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87 Cards in this Set

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defenses that are present at birth, always present, available to provide rapid responses. Skin, mucous, phagocytes, inflammation, fever, antimicrobial substances, early- warning systems
_____ immunity is based on a specific response to a specific microbe; slower response
Protein receptors in the plasma membrane of defense cells trigger the....
Innate System
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) on the host attach to pathogen components called...
pathogen- associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
TLRs induce defense cells to release chemicals called...
regulate the intensity and duration of immune responses. Recruit defensive cells, and can be involved in the adaptive immunity are called:
The four Physical Factors of the 1st Line of Defense are...

Remember KEDS
_________ can hydrolyze keratin when water is available
______ are most likely to cause subcutaneous infections, they inhabit the epidermis, hair follicles, sweat and oil glands
Consist of an epithelial layer and an underlying connective tissue layer. Important component in the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and genitourinary tract.
Mucous Memberane
______ is the secretion- thick or viscous glycoprotein produced by goblet cells
_____ Protects the eyes via the lacrimal apparatus, prevents microorganisms from settling on the surface of the eye
______ helps dilute the microorganisms and wash them away, prevents colonization of microbes
In the______, mucus coats the hairs that can filter and trap microorganisms
The____ _____ ____ has cilia covered in mucus
lower respiratory tract
The ______ _____ propels any dust or microbes trapped toward the throat
ciliary escalator
The ______ is a lid of cartilage covering your _____ preventing microorganism from entering the _____ _____ _____.
epiglottis,larynx, lower respiratory tract
_____ ______ and _____ expel micoorganisms from the body.
Perstalsis, defecation, and vomiting
oily substance produced by sebaceous (oil) glands.
Sebum consists of ____ ____ ____ which inhibit microbial growth.
unsaturated fatty acids
The ____ ____ of the skin is due in part to the fatty and lactic acid
low pH
_______ produced by sweat glands, maintains the body ______, eliminates some waste, flushes microorganisms from the skin. Contains _______, which mainly breaks down Gram “_” bacteria.
Perspiration, temperature, lysozymes, +
Saliva contains salivary (6 chemicals)
amylase, lysozymes, urea, uric acid, IgA, and an acidic pH.
Vaginal secretions- ______is broken down to create an acidic environment
_______- contains lysozyme, acidic pH
_____ ______ produced by glands in the stomach, composed of hydrochloric acid, enzymes, mucus.
Gastric Juices
Gastric Juices produced by glands in the stomach, composed of _____, _____ and ______.
hydrochloric acid, enzymes, mucus.
Second line of defense consist of three aspects:
formed elements in blood, the lymphatic system ad phagocytes.

Remember FLiP
The following 3 agranulocytes' granules can't be seen under a light microscope:
Dendritic cells
____ not actively phagocytic until they leave the blood and enter the tissues, then mature into macrophages.
_______ dispose of microorganisms and worn out blood cells
Dendritic Cells are abundant in these four areas.
epidermis, mucous membranes, thymus, and lymph nodes.

Remember MELT
Dendritic Cells can also trigger the ______ immunity response.
Natural killer (NK) cells are found in these four areas.
blood, spleen, lymph nodes, red bone marrow

