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83 Cards in this Set

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Which Stakeholders in Organizations look for what from companies?
Stockholders- higher dividends, long term success, maintenance
Customers- demand good products/service, quality and customer service
Employees- want fairness, ability to improve, enpowerment
What are the Three Types of Intellectual Capital?
Human Capital
Structural Capital
Relationship Capital
How do Companies Create Human Capital?
-attract/retain superior employees
-link/leverage their knowledge/expertise
-engage their energy/ bond them to company
How do Companies Create Structural Capital?
-design system to capture/retain knowledge
How do Companies Create Relationship Capital?
-design system to build/manage relationships w/ stakeholders
What are the Key Management Skill Sets?
Technical- accounting skills, operational skills
Human- ability to work w/ others, meet people
Conceptual- mental ability to analyze problem
What are the Key Management Functions?
Opportunity/Problem Identification- analyze opportunities for fit, potential
Opportunity/Problem Analysis- analyze organizational problems to determine causes
Problem Solving- manage process to put in place opportunities/solutions
What is Organizational Behavior?
Systematic study of human behavior in organizations
What are some characteristics of Organizational Behavior?
-Social/behavioral science
-Descriptive (what) and Predictive (why/when)
-Gives base for effective practice
--research base for predictions/tools for working w/ others
What is Scientific Theory?
Coherent set of general propositions that explain set of facts
What are some Summary Characteristics of Organizational Behavior?
-Focus on knowledge creation/contributing to management
-Multiple designs/settings
ex. Field studies, lab experiments, etc.
-Multiple measurement methods
ex. surveys, observation
-Sophisticated stat analysis
What is key for value creation?
Effective Management
What skills sets are required for effective management?
How does Organizational Behavior provide foundation for Management Practice?
-Improve human/conceptual skills
-Guide creation of value thru people in organizations
-developing analysis based solutions
What are the Big Five Personality Dimensions?
Openness to Experience
What is the Conscientiousness category of the Big Five?
-careful, dependable, organized, hardworking, goal oriented
What is the Agreeableness category of the Big Five?
-courteous, caring, good natured
What is the Neuroticism category of the Big Five?
-how emotionally stable one is
-difficulty coping w/ stress, anxious, hostile
What is the Openness to Experience category of the Big Five?
-flexible, curious, seeks new experiences
What is the Extraversion category of the Big Five?
-outgoing, sociable, gets energy from people
What are the effects of the Conscientiousness category of the Big Five?
-Higher job, training, citizenship performance for occupation
-more motivated, higher goals
What are the effects of the Agreeableness category of the Big Five?
-Higher performance in jobs that require cooperation
What are the effects of the Neuroticism category of the Big Five?
-Lower emotional stability- less motivated, set lower goals
-Higher emotional stability- higher performance
What are the effects of the Openness to Experience category of the Big Five?
-Higher training performance
-More creative, adaptive to change
What are the effects of the Extroversion category of the Big Five?
-Higher training, sales, management performance
What is Self Concept?
An individual's self beliefs/self evaluations
What is Perception?
Process of Receiving Info about the World around us
What is Attribution Theory?
How we assess causes of our own/other's behavior
What are the Judgments Attributions are based on?
-Consistency (over time)
-Distinctiveness (b/wn situations)
-Consensus (across people)
What are the Possible Causes of Behavior?
Stable Cause- difficult to change
Unstable Cause- readily changeable
Internal Cause- internal to person
External Cause- external to person
What is an Internal and Stable Cause of Behavior?
What are some examples of External and Unstable Cause?
Changeable Resources
Changeable Practices
Help from Others
What are some examples of External and Stable Cause?
Stable Resources
Stable Task Characteristics
Stable Policies
What are some examples of Internal and Unstable Cause?
What is Operant Conditioning?
What is being learned is connection b/wn behavior & getting the reinforcer
-cycle b/wn target behavior/reinforcer
What are the different processes of Modifying Behavior w/ Operant Conditioning?
1. Increasing Desired Behavior
-Positive/Negative Reinforcement
2. Decreasing Inappropriate Behavior
-Extinction or Punishment
What is the result that is least desired through Operant Conditioning?
Rewarding A while hoping for B
-Undesirable behavior rewarded, desired behavior unrewarded/unpunished
What is Social Learning?
Learning behavior through observation of models/practicing behaviors
-used in formal/on the job training
-socialization in organizations
What are the Steps of Experiential Learning?
-Learn background info through reading/instruction
-Engage environment
What is the Employee Responsibility in Experiential Learning?
-Take Initiative
-Learn Independently
-Willing to Experiment/learn from error
What is Emotional Labor?
