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97 Cards in this Set

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When does birth lenght double?
by 4 years
when does the child sit unsupported
8 months
When does a child achieve 50% of adult ht?
2 years
When does a child throw a ball overhand?
18 months
When does a child speak 2-3 word sentences
2 years
When does a child use scissors
4 years
when does a child tie shoes
5 years
Do girls or boys have a growth spurt earlier?
Are temper tantrums common in toddlers
yes, they are considered normal
Be aware that adolescence is a time when the child forms his or her identity and that rebellion against fmaily values is common for this age group
woohoo let the good times roll
When does birth wt double
When does birth wt triple
12 months
When does theh posterior fontanel close
by 8 wks
Social smile occurs when
at 2 months
moro reflex disappears around
4 months
transfers objects from hand to hand at
7 months
fine pincer grasp appears at
10-12 months
develops stranger anxiety at
7-9 months
sits unsupported at
8 mo
crawls at
10 mo
walks with assistance
10-12 mo
toys for hospilized infants should include
mobiles, rattles, squeaking toys, picture books, balls, colored blocks, and activity boxes
achieves 50% of adult ht by
2 years
all primary teeth are present when
toddler 1-3 years
kicks ball at
24 month
2-3 word sentences spoken by
2 years
3-4 word sentences spoken by
3 yrs
own first and last name can be stated by
2.5 to 3 yrs
What are toddlers in according to Erikson?
autonomy vs shame and doubt
For the toddler should security objects from home be provided?
A child's home routine should not be respected during a hosptial stay? T or F
Board and amllet; push/pull toys; toy telephones; stuffed animals; and storybooks with pictures are for what age range?
Toddlers 1-3 yrs
__________are learning to name body parts and are concerned about their bodies
How do you support autonomy with a toddler?
provide choices
When does a child learn to run, jump, skip, and hop?
preschool 3-5 yrs
Can a 3 yr old ride a tricycle?
Handedness is established when?
preschool 3-5 yrs
Imaginary playmates and fears are common when?
preschool 3-5 yrs
Aggressiveness at _____yrs is replaced by more independence at ________yrs

According to Erikson, where is a preschool child at?
Initiative vs guilt
What should be explained to a preschool age child that is hospitalized?
That the child did not cause the illness and that painful procedures are not a punishment for misdeeds
Fear of mutilation by procedures is common at which stage?
preschool 3-5 yrs
When does a female experience menarche?
school age 6-12 yrs
When does a child experience loss of primary teeth and eruption of most permanent teeth
school age 6-12 yrs
T or F Socialization with peers becomes important in preschool 3-5 year olds?
FALSE, its school age children
According to Erikson, what stage is are the school age children in 6-12 years?
industry vs inferiority
At what age do children need more support from parents than they want to admit?
school age 6-12 yrs
Board games; card games; hobbies such as stamp collecting, puzzles and video games are for what stage?
school age 6-12 years
When do boys catch up the growth spurt?
around 14
what stage do secondary sex characteristics develop?
adolescent 12-19 yrs
When do girls finish growth?
when do boys finish growth
around 17
When does adult thinking begin?
around 15
When can children use abstract thinking?
adolescent 12-19 yrs
Erikson stage for adolescents? 12-19 yrs
identity vs role confusion
In adolescent, should all teaching be done with parents present?
When teaching adolescents, what should be the focus?
on the here and now
What is an infants concept of bodily injury?
their cognitive development allows them to remember pain
What is a toddlers concept of bodily harm?
they fear intrusive procedures
What is a preschoolers concept of bodily harm?
they fear bodily mutilation
What is a school age child concept of bodily injury?
fear loss of control of their bodies
What is an adolescents concept of bodily injury?
change in body image
How do assess for pain in young children?
increased hr, increased resp rate, diaphoresis and decreased o2 levels
non pharm methods for infants pain relief
pacifiers, holding, rocking
non pharm methods for toddlers and preschoolers for pain relief
non pharm pain interventions for school aged
guided imagery
How is rubeola transmitted
direct contac with droplets
Symptoms of measles are
koplik spots on buccal mucosa and confluent rash that begins on face and spreads downward
How are chicken pox transmitted?
direct contac; droplet spread; or freshly contaqminated objects
What effect does rubella have on an unborn fetus?
teratogenic during first trimester
how is rubella transmitted
droplet and direct contact with infected person
Describe rubella
discrete red maculopapular rash taht starts on face and rapidly spreads to entire body
What is pertussis
whooping cough
How is pertussis transmitted
direct contact; droplet spread; or freshly contaminated onjects
How do you tx pertussis
When does iron deficiency occur most commonly in children?
12-36 months
adolescent females
females in childbearing years
What are three conditions assocaited with diarrhea?
metabolic acidosis (out the ass)
Signs of dehydration
poor skin turgor
absence of tears
dry mucous membranes
wt loss
depressed fontanel
decreased urinary output
increased specific gravity
Lab signs of acidosis
loss of bicarb (serum ph <7.33)
loss of NA and K through stool
elevated Hct
elevated BUN
If a child has diarrhea what fluids should you NOT give them?
grape juice
orange juice
apple juice
ginger ale
these have high osmolality
When is it OK to add K+ to IV fluids?
only with adequate urine output
A child under 2 has a greater or lesser central body surface area in relation to older kids or adults
Do children have greater or lesser fluid volume?
Are rules of 9's used in children to assess burns?
What is urinary output for infants and children?
1-2 ml/kg/hr
Is the use of ipecac still recommended for accidently poisoning?
NO, it may do more harm than good
List 2 contranindications to live virus immunization
Immunocompromised child or a child in a house hold with an immunocompromised individual
List 3 classic signs and symptoms of measles
Photophobia; confluent rash that begins on the face and spreads downwards; and Koplik spots on the buccal mucosa
List the s & s of iron deficiency
anemia; pale conjunctiva; pale skin color; atrophy of papillae on tongue; brittle, ridged, or spoonshaped nails; thyroid edema
Identify food sources of vitamin A
liver; sweet potatoes; carrots; spniach; peaches; apricots
What disease occurs with vitamin C deficiency?
What measurements reflect present nutritional status
Wt; skinfold thickness; arm circumference
List the s & s of dehydration in an infant
poor skin turgor; absence of tears; dry mucous membranes; wt loss; depressed fontanel; and decreased urine output
How should burns in children be assessed
by using the Lund Browder chart, which takes into account the changing proportions of the child's body
How can the nurse best eval the adequacy of fluid replacement in children?
urine output
how should a parent be instructed to child proof a house
lock all cabniets, safely store all toxic household items in locked cabinets; and examine the house from the child's point of view
What interventions should the nurse perform first in caring for a child who has ingested a poison?
assessment of the child's resp, cardiac, and neurologic status