Just remember: I Really Love Biology Science.
A granule protein that makes holes in the target cell’s plasma membrane
_______ is when extra fluid flows in through the holes of the plasma membrane, so that the cell swells and bursts
NK can release granzymes, enzymes that _____ protein, which causes the target cell to self-_____ … essentially breaking down the infected cells
digest, destruct
During an infection, white blood cell counts increase- called:
PMN stands for:
stains pale lilac, highly phagocytic and motile, very active when the infection begins, they have the ability to leave the blood
stains blue- purple, releases histamine
There are_____ or ____ in the lymph vessels, where T and B cells are activated, microbes are trapped and destroyed
intervals or nodes
When lymph goes into the veins it is then called
Aggregations of lymphoid tissues are found on the ____ and ____(small intestines)
tonsils and Peyer’s patch
The spleen contains____ and ___ to monitor the blood
lymphocytes and macrophages
The thymus contains ____ and ____, but is the place for __ cell maturation
dendritic cells and macrophages; T
_______ is the ingestion of a microorganism or other substances by a cell
When an infection occurs, ____cytes and ____cytes migrate to the area
granulocytes and monocytes
______ macrophages are located in selected tissues and are part of the _____ ______ ______.
fixed; mononuclear phagocytic system
mononuclear phagocytic system is also known as:
_____philes initially are in high numbers during infection
_____ is a coating used to enhance phagocytosis
In chemotaxis and adherence- chemicals attract the phagocytes by ____ and _____
PAMPs and TLRs
7 steps of phagocytosis in order is:
1-chemotaxis and adherence
3-Formation of phagosome
4- phagolysosome
6-Formation of residual body
7- Discharge of waste
Redness, pain, heat, swelling, sometimes loss of function is part of ______ and is a component of the ____ line of defense
inflammation, 2nd
_____ causes the liver to make acute- phase proteins, which then causes a cascade of local and systemic responses
Excess TNF- α can backfire, causing
_____ and _____
arthritis and Crohns disease
Microbial structures or bacterial DNA will trigger TLRs to produce _____, such as TNF-α.
Pattern on bacteria to Identify infection is:
PAMPs stands for:
Pathogen-Associated Molecular Patterns
5 chemicals are released from the damaged cells creating vasodilation are:
histamine, kinins, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and cytokines
when phagocytes stick to the endothelium of blood vessels it is called:
Phagocytes squeezing through the blood vessels to reach the injury site is called:
To repair tissues, the _____(support) and _______(functional) must produce new cells
stroma ,parenchyma
_____ is part of the ____line of defense
Abnormally high temperature, caused by bacteria, their toxins, or viruses
fever, 2nd
the ______ is the body’s thermostat, can be reset to a higher temperature by prostaglandins released by cytokines
Setting your “thermostat” higher causes _______, _______ and ______.
shivering, increased metabolism, constricted blood vessels

Remember CIS. (pronounced kiss)
As body temperature falls, this phase is called _____
The _________ defensive system consisting of over 30 proteins produced by the liver and circulating in the blood serum and within tissues
Complement System
The Complement System- defensive system consisting of over ___ proteins produced by the liver and circulating in the blood serum and within tissues
The Complement System- defensive system consisting of over 30 proteins produced by the _____, _____ and _____.
liver, circulating in the blood serum and within tissues

Remember TLC
the complement system is part of the ____and ____ immune system
innate and adaptive
the complement system can destroy microbes by 3 ways :
cytolysis, inflammation, phagocytosis

Remember: PIC
The four Iron binding proteins are:
Transferrin- blood and tissue fluids
Lactoferrin- milk, saliva, mucus
Ferritin- liver, spleen, red bone marrow
Hemoglobin- red blood cells
AMPs stands for:
Antimicrobial Peptides
AMPs form ____ in the microbes plasma membrane, lysing the cell, damaging its nucleic acids
The four AMPs produced by humans are:
dermcidin- sweat
cathelicidins and defensins- neutrophiles, macrophages and epithelium
______ can attach to components of the immune system, enhancing the attack on foreign organisms and are short peptides, 12 to 50 amino acids
The classical pathway of complement activation is initiated by an ______ - _______ reaction. The splitting of C3 into C3a and C3b stars a cascade that results in _______, ________, _______.
antibody-antigen; cytolysis, inflammation and opsonization.
When C3 splits. C3b induces ______ and ______. White C3a induces ________.
opsonization, cytolysis; inflammation.
The alternative pathway of complement activation in initiated by contact between certain complement proteins (_____ and factors ___, ____, ____) and a pathogen.
C3 and factors B, D, P.
In the alternative pathway of complement activation, there are no _____ involved.
In the lectin pathway of complement activation, ______-binding lectin binds to ______ on the surface of microbes.
mannose, mannose
In the alternative pathway of complement activation the microbe has ______- _______ _______ on the surface which attracts factors B, D, P.
Lipid-carbohydrate complex
The infecting virus also induces the host cell to produce interferon _____, which is translated into alpha and beta interferons.
Interferons released by the virus-infected host cell bind to ______ or _____ receptors on uninfected neighboring host cells, induces them to synthesize _____ _____.
plasma membrane, nuclear membrane; antiviral proteins.
_______ degrade viral _______ and inhibit protein synthesis--- and thus interfere with viral replication.