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47 Cards in this Set

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Who are David Life’s and Sharon Gannon’s three main gurus from whom the Jivamukti lineage stems?
Shri Brahmananda Saraswati, Shri K. Pattabi Jois, Swami Nirmalananda
What is the primary course requirement for this Jivamutki Yoga teacher training course?
To show up and to listen.
What is the importance of listening in this course?
Listening leads to hearing that leads to knowing which leads to becoming and becoming leads to being.
What is aarti?
Aarti is the waving of offering light. This is traditionally done at the beginning or at the end of a Satsang or a worship.
What is an altar?
An altar is a dedication to my Gurus and teachers I learn from and a reminder of my spiritual practice. It helps to focus my attention. It’s a representation and reminder of our sadhana.
What is yoga?
“State where you’re missing nothing.” – Shri Brahmananda Saraswati
Yoga means union and comes from the Sanskrit word yug = to unite. One can’t do yoga. Yoga is our natural state.
What is the Jivamukti Yoga method?
It is the path to enlightment through compassion towards all beings.
What does the word Jivamukti mean?
Jivamukti comes from the Sanskrit word Jivanmukta. Jiva = individual soul and mukti = liberated. So it means liberated soul.
What are the 14 points to be covered in a Jivamukti “open level” class?
1. Vinyasa: Surya Namaskar, a version of continuous movement where breath and high intention instigate the movement, 5 minutes
2. Side bending: Trikoanasana or equivalent side bendin, 5 breaths each side
3. Twisting: Ardha Matsayendrasana or Parivritta Parshvakonasana, 5 breaths each side
4. Inversion: Adho Mukha Vrikshasana, Pincha Mayurasana or Shirshasana, 5 minutes
5. Bhujanagasana or Shalabhasana, 5 breaths
6. Dhanuarasana, or Ushtrasana or rabbit, twice 5 breaths each time
7. Urdhva Dhanurasana, 3 times, 5 breaths each time
8. Paschimottanasana, 10 breaths
9. Purvottanasana, or table-top or half wheel, 5 breaths
10. Sarvangasana/Halasana or Viparita Karani, 5 minutes
11. Matsyasana or Supto Baddha Konasana, 10 breaths
12. Shavasana, 10 minutes
13. Meditation, 5 minutes
14. Spiritual teachings drawn from the focus of the month, 5 minutes
What are the six standardized Jivamukti Yoga class formats?
Basic class, open class, spiritual warrior, in class private (ICP), Meditation, Beginner Vinyasa
What is the Jivamukti Yoga method of meditation?
It is a mantra forma meditation. The mantra provides the focus with the mantra “LET GO!”
What are the three step to meditation?
Choose your seat, be still and focus.
Why chant OM at the beginning and end of each class?
OM is the original and most powerful mantra. It’s the primal sound of the Devine in its essential manifestation.
Translate lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu.
May all beings everywhere be happy and free and may the thoughts, words and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all.
Lokah = location, place, realm
Samastah: sama = same; stah: standing; steady
Sukhino = sugar, sweet, at ease
Bhavantu: bhav = Devine mood; unconditional love; antu = may this be so because I say so
Translate atha yoganuśānam.
“Now is Yoga”. – as I have observed it in the natural world.
Atha= now
Yoga = yoga
Anus: small, tiny, atom
Shas = to teach, to instruct, to give direction
Describe the usefulness of props in general and give a few sample uses or applications of blocks and belts.
The props helps to expand and to stabelize the asana. It also helps to make asanas more comfortable. For example, using blocks and belts forward bendings and extra padding for savasana.
Define sadhana.
sadhana means committed, conscious spiritual practise for enlightment.
Define satsang.
Satsang is bringing together people and talk and discuss about spiritual topics. It is the most important yoga practise.
Name the principle shat karma kriyas according to the Hathayogapradipika.
Dauti, Basti, Neti, Trataka, Nauli, Kapalabhati
Dauti: washing/bathing – cleanliness of the body is very important for a yoga teacher.
Basti: Colonical and Enemas
Neti: Sutra Neti = Thread catheter; Jala – Neti = water
Kapalabhati: Skull shining; kapala = skull; bhati = shine
Trataka: gaze; fixing
Translate kapalabhati, agni sara, nauli and trataka.
Kapalabhati: Skull shining; kapala = skull; bhati = shine
Agni sara: agni = fire; sara = washing, agitation => washing with fire
