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74 Cards in this Set

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What is a quincunx?

Cross pointing to four corners of earth


Which of the following was enacted to abolish Amerindian slavery?

New laws of the indies

Who changed the way Europeans studied non European people by writing history of the indies the first empirical description of Amerindian societies?

Bartolome de la casas

What is a tilma?

Aztec robe

Andean compositions hierarchy went in which direction?

Upper right to bottom left

Opposite us

What was a kero cup used for?

Drinking chicha, a gift to allies, decoration

Why did Phillip 2 send out a questionnaire thus receiving a map?

To learn more info about the territory

Which term can best be attributed to the architectural contrast between light and shadow caused by dramatic protrusions of columns, scrolls and broken pediments?


A: chiaroscuro

B: rustication

C: mixtilinear

D: planiform

Who can earn the title maestro mayor?

A title given to a viceroy to the most head of construction

A: lead choir singer at the cathedral

B: person that put together altar screens in cathedrals

C: title given to viceroy to the most head of the construction

D: title given to a person born in Mexico but of Spanish descent

What is a locutorio?

Small barred chamber to have convo with outside world

A: small barred chambers with which to have convo with outside world

B: rooms to create embroidery to help nunnery

C: sitting room within nunnery to take in guests like family

D: upper level in a church for nuns to be able to attend mass separate from general public

Front (Term)

Church of Santo Domingo, 1650, Cuzco peru

Front (Term)

Royal chapel 1570, cholula, mexico

Front (Term)

Open chapel at the convent of San nicolas de actopan, mid 16th, actopan mexico

A shape, open area

Front (Term)

Posa chapel from the convent of San Miguel de huejotzingo, 1540s, mexico

H shaped

Front (Term)

Atrial cross from church of San augustin de acolman, 1555, Mexico

Looks like an a

Front (Term)

Exterior of church of San Miguel de huejotzingo, 1540-71, Mexico

Same as posa chapel

Front (Term)

Exterior view of church of San Agustin de acolman, 1555, mexico

Same as atrial cross

Front (Term)

Exterior of church of la natividad de nuestra senora de tepoztlan, 1559, mexico

Front (Term)

Facade of church of la natividad de nuestra senora de tepoztlan

Front (Term)

Interior view of church of San Pedro, Andahuaylillas, 1600, perj

Extravagant look extravagant name

Front (Term)

Juan Gerson, choir loft paintings. Church of San Francisco de tecamacholo, 1562

Front (Term)

Descent from the cross, church of San andres de epazoyucan, 1550, mexico

What is happening

Front (Term)

Immaculate conception. Convent of San huejotzingo

Front (Term)

Cloister stairway murals, convent of San nicolas de actopan, 1575, mexico

Front (Term)

Fray bernardino de sahagun. Florentine codex, 1575

Front (Term)

Map of amoltepec 1580

Front (Term)

Arms of the descendants of Inca Tupa Yupanqui, 1600

Front (Term)

Juan Bautista, Christ at the age of 12, 1590

Front (Term)

Palace of Cortes, mid 16th, Mexico

Front (Term)

Casa de montejo, 1549, mexico

Front (Term)

Casa de pilatos, 1600, peru

Front (Term)

Altarscreen of our lady of solitude. Cathedral of our lady of assumption, 1670, Mexico

Front (Term)

Luis Gomez, rodrigo Diaz, cristobal, facade of the cathedral of our lady of assumption, mexico

Mexico- bland

Peru- bright, baroque

Front (Term)

Diego arias, Francisco Dominguez, facade of cathedral of our lady of assumption, peru

Front (Term)

Noguera, Salas, Robles, altarscreen of the virgin of the immaculate conception, 1654, cathedral of our lady of assumption, peru

Front (Term)

Facade of the church of San Francisco, 1535, ecuador

Front (Term)

Vasconcelos, escobar, facade of the church of San Francisco, 1656, Peru

Front (Term)

Rosary chapel of the church of Santo Domingo, 1630, Puebla mexico

Front (Term)

Francisco jimenez, sanctuary of copacabana, Bolivia

What were the rural figures here called?

Both caipira violeiro and custombristas

The juxtaposition of the temple stone deity and the friar, along with the emotion of the native woman represents what message?


Who paved the way for modern Latin American art by using studies of nature?

Alexander von humboldt

Why were portraits similar to this created?

Show leaders responsibility for independence, show honor and create and brand

Which important figure of the independence movement is given a complex depiction in this work?

Miguel hidalgo

Which genre of painting was at the top of the academic hierarchy in terms of importance?

History painting

What did the pelican represent in this work of art?

Symbol of Christ, true love

Which church represented the pride of criollos in Mexico?

Mexico City cathedral

What was the system that formed in colonial Peru as a way of oppressing the amerindians to do hard labor in the mines?

Mita system

What was the system that formed in colonial Peru as a way of oppressing the amerindians to do hard labor in the mines?

Mita system

Who is the man painted in this piece that has been attributed to master saldana?

Hernan cortes

Which of the following was not popularized in the rise of secular art?

Statue paintings

What is noticeably missing in this idealized view of Mexico City?

Loving places of amerindians

What is another name for the Jesuit’s?

Society of Jesus

What were the sacred sites of the Incan people called?


The map of amoltepec is what?

Communicentric and conceptual

The allegorical atrium from rhetoric christiana from 1579 was engraved by which friar?

Fray Diego de valades

What was the possible purpose for manuscripts?

Genealogical, ritual, historical records

What aspect of indigenous artistic culture did the mendicants refuse to adapt for Christian purposes?

Quero cups

Who were the Incan sun gods children and what were they sent to earth to do?

Manco capac and mama ocllo, bring order to civility and convert to worship the sun god

Who was the earth deity of the Incas that became associated with the Virgin Mary?


What is the name given to readers of the Aztec manuscripts?


What is a quipu?

Knitted rope used to communicate information

Which term best describes what this image represents?

Matricula de tributos

What was used for punishment in the middle of main square?


Which valley is shown in this painting?

Valley of mexico

The architect primarily in charge of a building site is known as what?

Maestro mayor

What is a biombo and what region influenced the form?

Screen painting influenced by japan

Who was the first American to be canonized as a saint?

St rose of lima

What was the purpose of having a depiction of a picket watch in this portrait?

Remind us of the sitters mortality

What is the name for large ornate columns that resemble inverted obelisks?


Who was the first to suggest that amerindians migrated across the Bering straits?

Jose de acosta

What was the encarnacion technique meant to do?

Make the sculpture appear more realistic

What is a locutorio?

Small chambers to have conversations with the outside world

Which of these countries was not part of the triple alliance?
