides a lattice of support structures within the cell


components of microtubules

protein tubulin and microfilaments

compartmentalizes the cytoplasm

endoplasmic reticulum

serves as sites where genetic information contained in messenger RNA (mRNA) is translated into proteins


cytoplasmic structures that are very important in the eukaryotic cell's activities

mitochondria, chloroplast, and centrioles

a cytoplasmic structure that are found in most eukaryotes, and are the sites of the oxidative phases of cell respiration


a cytoplasmic structure that are found in plants, algae, and some protozoans, are associated with photosynthesis


it is located in a specialized region called the centrosome, and are associated with the organization of spindle fibers that function in mitosis and meiosis


hair-like and whip-like structures for propelling cells or moving materials

cilia and flagella

it plays an important role in the movement of chromosomes as they separate during cell division

spindle fibers

shorter arm

p arm (petite)

longer arm

q arm

It refers to all somatic cells derived from members of the same species contain an identical number of chromsomes

diploid number (2n)

members of each pair of chromosomes is called ____

hhomologous chromosme

organisms such as yeast and molds, and certain plants such as bryophytes, spend the predominant phase of their life cycle in _____ stage.

haploid stage

Homologous chromosomes have important genetic similarities. They contain identical gene sites along their lengths; each site is called ______


each diploid organism contains two copies of each gene as a consequence of ______

biparental inheritance

It is considered as one complete haploid set when ____

haploid gametes or spores contain precisely one member of each homologous pair

a pair which consist _____ is often not homologous in size, centromere placement, arm ratio or genetic content

sex-determining chromosomes

multicellular diploid organisms begin life as single-celled fertilized eggs called ____


It is the foundation for the development and growth of the organisms

mitotic activity of the zygote and subsequent daughter cells

It is a process that is quite complex and requires great precision


This less complex process requires a mechannism that partitions the volume into two parts and then encloses each new cell.


it is the initial stage of the cell cycle and is considered as the interval between divisions


A period, during which DNA is synthesized, occurs before the cell enters mitosis

S phase

Investigations of this nature demonstrate two periods during interphase when no DNA synthesis occurs, one before and one after the S phase

Gap I and Gap II

the correct order of the cycle





over half of mitosis is spent in this stage, and this stage is characterized by several significant occurrences.


the two parts of each chromosome are called ____ because the DNA contained in each of them is genetically identical, having formed from a single replicative event

sister chromatids

The sister chromatids are held together by a multi-subunit protein complex called ___


it is the middle region of the cell, a plane that lies perpendicular to the axis established by spindle fibers

metaphase plate or equatorial plane

it is the period of chromosome movement


it is a chromosome configuration following migration


an assembly of multilayered plates of proteins associated with the centromere

chromosome's kinetochores

chromosomes are extended and uncoiled, forming chromatin


chromosomes coil up and condense; centrioles divide and move apart


Chromosomes are clearly double structures; centrioles reach the opposite poles; spindle fibers form


centromeres aline on metaphase plate


centromeres split and daughter chromosomes migrate to opposite poles


daughter chromosomes arrive at the poles; cytokinesis commences


a unique protein family that protects cohesin from being degraded by separase at the centromeric regions


they are most directly responsible for chromosome migration make contact with, and adhere to, kinetochores as they grow from the centrosome region

kinetochore microtubules

how many microtubules are being revealed in mitotic cells of mammals that bound to each portion of kinetochore?

30 to 40 microtubules

During this phase, sister chromatids of each chromosome, held together only at their centromere regions, disjoin from one another, and are pulled to opposite ends of the cell


As the events during anaphase proceed, each migrating chromatid is now referred to as ____

daughter chromosome

the proteins that use the energy generated by the hydrolysis of ATP, which effects on the activity of microtubules serves ultimately to shorten the spindle fibers

molecular motors

how many chromosomes are there in human cells during anaphase?

46 chromosomes at each pole

It is the final stage of mitosis


the most significant event during the telophase stage, which is the division or partitioning of cytoplasm


chromosomes appear as long, single threads


takes place in testes and begins with enlargement of spermatogonium


product of the division and contains haploid number of dyads

secondary spermatocyte

formation of ova or ovum that occurs in the varies


formed when dyads at one pole are pinched off

first polar body

where the mature ovum is produced from during the second meiotic division

secondary oocyte

postulated the folded-fiber model

Ernest Dupraw

daughter cells that contains most of the cytoplasm

secondary oocyte