Effort/control needed to express organizationally desired emotions
What are Display Rules?
-Rules/norms for expected display/hiding of certain emotions
-when/where acceptable to display what
What is Emotional Dissonance?
-Conflict b/wn expected/acceptable and true emotions
What is Job Satisfaction?
Individual's attitudes toward various factors of their jobs
-ex. co-workers, pay, working conditions, etc.
What are the Consequences of Job Satisfaction?
-High performance, customer satisfaction
-Low absence, turnover
-Cope w/ stress better
What are the Various Consequences/Outcomes of Job Dissatisfaction?
-Voice- attempt to change situation
-Loyalty- wait for situation
-Neglect- decrease effort
What is Affective Commitment?
-Emotional attachment, involvement
What are the Consequences of Affective Commitment?
-High motivation, performance
-Low absence, turnover
-Cope w/ stress better
What is Continuance Commitment?
-Calculated decision to remain in organization
-"Golden Handcuffs"
-leads to low performance
How do you Build Satisfaction?
-equitable rewards
-supportive working conditions
-person-job matching
How do you Build Commitment?
-Shared values
How do you manage Work Related Stress?
-Remove the Stressor (problem solving)
-Withdraw from Stressor (leave)
-Change Stress Perceptions
-Social Support
-Control Stress Consequences
What is Motivation?
willingness to exert effort towards a goal
What are the Components of Motivation?
Initiation- getting started
Direction- focus/ goal directed behavior
Intensity- level of effort
Persistence- in face of failure
What are the Three Most Consistent Effects on Performance?
1. Clear Expectations/feedback
2. Recognition
3. Rewards that are valued
What are the Three Less Consistent Effects on Performance?
1. Participation
2. Punishment
3. Job Enrichment
What is Expectancy Theory?
Effort --> Performance --> Possible Outcomes
Motivational Force = E->P Expectancy x P->O Expectancy x Valence
What is the E->P Expectancy?
Belief about personal effort on Performance Levels
-If I put in more effort, will performance perform?
What is Valence?
Desirability of an Outcome
How do Goals Affect Employees?
-Regulate effort
-Increase Persistence
-Stimulate planning
How does Feedback Help?
-provides info
-guides behavior
-affects effort/persistence
How is the Best Way to Improve E->P Expectancy?
-performance standards clear/achievable
-clear about desired behavior
-provide support
How is the Best Way to Improve P->O Expectancy?
-do not reward poor performance
-necessary controls in place
-linkages are clear
How is the Best Way to Improve Valence Expectancy?
-find out what staff values
-reward behaviors/performance
How is the Best Way to Use Goal Setting? How should Goals be Structured?
Goals are:
-Feedback provided
What is Procedural Justice?
-Fairness in procedures determine distribution of resources/rewards
What is Distributive Justice?
-Compared work inputs to outcomes of others
-Response to perceived inequity
What is Underreward Inequity?
Self: Outcome/Input < Other: Outcome/Input
What is Overreward Inequity?
Self: Outcome/Input > Other: Outcome/Input
How is the Best Way to Fix Procedural Justice?
-Give people voice in procedures
How is the Best Way to Fix Distributive Justice?
-Find out who people use as comparison
-Get to know employees/communicate openly
What are Organizational Rewards under Performance Based Rewards?
-Profit Sharing, Share ownership, stock options
-Outer most layer
What are the Team Rewards under Performance Based Rewards?
-Bonuses, Gainsharing
What are the Individual Rewards under Performance Based Rewards?
-Bonuses, Commissions, Piece Rate
How do you Improve Reward Effectiveness?
-Develop reliable performance measures
-Expectancy Theory-
--(P->O) Link Reward to Performance
--(Valence) Rewards are valued
-Justice/Equity Theory- design fair procedures, monitor employee fairness levels
What are the Core Job Characteristics?
Skill Variety
Task Identity
Task Significance
Job Feedback
What is Skill Variety?
Extent job requires different skills/talent
What is Task Identity?
Extent job requires completing whole or piece of work
What is Task Significance?
Degree job has meaningful impact on stakeholders
What is Autonomy?
Degree job allows freedom, independence
What is Job Feedback?
Extent employees tell how they are doing while performing job
What are the Dimensions of Empowerment?
Self Determination- employees feel they have freedom/discretion
Meaning- care about their work
Competence- high efficiency of performing work
Impact- actions influence company's success
What are the Elements of Self-Leadership?
Personal Goal Setting
Constructive Thought Patterns- engage in positive self talk
Designing Natural Rewards- ways to make job itself motivating
Self-Monitoring- track one's own progress
Self-Reinforcement- reward oneself for progress towards goal