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62 Cards in this Set

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gestation period in pigs

114 days

estrus cycle in pigs


placenta in pigs



having piglets

Stages of labor in pigs

Stage 1- nest, lie lateral recumbency

Stage 2- farrow

Stage 3- fetal membranes delivered

What is uncommon in pigs

retained placenta

SQ injections in pigs

axillary and inguinal less than 50lbs

behind the base of the ear greater than 50lbs

IM injections in pigs

behind the ears in dorsal neck

avoid hams, shoulders, and loins

Common arrhythmias in horse

atrial fibrillation, ventricular premature contractions, ventricilar, tachycardia, second degree heart block

6 Sites for blood draw in pigs

Draw on the right side always!

lateral auricular, coccygeal, cranial vena cava, jugular, orbital sinus, cephalic

Coccygeal vein- not perferred

Cranial vena cava- preferred


castrated male before puberty


castrated male after puberty


intact male before puberty


intact female that hasn't had piglets

left ear in ear notching means

litter number (1,3,9)

right ear in ear notching means

pig number (1,3,9, 27,81)

Three types of bandaging

standing - injuries-padding

polo- exercise-no padding

shipping- traveling- padding

What four things to avoid when wrapping

accessory carpal bone, proximal sesamoid bones, calcaneus, heel bulbs

lameness in the hoof is due to what 4 reasons

abscess, navicular syndrome, laminitis, or fracture of P3

4 medications used in equine medicine

acepromazine, xylazine, detomidine, butorphanol

name two reasons for x rays on horses

pre-purchase exam or lameness

Four clinically significant muscle compartments in the horse

gluteals, triceps, masseter, and quadraceps

Complications during surgery

fractures, corneal ulcers, facial parayalsis

Ions that create action potential (muscle contraction)

Ca, K, Na

Parts of an ECG

P wave- contractions of atria

QRS wave- contractions of ventricles

T wave- relaxation

Injection sites on camelids

semimembranosus, triceps, semitendinosus, caudal cervical epaxial muscle

SQ- cranial to the shoulder and caudal to the elbow

Normals for pigs

T- 101-103.5

HR- 60- 90

RR- 10-24

How many compartments do camelids have


What side do you use for a blood draw in camelids?

Left side

Temperature for cria


pulse rate for cria


Heart rate for cria


What is common in camelids?

Failure of passive transfer

Gestation of camelids

polyestrus for 8-12 days

Type of placenta of camelids


Stages of labor in a camelids

Stage 1- parturition

Stage 2- delivery, doesn't lick cria

Stage 3- placentaa expelled

What is uncommon in camelids?


Differences between llamas and alpacas

Llamas have guard hairs and are shorter

Alpacas do not have guard hairs and are taller

Alpaca breeds

Huacaya and Suri (long hair)

Normals in camelids

T- 99-101.5

HR- 69-90


Estrus cycle in sheep

seasonally polyestrous, short day breeders

length of estrus cycle in sheep

13-19 days average 17

gestation period in sheep

148 days

normals in sheep

T- 101-104

HR- 70-90

RR- 12-25


less than 2 yo has not calved

reproduction in cows

polyestrous all year

gestation in cows

279-283 days

Estrus cycle in cows

proestrus, estrus, metestrus, and diestrus

What is common in cows?


Beef breeds are

american salers, anugus, beef master, braham, brangus, chaiolias, chianina, gelluieh, herefords, limousin, maine-anjou, santa gertrudis, shorthorn, texas longhorn, simmental

Dairy breeds

Aryshire, brown swiss, guernsey, holstein fresian, jersey, ilking shorthorn

first in milk production

holstein fresian

first in milk fat


Normals for cow

T- 100-102.5

HR- 40-80

RR- 10-30

What to avoid when giving injections in goats


Lesions in goats are called

contagious echthyma or orf


Caseous lymphadenitis

bacteria colonized in lymph nodes, contagious

Gestation in goats

140-160 days average 151 days

seasonally polyestrus

Four chambers of the GI tract in rumniants

rumen, recticulum, omasum, abomasum

reticulum looks like honey comb

Normals in goat

T- 101-104

HR- 70-90

RR- 12-30

Meat goats

boer, pygmy

dairy goats

french alpine, nubian, lamancha, soanen, and toggenburg