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47 Cards in this Set

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Why do carbs burn first?

Enzymes ➡ when glucose enters the cell, its immediately being attacked by an enzyme


- 6 carbon compound

- Hexokinase (HK) ➡ enzyme that attacks glucose

- Nutrients enter cell in cytosol

- Glucose meets w/ enzyme

- Glycolysis takes place

What does carbohydrates have that proteins & fat do not?

Hexokinase (HK) ➡ enzyme

Anaerobic Metabolism

1. Glucose enters cell, its trapped

2. G6P (phosphorated), locked in

3. Glycolysis ➡ break glucose in half

- Takes place in cytosol

- Pyruvic acid is the product

4. Goes to mitochondria to break down further (K.C. & E.T.C)

- Aerobic process

Is Glycolysis anaerobic or aerobic?

Anaerobic ➡ w/o O2

Pyruvic acid leads to...

Build up of lactic acid

- Lactic acid leads to acidosis

- ⬇pH levels

- acid will denature proteins

Amino Acid ➡ _______ ➡ _________

AA ➡ Protein ➡ Fat (Adipose)

- converts to fat by liver

- no stored form of energy for proteins

Glucose ➡ ________ ➡ __________

Glucose ➡➡ cell ➡ 1, 2, 3


1. Used for energy

2. Stored glycogen

3. Extra is stored as adipose

Kreb's Cycle

- Takes place in mitochondria

- Pyruvic acid starts as 3 carbon compound

- Will be decarboxylated because can only process 2 carbon compound

Decarboxination ➡ break down 1 carbon at a time

- Now converted to Acetyl CoA & a 2 carbon compound & can enter Kreb's Cycle

- will lose energy & heat

Leftover energy (electrons) go to the Electron Trabsport Chain

Electron Transport Chain

- In mitochondria

- harvest electrons & transport

Octet Rule ➡ Can not leave electrons exposed

Terminal Electron Receptor ➡ O2 accepts the electrons

- Produces 5 products

Cori Cycle

Converts lactic acid back to glucose

What are the end products of metabolism?

1. CO2

2. ATP

3. Water

4. Glucose

5. Heat for thermoregulation

Of the 3 (protein, carb, fat) _________ is unlimited


What are the 4 types of lipoproteins?

1. Chylomicron (Richest)


3. LDL

4. HDL

Fat can only enter blood when...

It is bonded to lipoprotein

Fat is insoluable in water and blood is mainly soluable

Lipoprotein Processing

1. Absorb fat from diet

2. In lymph converted to lipoprotein

3. Now Chylomicron

4. Chylomicron goes to blood

5. Lipoprotein lipase strips triglycerides

6. Triglycerides stored as adipose

7. Goes to liver

8. Becomes VLDL

9. Stripped of triglycerides again

10. Back to liver

11. Becomes LDLbad cholesterol

12. Cholesterol circulating in blood

13. Liver produces HDL empty shell

14. HDL picks up good cholesterol from LDL to deliver to liver

Cholesterol is used for hormones, make bile, vitamins etc.

What happens if there is liver failure?

Fat stops

- Fat can't be processed & builds up

Liver is important for stored glycogen

Where is glycogen stored?

Muscles & liver

- Glycogen in muscles is only for muscles

What does it mean when BMI is high?


- Too much fat is being stored by carbs, fat, and protein

- at risk of cardiovascular

What is produced in both Kreb's Cycle & Electron Transport Chain?


What is cholesterol used for?

- Hormones

- Bile

- Converts fructose to glucose

Why do we want high HDL?

- LDL carries a lot of bad cholesterol

- Fat can settle & trigger intrinsic factor

Lipid Metabolism: Beta Oxidation

Alpha then Beta then break into Acetyl CoA

Problem w/ Beta Oxidation:

- can only process one at a time

- while waiting, a chance that 2 can bond (4 carbon compound)

- known as ketone bodies

- may go into ketosis

Ketone Bodies

- So many ACH that have to wait for Kreb's Cycle

- May create bonds

________ will always be used when entering blood

Amino Acid

- Nothing is saved to the side

Protein Metabolism: Deamination

- Takes place in liver

Before entering Kreb's Cycle, must break down amino group

- this produces ammonia


Converted by liver to urea & sends to kidney to get rid of

- excreted in urine

Protein Metabolism

Protein ➡ GI ➡ AA ➡ enters simple


Diffuse in


Nervous System & RBCs depend on what?


Uric Acid

Can cause nervous problems

- drink water to prevent kidney stones because urea can settle

What's the only way to burn fat?

Aerobic Exercise

Absorptive vs Postabsorptive

Absorptive ➡ Eating

- Hormone ➡ Insulin

Postabsorptive ➡ in between meals

- Hormone ➡ Glucagon


- Low glucose

- Nervous system will show symptoms

- Neurons don't store sugar


- Not a nutrient, it is toxic

- Fatty liver

- Liver converts alcohol to fat

- Liver needs O2

- Alcohol depresses medulla, decreases breathing rate

Homeostasis of _________ is key


- Hypothalamus regulates this


⬇ HR

⬇ Body Temperature

- Slow down until everything stops


- Exhaust all energy, run out of nutrients

- Metabolism ⬆ causing seizures

- Heat stroke

If the liver and muscle storage is not unlimited, where does the energy go?

Once liver and muscles are filled, anything extra will be stored as FAT

Once nutrients enter a cell, they land in...

The cytoplasm

True or False: Once glucose is broken down in the body it is forever lost


Broken down into Water, CO2, Energy etc.


- Anaerobic (no O2)

- Takes place in cytosol

- Product ➡ pyruvic acid

Pyruvic acid leaves blood and becomes what?

Lactic acid

Mitochondria can only process what compound?

Acetyl CoA

-must convert glucose, fat, amino acid to this in order to burn

Carbon dioxide is the stimulus for what?


- its not O2

All lipoproteins are _______ in water

All lipids are _______ in water

1. Soluble

2. Insoluble

- converting lipid to lipoprotein becomes soluable in water (blood)

What is the only organ that prefers fat?


What organ prefers sugar?
