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36 Cards in this Set

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Helminth Phyla and Classes
1) Phylum Nemathelminthes (Roundworms)
a. Class Nematomorpha - horsehair worms
b. Class Nematoda

2) Phylum Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)
a. Class Trematoda - flukes
b. Class Cestoda - tapeworms

3) Phylum Acanthocephala (Thorny-headed worms)
Describe Phylum Nemathelminthes - Class Nematoda
1. Free living or parasitic
2. Spindle-shaped; taper at both ends
3. Body not segmented
4. Body cavity and digestive tract present
5. No proboscis
6. Separate sexes
Describe Phylum Platyhelminthes - Class Cestoda
1. All species are parasitic
2. Sexes NOT separate: individual tapeworm has male and female organs
3. Flat; ribbon or band-shaped
4. Segmented body
5. No body cavity
6. Not digestive tract
7. No proboscis
Describe Phylum Platyhelminthes - Class Trematoda
1. All species parasitic
2. Sexes NOT separate
3. Flat; oval or leaf shaped
4. Body not segmented
5. No body cavity
6. Digestive tract present but no anus
7. No proboscis
Phylum Acanthocephala
1. All species are parasitic
2. Separate sexes
3. Tapering posterior end
4. Body not segmented
5. Body cavity present
6. No digestive tract
7. Proboscis present
Phylum Nemathelminthes - Class Nematomorpha
1. Larvae parasitic in insects
2. Adults free living in fresh water: mate, lay eggs in water or moist soil
3. Hatched larvae penetrate insect and mature
4. Emerge when insect in contact with water
5. Gordian or horsehair worms
Describe a Nematode's body wall.
Comprised of cuticle, hypodermis and muscle cells.

1. Cuticle - tough, thick protective outer covering produced by hypodermal cells.
a. Resistant to host digestive enzymes.
b. Functions as a hydrostatic skeleton
c. Metabolically active and antigenic.

Describe Nematodas
1. Muscle cells underlie hypodermis - provide locomotion by longitudinal contraction

2. Body cavity - a pseudocoelom because it has no cell lining; contains fluid that is highly allergenic or toxic to host; fluid pressure provides turgor and keeps body straight.
Digestive tract of Nematoda
1. Simple straight tube
2. Mouth (stoma) +/- external modifications
3. Esophagus - muscular and glandular parts
4. Intestine - female ends in rectum and male ends in cloaca along with vas deferenes
5. Anus - rectum or cloaca leads to anus that opens to outside of body
Describe Nematoda Metabolism
1. Majority are facultative anaerobes - store glycogen and depends on host for carbohydrates

2. Host supplies all of food: examples are blood, lymph, pre-digested ingesta, etc..
Describe Nemotoda Reproductive system
Dioecious (spearate sexes) - highly developed; females often produce large numbers of eggs (1,000/day)

Level of egg development within female varies with species of nematode
a. Oviparous
b. Ovoviviparous
c. Viviparous

Often marked sexual dimorphism
a. Females generally larger than males
b. Males have a curled tail or A BURSA COPULATRIX
c. Bursa is an appendage at posterior end
Class Nematoda - Male Organs
Single tube with differentiated regions
Coiled testis --> vas deferens --> enlarged seminal vesicle --> muscular ejaculatory duct --> cloaca

Accessory organs
Spicules, gubernaculum, bursa
Used in copulation
Class Nematoda - Female Organs
Ovary --> oviduct --> uterus --> muscular ovejector --> vulva

Usually 2 sets of female organs (didelphic)

Location of vulva: anterior, middle or posterior of body

Eggs of most nematode species differ in morphology
Definition of Viviparous.
Eggs hatch in uterus; female gives birth to larvae.
Definition of Ovoviviparous.
Female lays an egg that contains a larva.
Definition of Oviparous.
Female lays egg with an undeveloped embryo.
Basic nematode life cycle
Egg --> 5 larval stages --> adult male or female.

L1-L2: usually free living stages
L3: usually infective stage to host
L3-L5: adult are parasitic stages
Describe the larval development.
Larvae usually undergo ECDYSIS (MOLT) between stages

L3 (some species) retain L2 cuticle = SHEATHED LARVAE which protects larvae from drying out and prevents larvae from feeding
Subclasses (Orders) of Class Nematoda
1. Subclass Secernentea
a. Strongylida - 4 superfamilies
b. Rhabditida
c. Ascardida - 3 superfamilies
d. Oxyurida
e. Spirurida - 6 superfamilies

2. Subclass Adenophorea
a. Enoplida - 2 superfamilies
Features of Order Strongylida
1. Copulatory bursa in males of all superfamilies
2. Large buccal capsule in hookworms and true strongyles - used for attachment and sucking blood
3. No buccal capsule in trichostrongyles and lung worms
4. Larval stages migrate in host tissues
Characteristics of strongyle type eggs
Smooth-surfaced, ellipsoidal shells

Contain an embryo in a MORULA stage when laid and passed out with the feces
4 supefamilies of the Order Strongylida
1. Ancylostomatoidea - hookworms

2. Strongyloidea - true strongyles

3. Trichostrongyloidea - trichostrongyles

4. Metastrongyloidea - metastrongyles or lung worms
What is this?
Nemathelminthes: nematode or roundworm (Parascaris equorum)
What is this?
Platyhelminthes: trematode or fluke (Fasciola hepatica)
What is this?
What is happening to this kind of worm?
Probsocis of an acanthocephalan
What is this?
Nematomorpha - Horsehair worm (Gordius)
What is each letter?
A = Dorsal cord
B = Dorsal nerve
C = Hypodermis
D = Body cavity
E = Lateral cord
F = Esophageal lumen
G = Ventral cord
H = Ventral nerve
I = Muscle fibers
J = Excretory canal
K = Cuticle
L = Somatic muscle
Label letters
A = Leaf crown
B = Cephalic vesicles
C = Cervical vesicles
D = Cervical alae
E = Cervical papillae
Which is male and which is female? How can you tell? What are these?
A = Male (coiled tail)
B = Female (longer)

Dirofilaria immitis - Heartworm of dogs
Label letters.
A = Spicule
B = Lateral lobe
C = Dorsal ray
D = Dorsal lobe
E = Bursal rays
What is this? Label letters.
Tail end of male Strongyle

A = Spicule
B = Bursal ray
C = Copulatory bursa
Label letters.
A = Buccal cavity
B = Excretory pore
C = Nerve ring
D = Testis
E = Sperm
F = Vas deferens
G = Rectal gland
H = Gubernaculum
I = Copulatory bursa
J = Mouth opening
K = Esophagus
L = Intestine
M = Lumen of intestine
N = Spicule
O = Cloaca
P = Dilator muscle
Label letters.
A = Vagina
B = Ovejector
C = Vulva flap
D = Vulva
E = Uterus
F = Egg
Label the letters.
A = Lumen of esophagus
B = Nerve ring
C = Ovary
D = Uterus
E = Vagina
F = Vulva
G = Egg
H = Uterus
I = Ovary
J = Egg
K = Rectum
L = Anus
M = Esophagus
N = Excretory pore
O = Intestine
P = Lumen of intestine
Q = Rectum
R = Rectal gland
S = Anus
Label letters.
A = Trichicaris
B = Toxocara