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18 Cards in this Set

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What is Japan's greatest natural resource, and what are the three ways it helped Japan?
The sea of Japan provides food, water and shield.
Name the nine specific influences that China had on Japan's culture.
1. Buddhaism
2. Confusism
3. Government
4. Architecture
5. Writing
6. City Planning
7. Attire
8. Painting
9. Music

Painters could only move up to the upper class if they were good painters. Cities were organized like a checkerboard. Men and Women wore white powder on their faces.
What is shinto? What are the basic themes in the religion
Shinto is the religion that is based on nature and focused on cleanliness and purity. They worshipped in shrines, they prayed to Kami for protection, and the sun goddess chose the emperor.
What are the ranks of the military government, list them from highest to lowest. What is the role of each member?
1. Shogun (commander in chief)
2. Samurai (served to protect the Shogun)
3. Peasants
What was the imperial court like? What qualities are valued?
The imperial court was like being in a royal family. The qualities that were valued were beauty, elegance and correct manners.
How did the Fujiwara clan gain control of Japan's imperial court?
The Fujiwara clan gained control of Japan by making sure their daughters married into the royal family. They also acted as advisors to the emperor. 22 out of the 24 positions were held by the Fujiwara
What are the Tiaka reforms? How did they change Japan?
Control was taken away from the clan leaders and given to the emporer. The emporer then gave the land to all free men and women, and they had to pay taxes to support the imperial government.
What is zen buddhism like? How is zen buddhism reflected in Japan's culture?
Zen buddhism is like teaching physical and mental exercises. The rock garden and the tea ceremonies reflect zen buddhism and are peaceful.
Describe the government practices of Japan's imperial court.
The emperors gave land to top nobles, and they did not have to pay any taxes. Japan was given the right to rule from heaven and peasants had to pay some of their crops as taxes.
What is Haiku poetry?
A haiku has 3 lines of 5, 7 and 5 syllables, making 17 syllables total. A haiku poet uses simple words to suggest an idea or create a mood.
What important about the Fujiwara nobles? What is important about the Tokugawa shogonite?
The Fujiwara controlled most of the government positions and the Tokagawa established the shoguns and isolated Japan from the west.
Describe the early people of Japan.
People grew rice and other crops. the upper classes owned slaves and lived in houses with wooden floors. the common people lived in huts with dirt floors and thatched roofs. Woman had a high status.
What is buddhism?
Buddhism is the teachings of Sidartha. Some basic parts were the Buddha, temples and shrines and artwork. Buddhists see life full of pain and suffering. Buddhist's show respect for others, act rightly and achieve wisdom through meditation. They believe there are 4 noble truths, no gods, nirvana
How are Shinto and Buddhism alike? How are they different? Why did the people of Japan combine the two?
Shinto and Buddhism are alike because they both have a place to worship. What is different is that Shinto has many Gods, and Buddhism has no Gods. They combined the two because they are both calm.
What steps did the Tokugawa shoguns take to keep Japan insolated and to create stability in Japan?
Isolated people people from the west, banned trade, and created a social class.
What is Japanese art like? What are the major themes? How do they use color?
Japanese art is like peace. Major themes are landscape and nature. They use watercolors.
Describe the treatment of the merchant class. Explain the new culture that developed with the merchant class.
They cannot wear luxury clothes, and they cannot live in luxury houses and they had to stay within the city limits.
Explain the ranks of the Japanese feudal social class beginning with the Tokugawa shogunate.
1. Shogun - commander in chief
2. Daimyo - helped the shoguns
3. Samurai - protected the shoguns
4. Artisans
5. Peasants
6. Merchants