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147 Cards in this Set

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What percentage of Louisianians smoke?
What percentage of people smoke in the US?
Where does LA rank in terms of smokers?
How many children die each year in LA?
34 out of every 100,000
Where does LA rank in terms of childhood deaths?
Where does LA rate in terms of the infant mortality rate and what is the percentage?
49th. 10%
Mississippi is the worst with 10.5%
What is LA's high school dropout rate and ranking? Out of this percentage, how many dropouts don't have jobs?
11%. 50th. 70% don't have jobs.
What is the high school graduation rate and ranking (within 4 years)?
60%. 47th
Where does LA rank in terms of violent crime?
Where does LA rank in terms of motor vehicle deaths?
What percentage of drivers wear seat belts nationwide?
What is LA's ranking for obesity?
What is Louisiana's overall health status ranking?
50th. boo.
What is LA's childhood poverty ranking? What percentage of children in LA live under the poverty line? What is the average national percentage?
48th. 33%. 18%.
What is the theme of the class?
Wellness is active.
6 dimensions of wellness
1. Physical wellness
2. Mental wellness
3. Intellectual wellness
4. Social wellness
5. Spiritual wellness
6. Environmental wellness
What is the most important dimension of wellness?
Mental wellness
What is intellectual wellness?
Learning about yourself and the world.
What is social wellness?
Also called interpersonal wellness. It is your web of relationships
Wellness profile characteristics (characteristics of people that achieve wellness)
1. They understand that health is active and make active choices
2. They learn how to manage (not eliminate) stress
3. They have good self-esteem and relationships
4. They understand sexuality
5. They avoid vices (drugs, alcohol, tobacco)
6. They eat right and exercise
7. They know about self-treatment
8. They understand the health-care system
9. They know about what can make them sick or injured and methods of prevention
10. They understand dying and death
11. They understand how the environment can impact health
Behavior Change Model
1. Precontemplation - you realize you have a problem but don't think you can change it or are in denial
2. Contemplation - trying to understand the problem and recognizing the problem.
3. Preparation - making a detailed plan
4. Action - implementing the plan
5. Maintenance - keeping the habit once the goal is achieved
6. Termination - beat the problem and created a new habit. no desire to return to old ways.
How many health issues are self treated?
80%. Only 20% of issues are treated by a doctor
How many weeks does it take to make a new habit?
6 weeks
What is stress?
How you respond physically and mentally when something becomes a threat to you.
What is distress?
Negative things causing stress. i.e. flat tire, breakup, sickness
What is eustress?
Positive things causing stress. i.e. winning the lottery, a first date, a sports competition
General Adaptation Syndrome
Hans Selye
1. Alarm stage
2. Resistance stage
3. Exhaustion stage
Describe the alarm stage of the GAS.
-fight or flight reaction
-adrenaline pumping
-blood pressure increases and pumps blood away from extremities and stomach into major muscle groups. can cause ulcers
-stored sugars and fats released as energy
-immune system shuts down
Describe the resistance stage of the GAS.
-actively fighting the stress
-develop coping strategies (smoking, eating, oversleeping)
-best coping strategy is exercise. removes built up toxins
Describe the exhaustion stage of the GAS.
-coping strategies don't work or aren't employed
-physical illness, behavioral changes (irritability), no concentration, can lead to heart attack
What 3 factors cause stress?
Personal stressors (death, loss of life, divorce. major life event)

Cataclysmic event (hurricanes, earthquakes, 9/11)

Background stressors (traffic, school, relationships, weather)
What is the defining characteristic of health?
Emotional resiliency
How can you practice mental health?
1. See a psychiatrist and take medication.
2. Increase your self understanding and work on your own personality.
How do you increase your self-understanding?
1. Improve your ability to communicate
2. Work on your self-esteem
3. Examine and clarify your personal value system
4. Meet the 4 basic emotional needs
What are the 4 basic emotional needs?
1. Some form of love
2. To feel important - having a sense of purpose
3. To live and do daily functions
4. Variety
How many college students have a mental health disorder?
2/3 of students
What are 4 characteristics of people with good self-esteem?
1. They have good friendships
2. They are willing to take risks
3. They are outstanding communicators
4. They have good coping strategies
What are characteristics of people with bad self esteem?
They are isolated and engage in self-defeating behavior
4 parts of self-esteem
1. A sense of connection
-how you behave in a group

