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82 Cards in this Set

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small cone of endocrine tisue located in epithalamus
pineal gland
produces serotonin during daytime
pineal gland
produces melatonin during nighttime
pineal gland
seems to be associated with body's diurnal dark-light guide
pineal gland
overproduction may contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder or PMS
pineal gland
butterfly shaped gland
thyroid gland
divided into two lateral lobes on either side of trachea just below larynx
thyroid gland
contains follicular cells that produce & secrete T3 & T4
thyroid gland
contain C cells that produce & secrete calcitonin (CT)
thyroid gland
release hormones t3 & t4 in responses to TSH increase metabolic rate
thyroid gland
release of hormones has a calorigenic effect
thyroid gland
realease of hormones cause cells to use more oxygen & produce body heat
thyroid gland
release of hormones increase fat breakdown & uses of glucose for ATP production
thyroid gland
hormones combine with GH & insulin to accelerate body growth
thyroid gland
releases calcitonin that lowers blood levels of calcium by inhibiting osteoclasts & increasing osteoblast
thyroid gland
hyposecretion during infancy can cause cretinism
thyroid gland
thyroid gland
enlarged thyroid gland due to insufficient iodine in diet
thyroid gland
a small round masses of tissue attached to posterior surface of each lateral love of thyroid gland
parathyroid gland
produces PTH
parathyroid gland
hormone raises blood calcium levels by promoting calcitriol synthesis
parathyroid gland
increases osteoclast breakdown of bone to release calcium into blood
parathyroid gland
increases rate at which kidneys remove calcium from urine
parathyroid gland
too little causes calcium deficiency that impairs neuromuscular activity leading to muscle twithces, spasms, and convulsions associated with tetany
parathyroid gland
too much causes removal of large quantities of calcium fromb ones leaving them brittle & usceptible to spontaneus fractures
parathyroid gland
located in mass of fat superior to each kidney
adrenal glands
organized into outer cortex & inner medulla
adrenal glands
has medulla which consists of hormone-producing chromaffin cells
adrenal glands
responds to sympathetic preganglionic neurons by secreting epi & nEpi
adrenal glands
supplement effects produced by sympathetic division of ANS, but they last longer
adrenal glands
small cone of endocrine tisue located in epithalamus
pineal gland
produces serotonin during daytime
pineal gland
produces melatonin during nighttime
pineal gland
seems to be associated with body's diurnal dark-light guide
pineal gland
overproduction may contribute to Seasonal Affective Disorder or PMS
pineal gland
butterfly shaped gland
thyroid gland
divided into two lateral lobes on either side of trachea just below larynx
thyroid gland
contains follicular cells that produce & secrete T3 & T4
thyroid gland
contain C cells that produce & secrete calcitonin (CT)
thyroid gland
release hormones t3 & t4 in responses to TSH increase metabolic rate
thyroid gland
release of hormones has a calorigenic effect
thyroid gland
realease of hormones cause cells to use more oxygen & produce body heat
thyroid gland
release of hormones increase fat breakdown & uses of glucose for ATP production
thyroid gland
hormones combine with GH & insulin to accelerate body growth
thyroid gland
releases calcitonin that lowers blood levels of calcium by inhibiting osteoclasts & increasing osteoblast
thyroid gland
causes increases in blood pressure, heart rate, respiration & cellular metabolism
adrenal glands
increases cellular metabolism by stimulating hydrolysis of glycogen to glucose and syntehsis of glucose from amino acids & fatty acids
adrenal glands
subdivided into 3 zones each secreting different corticosteroids
adrenal glands
zona glomerulosa
adrenal glands
secretes mineral corticoids
adrenal glands
adrenal glands
hormone causes increase in reabsorption of sodium ions & excretion of potassium ions by kidneys
adrenal glands
zona fasciculata
adrenal glands
sescretes glucocorticoids
adrenal glands
cortisol & corticosterone
adrenal glands
promote breakdown of proteins & lipids into amino acids & fatty acids
adrenal glands
make more glucose available so body is more alert & preparted to deal with stress
adrenal glands
anti-inflammatory compounds
adrenal glands
relieve swelling & other signts of inflammation
adrenal glands
zona reticularis
adrenal glands
secretes androgens that get converted into testosterone
adrenal glands
contribute to secondary sexual characteristics, sex drive & sexual behavior
adrenal glands
concentration of sex hormones secreted by adrenal glands is insignificant compared to gonads
adrenal glands
adrenogenital syndrome
adrenal glands
overproduction in females results in masculinization of secondary sexual characteristics
adrenal glands
flattened organ located inferior/posterior to stomach
islets perform endocrine functions
alpha, beta & delta cells
secrete glucagon to stimulate liver to convert glycogen, lactic acid & amino acids into glucose & then release glucose into blood
glucagon secretion
low blood sugar levels trigger glucagon secretion to increase blood levels of glucose
insulin secretion
regulated by negative feedback
high blood sugar levels trigger its release to reduce blood levels of glucoses
secrete somatostatin
inhibits secretion of glucagon & insulin
slows absorption of nutrients from gastrointestinal tract
low blood sugar, results from overproduction of insulin
diabetes mellitus
group of disorders that lead to elevated levels of glucose in blood producing excess glucose in urine
type 1 destroys insulin producing beta cells
type 2 occurs most often among people over 40 & who are overweight