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107 Cards in this Set

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Outpouching of mucosa and submucosa through muscle wall (false diverticula); sigmoid colon
Presentation of diverticulosis
Sudden, intermittent, painless bleeding; *most common cause of bleeds in >40yo*
Presentation of diverticulitis
LLQ pain, fever, nausea, vomiting
Workup of diverticulitis
CBC - leukocytosis, CT scan
Colonoscopy = definitive diagnosis; avoid in early diverticulitis
Management of diverticulosis
Routine followup, recommend diet changes
Tx of diverticular bleeds that won't stop
Hemostasis by colonoscopy, angiography with embolization, surgery
Diverticulitis tx
Bowel rest, NG tube
Metronidazole + fluoroquinolone + 3rd gen cephalo
Small bowel obstruction presentation
Acute abd pain, *VOMIT*, fever;
Abd distention, tinkly bowel sounds
Look for surgical scars, hernias
Large bowel obstruction presentation
Constipation, deep cramping, *feculent vomit*
Distention, tympany, tenderness
Look fever, shock - perforation
Most common causes of SB obstruction
Adhesions post surgery (adults), hernias (children), volvulus, intussusception
Most common causes of LB obstruction
*COLON CA*, diverticulitis, fecal impaction
Differentials for SB and LB obstruction
Paralytic ileus, gastroenteritis, IBD, Ogilvie's (for LBO)
Workup for SBO/LBO
CBC, electrolytes, lactic acid, AXR, CT
Colonoscopy, water contrast enema for LBO
Tx of SBO
Partial: NPO, NG suction, hydration, Foley catheter
Complete: Exploratory lap - also for ischemia, necrosis, partial SBO >3 days
Prognostic sign for SBO
Lactic acidosis - suggests necrosis
Tx of LBO
Gastrografin enema, colonoscopy, *rectal tube*, surgery
Sx of rt sided colon cancer
Occult fecal blood loss - anemia, weight loss, diarrhea, weakness
Sx of lt sided colon cancer
Obstruction (apple core lesions), change in bowel habits - constipation; blood-streaked stool
Sx of rectal cancer
Bright red blood PR, tenesmus, rectal pain
Risk factors for colon cancer
Age (70-80), FAP (100% risk by 40yo), HNPCC, +FHx, UC, adenomatous polyps
Workup for colon cancer
Definitive diagnosis: colonscopy with biopsy
CXR, LFTs, CT to check fo rmets
Tx of colon cancer
Surgical resection with adjuvant chemo for lymphadenopathy
Tumour marker for colon cancer
Colon cancer screening for pt with no relevant hx
Starting at age 50:
FOBT, DRE every year
Colonoscopy every *10 yrs* or sigmoidoscopy every *5 yrs*
Colon cancer screening for pt with 1st deg relative hx
Colonoscopy every 10 yrs starting at age 40 -or- at 10 yrs prior to age of affected family member
Colon cancer screening for pt with UC
Colonoscopy every 1-2 yrs starting 8-10 yrs after diagnosis
Ischemic colitis, and most common location
Insufficient blood supply to colon leading to inflammation, ischemia, necrosis; watershed area - splenic flexure
Presentation of ischemic colitis
Crampy abd pain, bloody diarrhea; fever, peritoneal signs indicate necrosis
Workup for ischemic colitis
CT scan with contrast - thickened bowel wall
Colonoscopy - pale mucosa, petechial bleeding
Tx of ischemic colitis
Bowel rest, IV fluids, analgeis, broad-spectrum antibiotics
Sx of upper Gi bleeds
Hematemesis, melena, hypovolemia
Causes of upper GI bleeds
PUD, gastritis, Mallory-Weiss tears, esophageal varices
Sx of lower GI bleeds
Hematochezia, melena
Causes of lower GI bleeds
Diverticulosis, angiodysplasia, IBD, hemorrhoids/fissures, cancer
Workup for upper GI bleeds
NG tube, lavage
Endoscopy if stable
Workup for lower GI bleeds
Rule out upper GI bleed (NG lavage)