2. A sense of uniqueness
-can you identify what makes you different and do you like it?

3. A sense of power
-how you are motivated intrinsically and extrinsically
-how much control you have over your own life

4. A sense of models
-how strong is your sense of right from wrong based on how you were raised
Difficult People
1. Doom and Gloom
2. The Intimidator
3. The Energy Thief
4. Mr. or Mrs. Obnoxious
5. The Criticizer
6. The Judge
7. The Trash Person
8. The Persistor
9. Moan and Groan
10. The Moocher
11. The Demander or the Score Keeper
12. Mr. or Mrs. Sensitive
13. The Most Difficult Person of All
Doom and Gloom
Likes to spread depression, fear, and negativity

HTD: Say "I'd love to stay and talk but I have something important to do."
The Intimidator (the bully)
As children, use their size. As adults, use their demeanor, voice tone, or facial expressions to bully.

HTD: Shock the bully by changing how you normally react.
The Energy Thief
Wastes personal energy and tries to steal yours. Talks to hear themselves. Always one-ups your stories.

HTD: Whenever they take a breath just say "I understand."
Mr. or Mrs. Obnoxious
Seeks or craves attention. The only way they know how to get attention is to be rude.

HTD: Ignore them. Be prepared for them to entice you back into the situation.
The Criticizer
Criticizes all actions because they think they can do better than you. Often want to argue.

HTD: "I can see your point. I will look into it." Make them feel good because you were receptive.
The Judge
Give opinion on everything even if not asked for.

HTD: Convey to them the simple theory that you are not going to pass judgment on someone unless you walk in their shoes.
The Trash Person
Make themselves appear like your best friend. Want you to clean up their problems. Do not do this because when you solve their problems, you take away their dignity. If your advice works, they keep coming back. If not, they blame you.

HTD: Don't solve their problems. Encourage friends to be emotionally self-sufficient.
The Persistor
Keeps bugging you until you give in like a telemarketer.

HTD: End conversation. They ask why you say they are wasting their time for even asking you.
Moan and Groan
Wants you to know how tough their life is. Let you know that the weight of the world is on their shoulders. Looking for you to do something about it. Want you to ask what's wrong.

HTD: Don't ask them what's wrong. Don't let them wallow in self-pity.
The Moocher
Their favorite word is free. Take money, time, and things.

HTD: Draw the line.
The Demander or the Scorekeeper
Knows who has done what favors for whom.

HTD: Only do something for someone because you want to, not because you expect to get something back.
Mr. or Mrs. Sensitive
Feelings are always hurt. When their feelings are hurt, they control the relationship.

HTD: Don't change anything or make exceptions. Say what you would normally say.
The Most Difficult Person of All
Thinks they are never wrong. This is ourselves. We rationalize this in our minds.

HTD w/ yourself:
1. Make decisions with your brain instead of your heart
2. Exercise your responsibility - the ability to respond in any way you want to situations. Ability to think freely.
Psychoactive Drugs
Change your blood chemistry and state of consciousness
Characteristics that distinguish addiction from habit
1. Addiction gives you reinforcement
---can give you pleasure or take away stress/phobias

2. Addiction requires compulsion or conviction to engage in the behavior

3. Addiction means loss of control

4. Addiction means escalation and devotion of more money and time.
Pharmacy vs Pharmacology
Pharmacy = actually making drugs
Pharmacology = the study and science of drugs
What was the first medical treatment for alcoholism?
What did drugs become associated with during the early 1900's and prohibition?
Criminal subculture
Cocaine in the 70's and 80's
In the 70's, cocaine was a rich person's drug. In the 80's it became crack cocaine and was a poor person's drug.
Substance abuse vs. substance addiction
Abuse is something you do once or twice from time to time and you get over it.

