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45 Cards in this Set

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nonverbal communication
behavior other than written or spoken language that creates meaning for someone
interaction adaptation theory
thoery suggesting that people interact with others by adapting to their communication behaviors
-both nonverbal and verbal
interactional synchrony
mirroring of each other's con verbal behavior by communication partners
study of human movement and gesture
-four stages of quasi-courtship behavior
1. courtship readiness
2. preening behaviors
3. positional ques
4.appeals to invitation
nonverbal cues that have specific generally understood meaning in a given culture and may subsititue for a word or phrase. (lip to finger shhing)
nonverbal behaviors that accompany a verbal message and either contradict, accent, or complement it.

(slamming lecturn w/ fist)
affect display
nonverbal behavior that communicate emotions. more subtle. including tone of voice and posture
nonverbal message that help to control the interaction or flow of communicaiton between two people
-think pace, timining, raising had, eager eye brows
nonverbal behaviors that satisfy a personal need and help a person adapt or respond to the immediate situation.
-scratching mosquito bite, combing hair, more personal
cognitive: giving you info about another person's though process
monitor: checking for reception from the person you communicate with
regualtory:when you want to talk and when you dont'
expressive:mirror of your soul
3 things eye contact can help with
backchannel cues
vocal cues that signal your wish to speak or not to speak-particularly in phone convos.
study of how close or far away from people and objects people position themselves
intimate space
zone of space most often used for very personal or intimate interactions, ranging from zero to one and a half feet from the invdividual.
personal space
zoe of space most often used for conversations with family friends ranging from one and a half feet to four feet from the individual
public space
zone of space most often used by public speakers or anyone speakin to many people. ranging beyond twelve feet from the invidvidual.
study of how animals and humans use space and objects communicate occupancy or ownership of a space
territorial markers
tangible objets that are sued to signify that someone has claimed an area or space
feelings of liking pleasure ad closeness communicated by such nonverbal cues as inreased eye contact, forward lean, touh and open body orientation.
-increase sensory awareness of others
feeling of interest and excitement communicated by such nonverbal cues as vocal expression, facial expressions, and gestures.
-communicating responsiveness,
more animated voices and gestures
power, status and control communicated by such nonverbal ues as arelaxed posture, greater personal pace, and protected personal space.
expectancy violation theory
theory that you interpret the message of others based on how you expect others to behave
perception checking
1. observe
2. form your best guess of what you think they mean
3. ask question to heck whether your perception is accurate
emotional contagion theory
theory that emotional expression is contagious; people can catch emotions just by observing others' emotional expressions
interpersonal conflict
expressed struggle that occurs when people cannot agree on a way to meet their needs and goals
dependent on each other. one person's actions affect the other person
pseudo concflict
conflict triggered by a lack of understanding and miscommunication
-solved: supportiveness, listening, looking for non verbals
simple conflict
conflict that stems from different ideas, definitions, perceptions, or goals.

solved by: clarification, focusing on facts, generating many options, emphasize what you agree on
ego conflict
conflict in which the original issue ignored as partners attack each other's self esteem.

-solved by: focusing on issues, solving not winning, writing down arguments, using 'I" message.
expressive conflict
conflict that focuses on issues about the quality of the relationship and managing interpersonal tension and hostility.
instrumental conflict
conflict that centers on achieving a particular goal or task and less on relational issues
sending an overly negative online message that personally attacks another person.
1. prior conditions
2. frustration awareness
3. active conflict awarness
4. resolution stage
5. follow up stage
What are the stages of conflict? (5)
constructive conflict
conflict that helps build new insights and establishes new patterns in a relationship
destructive conflict
conflict that dismantles rather than strenghtens relationships
conflict style
consistent pattern or approach you use to manage disagreement with others. avoidance, accommodation, competition, compromise, collaboration
conflict management style that involve backing off and trying to side-step conflict
demand-withdrawal aptter of conflict management
pattern in which one person makes a demand and the other person avoids conflict by changing the subject or walking away
conflict management style that involves giving in to the demands of others
conflict management style that stresses winning a conflict at the expense of the other person involved.
conflict management style that attempts to find the middle ground in a conflict
conflict management style that uses other-oriented strategies to achieve a positive solution for all involved
dredging up old problems and issues from the past to use against your partner
I language
statements that use the word I to express how the speaker is feeling
BUT message
statement using the word but that may communicate that whatever you've said prior to BUT is not realy true. (try to limit it)
Define, analyze. determine goals, generate solutions, select the best solution
What are the five main steps of problem solving?