Nauli: churning
Trataka: gazing, fixing
Compare kapalabhati, bhastrika and breath of fire.
Kapalabhati: forced exhale and inhale comes naturally
Bhastrika: forced inhale and exhale
Breath of fire: flat inhale and exhale like a dog sniffing
In what direction does the diaphragm move on inhale?
It’s moving down.
In what direction does the diaphragm move on exhale?
It’s moving up.
Name the five bony parts of the spine.
- Cervical vertebrae
- Thoracic kyphosis
- Lumbar vertebrae
- Sacral vertebrae
- 4 fused vertebrae
What is yoga, according to Patanjali? Cite the second sutra from the first chapter of the Yoga Sutra. Give word for word translation plus interpretation.
Yogaś citta-vritti-nirodhah
When you stop identifying with your thoughts, fluctuations of mind, then there is yoga, identity with Self which is Samadhi, happiness, bliss and ecstasy.
content of the mind
whirling of the mind
whirling of the mind stuff
to cease; to drop
letting go, stopping
Define R.I.C.E.
R.I.C.E. is a “Standard First Aid” method for acute injuries.
R = Rest
I = Ice
C = compression
E = Elevation
Translate vinyasa, karma and kshana.
Vinyasa (an order of seqences that are placed consciously)
Vi = order
Yasa = placement
Karma: an understood sequence from the beginning, middle and end
Kshana: It’s a timeless moment with the intention to everything (beginning, middle and end and with the chance to go through likes and dislikes and beyond)
Why is surya namaskar important? When should it be practiced?
It establishes the intention for the entire practice. It is a prayer to the Earth and all earthly beings and the heavens. As yogis we wish to live in harmony with all creation. Performing surya namaskar we experience the nature of eternal. In ever that it’s passing. It should be practiced in the beginning.
What are the five key elements of vinyasa karma practice?
1. Intention
2. Breath
3. Movement
4. Bandha (Mula-Bandha)
5. Gaze
Where does the world we see come from, and how do our thoughts affect the world we live in?
The world as we see it is mirror of our internal world which originates in past experiences and mental expressions. This creates patterns and repetitions of experiences in our own life. Our souls shape the world we live in. As they limit the field of possibilities and recreate known situations by the mind. (“I see only what I know.”)
How do we go beyond our thoughts?
We put our Self in the witness position. Being in witness consciousness. Be regular meditation practice mental pattern can be occurred. This can be monitored by keeping a meditation diary.
What is meant by the term sakshi?
Sakshi = means witness. Observing without judgement. Not follow and not holding on to thoughts.
Why should we meditate?
To stop identify with our souls with the intention to Self-realization. By practicing meditation regularly we are willing to surrender the out come of our practice.
What is Patanjali’s one-step method for the attainment of yoga?
By giving your life and identity to God your attain the identity of God.
- Isvara-pranidhanad va – YS. 1.23
What is the aim of all yoga practice?
The aim of all yoga practice is Self-realization.
Is yoga a religion?
Yoga is not a religion. A religion sees God in certain way through a codified system. Ygoa is a spiritual practice and must come from someone’s prana (life force). The way someone perceives God herself or himself individually.
List the 14 principles of assists.
1. Set the intention, Focus
2. A Moving Body
3. Cultivate Trust and Practice
4. Speak up
5. Demonstration
6. Props
7. The Magic Touch
8. Stop, Look and Listen
9. Establish the Seat
10. Find Space – Move in
11. Assist energy Flow
12. Isotonic and Isometric Strength
13. Continuity
14. Assist the Breath
What are the four main types of yoga?
1. Jnana Yoga = Yoga of Intellect; yoga of inquiry
2. Bhakti Yoga = Yoga of the heart and devotion
3. Karma Yoga = yoga of action and selfless service
4. Raja Yoga = yoga of being, yoga of the mind, 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga
Put the following groups of asanas in a correct sequence; from easy to more complex:

a. Dhanuarasana
b. Shalabhasana
c. Urdhva Dhanurasana
1. B
2. A
3. C
sequence; from easy to more complex:

a. Virabhdrasana II
b. Tadanasana
c. Adho Mukha Vrikshasana
1. B
2. A
3. C
Put the following groups of asanas in a correct sequence; from easy to more complex:

a. Janushirasana
b. Paschimottasana
c. Uttanasana
1. C
2. B
3. A