Addiction is when you have to do it.
Amount of a drug needed to make you high.
Body's physical reaction when drug is no longer in system.

Hangover is classic example.

May also be cognitive: hallucinations and depression.
Characteristics of Non-Drug Users
1. Go to school regularly
2. Have a good value system
3. Have a good relationship with parents
4. Don't give into peer pressure
Groups of people at higher risk for drug abuse
1. Men - have problems sharing mental health problems. Self medicate more.

2. Young people - want to experiment

3. People from broken homes

4. Lower-educated people

5. People that like to take risks
What percentage of high school smokers are still smoking 10 years later?
3 sets of factors that determine how drugs affect your body
1. Factors of the drug
- amount you take
- time taken
- method used to take (smoking gets you high fastest)

2. User factors
- how much body fat
- how much food in stomach
- pregnancy

3. Social factors
- settings. party vs alone
How much money is spent each year on drugs, including costs of law enforcement and treatment programs?
Between $10 and 25 billion
How many people in the US die each year from an overdose?
35,000 - 50,000
Options for drug treatment
1. Drug substitution (methadone)
2. Treatment centers (rehab, detox)
3. Self-help groups (AA, must understand that the drug owns you)
Examples of opiates (narcotics)
Morphine, heroine, codeine, opium.
Can be injected, inhaled, or digested
Behavior from use of opiates (narcotics)
lethargic behavior
impaired ability to concentrate
reduced anxiety
feeling of euphoria

addicted people scratch and itch
What percentage of people in the US have used opiates?
Examples of nervous system depressants
Alcohol, marijuana, zanax, valium, librium
Behavior from use of nervous system depressants
slowed movement
reduced anxiety
loss of muscular control
alter memory functions

helps insomnia
some given to control seizures
Withdrawal examples from nervous system depressants
heart attack
Examples of nervous system stimulants
Cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine, caffeine, ephedrin
Behavior from use of nervous system stimulants
increased blood pressure and muscular tension
dilated pupils
better breathing
What percentage of Americans have used cocaine in their lifetime? Crack?
14.7%. 3.4%
Behavior from use of cocaine
euphoria for 5-20 minutes
replaced by irritability, paranoia, and depression
What are amphetamines?
used in weight-loss drugs
ex. crystal meth.
small doses make you productive
can lead to temporary psychosis
What percentage of Americans use nicotine (tobacco)?
How many Americans have used marijuana?
How many Americans say they use marijuana each month?
15 million
How many college students use marijuana regularly?
Behavior from using marijuana
slows down sense of time

high doses can lead to memory problems, disturbed thought patterns, lack of attention, apathy.

not addictive. only psychologically addictive.

LT affects memory and lungs same as cigarettes
Examples of hallucinogens
LSD, ecstasy, mushrooms, seeds, plants, mescaline, peyote
causes hallucinations
builds up tolerance quickly
does not damage chromosomes
does not cause dependence or withdrawal.
can cause brain damage with as little as 3 times usage
Examples of inhalants
Nail polish remover, liquid paper, paint thinner, freon
Drug Classifications as determined through the ____
Controlled Substances Act of 1970:

Schedules 1 - 5
Schedule 1 Drugs
Highly abused and no current medical use in the US

Heroine, mushrooms, ecstasy, marijuana
Schedule 2 Drugs
High potential for abuse, but there are some medical prescriptions

Morphine, Oxycontin, Aderall
Schedule 3 Drugs
Not as abused as schedules 1 or 2. Have medical use in the US.