Anoscopy/sigmoidoscopy for pts <45yo
Colonoscopy if stable
Arteriography/exploratory laparotomy if unstable
Management of GI bleeds
Intubation, IV fluids, packed RBCs
Sites of involvement for UC
*RECTUM*, extend in continuous fashion
Mucosa and submucosal involvement
Sites of involvement for Crohn's
*Ileocecal region*, but anywhere in GI tract, in discontinuous fashion; transmural inflammation
Sx of UC
Bloody diarrhea, lower abd cramps, tenesmus, urgency
Sx of Crohn's
Abd pain, mass, low-grade fever, watery diarrhea, weight loss
Extraintestinal conditions associated with IBD
Stomatitis, uveitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, arthritis + fistulas (Crohn's)
Workup for IBD
Colonoscopy with biopsy (definitive)
CBC, AXR, stool culture, C. diff stool assay, O&P
Rx management of IBD
5-ASA (sulfasalazine, mesalamine); AZA, infliximab, steroids for refractory disease
Surgical management of IBD
UC: proctocolectomy for chronic, fulminent colitis, toxic megacolon
Crohn's: surgical resection for fistulas, performation, stricture, abscess
Complications of UC
Fulminent colitis, toxic megacolon, colon cancer
Direct hernia location
Medial to inferior epigastric vessels, through Hesselbach's triangle
Indirect hernia location
Lateral to inferior epigastric vessels, through patent processus vaginalis
Causes of acute bloody diarrhea
E. coli
C. diff
Entameba histolytica
Campylobacter colitis
*Most common cause of bact. diarrhea*
Ingested contaminated food/water
Children, young adults
Bloody diarrhea lasting 7-10 days
Treatment for Campylobacter infection
Common causes of C. diff
Clindamycin, penicillin, quinolones
Severe complication of C. diff
Toxic megacolon
Workup for C. diff
Toxin in stool
Pseudomembranes in endoscopy
Tx of C. diff colitis
Cessation of inciting antibiotic
PO Metronidazole or vancomycin
Workup for Campylobacter colitis
Fecal RBCs, WBCs
Entamoeba histolytica colitis
Transmitted via food/water - look for travel hx
Incubation period up to 3 months
Severe abd pain and fever
Workup for Entamoeba histolytica
Fecal RBCs, WBCs
Endoscopy - flask shaped ulcers
Tx for Entamoeba histolytica colitis
Steroids contraindicated!
EHEC colitis
Ingestion of contaminated raw meat
Children and elderly
Severe abd pain, fever, vomiting lasting 5-10 days
Complication associated with EHEC colitis
HUS in children
Tx of EHEC colitis
Supportive - *antibiotics and antidiarrheals contraindicated!*
Salmonella colitis
Ingestion of comtaminated eggs/diary
Children and elderly
Prodromal headache, fever, abd pain lasting 2-5 days
Complications with Salmonella colitis
Osteomyelitis in SCD pts
Tx of Salmonella colitis
Only sepsis or SCD pts - fluoroquinolone or TMP-SMX
Shigella colitis
Fecal-oral transmission
Children, institutions
Look for fecal RBCs, WBCs
Complications of Shigella colitis
Febrile seizures in children
Tx of Shigella colitis
TMP-SMX to decrease spread
Organisms causing watery diarrhea
Vibro cholera, rotavirus, ETEC, Cryptosporidium, Giardia
Causes of malabsorption
Celiac disease, Whipple's disease, tropical sprue
Bile salt deficiencies
Pancreatic insufficiency, short bowel
Malabsorptive disorder following gastroenteritis
Transient lactose intolerance
Diagnostic test for lactose intolerance
Hydrogen breath test - increased hydrogen following lactose
Niacin deficiency - diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis, death
Carcinoid syndrome
Metastasis of carcinoid tumours to liver (from ileum, appendix) producing seratonin
Presentation of carcinoid syndrome
Cutaneous flushing, diarrhea, abd cramps, wheezing, rt sided cardiac valve lesions