Ketamine (horse tranquilizer), steroids
Schedule 4 Drugs
Commonly used and prescribed

Zanax, Ambien, Valium
Schedule 5 Drugs

Lomotil (anti-diarrheal)
How many alcohol TV commercials is the typical person exposed to per year?
What is the frequency of alcohol related accidents?
Every 30 minutes
How many Americans are alcoholics? How many of these people are between the ages of 9 and 12?
15 million. 500,000
How much money is spent each year on alcohol in America?
$90 billion
How much alcohol is each American responsible for drinking each year?
25 gallons of beer
2 gallons of wine
1.5 gallons of hard liquor
How much money do students spend on alcohol per year?
$5.5 billion
How many Americans between ages 12 and 20 binge drink each year?
7 million
What 2 things are associated with alcohol in society?
1. good times, partying, having fun
2. self-destructiveness and escape
Types of alcohol
Ethyl - causes drunkenness
Isopropyl - rubbing alcohol
Methanol - gasoline
What is the amount of alcohol in beer?
Between 1 and 5%
What is the amount of alcohol in wine?
Between 9 and 20%
What is the amount of alcohol in hard liquor?
Between 35 and 50%
What is proof?
Double the alcohol concentration.

If a drink is 50 proof, it is 25% alcohol by volume.
1 beer, 1 glass of wine, and 1 mixed drink all have about the same level of alcohol. What is that?
0.6 ounces
What percentage of the alcohol you drink goes straight into your blood stream?
20 or 25%? The rest goes into stomach
The rate of alcohol absorption depends on what 3 factors?
1. an empty stomach
2. how fast it is drunk
3. carbonation
What percentage of alcohol is metabolized?
90% Remaining is detected in breath tests
How much more body fat do women have than men?
5% more
How long does it take the body to metabolize 0.5 oz of alcohol?
60 minutes
At what BAC do you start to feel a buzz
Between 0.03 and 0.05

Relieves your anxiety
What is considered the legal limit for being drunk.
Between 0.08 and 0.10

Motor skills reduced
At what BAC do most people lose the ability to function?
At what BAC are most people in a coma or dead?
How many people are injured by drunk driving each year? How many die?
Between 500,000 and 750,000 injured.

20,000 die.
What can be the consequences of drinking while pregnant?
Low birth weight
Developmental delay - can cause child to be ostracized and the victim of bullying
What is classified as binge drinking for men and women?
Men: 5 or more drinks
Women: 4 or more drinks
What percentage of students admit to binge drinking?
What percent of students admit to binge drinking frequently (more than 3 times every 2 weeks)
For each alcoholic drink, how many other people are negatively affected?
5 people
What portion of the world's population of males smoke?
How many people will begin to smoke this year alone?
2.25 million

(each week = 12,000 people)
(each day = 3700 people)
How many smokers are there in the world?
1.2 billion smokers
How many cigarettes are made each minute?
10 million
How often does someone die from tobacco?
Every 8 seconds
How many deaths are there each year from tobacco in the US?
450,000 deaths
What percentage of high school meals and females use tobacco in the US?
23% of females
22% of males
What goes into cigarettes?
ammonia, arsenic, benzine, ambergris
What is the relapse rate for nicotine usage?
Secondary reinforcers
daily activity that triggers urge to smoke
What percentage of new tobacco users are children or teenagers?
What percentage of men and women smoke in the US?
30% of men
25% of women
What percentage of high school boys use smokeless tobacco?
What percentage of MLB players use smokeless tobacco
What percentage of college athletes use tobacco?
How much more polluted is unfiltered cigarette smoke than polluted air?
50,000 times
How many puffs does the average smokers take in a year?
Between 50,000 - 70,000
Cigarettes reduce which type of cholesterol?
Effects of smoking
reduce taste sensitivity
decreased appetite
coronary heart disease
reduced HDL
lung cancer
chronic bronchitis
When did the EPA classify environmental tobacco smoke as a class A carcinogen?
2 types of second hand smoke
1. side stream smoke
- enters atmosphere off the end of a cigar or cigarette. unfiltered.

2. main stream smoke
- filtered by users' lungs
How many deaths does second hand smoke cause per year?
What is the total cost of smoking to society in the US?
$100 billion