Workup for carcinoid syndrome
Urine 5-HIAA; CT, In-111 octreotide scans for localizing mets
Tx of carcinoid syndrome
Octreotide, surgical resection
Complication of carcinoid syndrome
Pellagra (dry skin lesions, diarrhea, psych changes)
Presentation of IBS
At least 3 months of abd pain/cramp relieved by defecation and change in stool frequency/habit
Examination is normal
Stepladder pattern of dilated small bowel loops, air fluid levels
Ileus and risk factors
Loss of peristalsis without structural obstruction; risks: recent surgery/trauma, hypokalemia/lyte imbalance, hypothyroidism, DM, meds (antichol, opioids)
Presentation of ileus
Diffuse abd pain, nausea and vomit, absence of gas, bowel movements
Workup for ileus
DRE to rule out fecal impaction in elderly
ABX: distended loops with air throughout SB and LB
Management of ileus
Discontinue opiods
Stop oral feeds: NG suction/parenteral feeds
Common causes of mesenteric ischemia
1) Arterial thrombosis - atherosclerosis, proximal SMA
2) Emboli from heart - Afib, stasis (low EF)
Presentation of mesenteric ischemia
Severe abd pain out of proportion to exam
Hx of intestinal angina after meals
Workup findings of mesenteric ischemia
CBC - leukocytosis
Metabolic acidosis with high LDH, lactate, amylase, CK
AXR/CT - bowel wall edema (thumbprinting), penumatosis intestinalis
Gold standard diagnosis of arterial occlusion in mesenteric ischemia
Mesenteric angiography
Tx of mesenteric ischemia
Broad-spec antibiotics
Anticoagulation for arterial and venous thrombosis
Fluid resus
Surgical resection of infarcted bowel
Complications of mesenteric ischemia
Sepsis, multiorgan failure, death
Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Gastrin-producing tumours in duodenum, pancreas
Recurrent gastric ulcers
Associated with MEN type 1
Presentation of Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
Recurrent burning abd pain with diarrhea, GI bleeding
Workup for Zollinger-Ellison
Fasting serum gastrin (increased) and increased gastrin with secretin injection
CT scan, octreotide scan (carcinoid tumours)
Tx of Zollinger-Ellison
High-dose PPIs for sx relief
Surgical resection
PUD causes
H. pylori (duodenal > gastric)
NSAIDS, steroids, alcohol, smoking
Presentation of PUD
Dull, burning epigastric pain relating to meals, can radiate to back; hematemesis, + guaiac
Risk associated with PUD and presentation
Perforation - rigid abd, rebound tenderness, guarding
Workup of suspected PUD
Rule out perforation
Upper endoscopy with biopsy
H. pylori test
Serum gastrin if recurrent
How to detect gastric and duodenal ulcer perforation
Gastric - AXR air under diaphragm
Duodenal - CT with contrast air in retroperitoneal space
Acute tx of PUD perforation
CT with IV contrast to confirm - surgical laparotomy
Acute management of PUD
Rectal vault exam, NG lavage, serial hematocrit to rule out active bleeds; BP, IV fluids, transfusion, PPI
Long term management of PUD
Antacids, PPIs, H2 blockers
H. pylori infection - triple therapy
Intestinal type gastric ca. and associated risk factors
Differentiated ca originating from gastric mucosal cells; risks - risks: diet (high nitrites, salt, low in fresh veggies) H. pylori, chronic gastritis
Diffuse type gastric ca. and characteristic histology
Undifferentiated ca. type; unknown risk factors; signet ring cells on biopsy
Presentation of gastric ca.
Early: asymptomatic; indigestion, anorexia
Late: abd pain, weight loss, GI bleeds
Vrchow's node (LEFT supraclav. adenopathy)
Workup for gastric ca.
Upper endoscopy with biopsy
Tx and prognosis for gastric ca.
Surgical resection; 5-yr survival <10%