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10 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of a Human Performance Requirement Review (HPRR)?

To REVALIDATE individual training requirements, and/or identify new training requirements as they apply to rate, grade, community, course, or fleet operating procedures.

What is the periodicity of conducting a HPRR?

Conducted on Learning Center Courses of Instruction WITHIN A 36-MONTH CYCLE, UNLESS A TRIGGERING EVENT OCCURS requiring more frequency.

What is the purpose of a Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA)?

To establish a REPEATABLE and DEFENDABLE job analysis process of developing or revising training content development or revision in order to satisfy fleet training requirements.

It is the first step in the Course Development and Revision E2E (end to end) Process.

What are the external triggers to perform a JDTA?

NTSP Revision

ORM Assessment

Fleet Performance Assessment

Direct Fleet Input



What is the hierarchical structure of work?

Step > Sub-Task > Task > Duty > Job > Occupation

When is a FEA (Front End Analysis) performed?

Typically after a JDTA has been conducted.

What are the events that trigger a FEA?

-Revision to a Fleet Requirement

-Revision to an enlisted Occupational Standard (OCCSTDS)

-A new system not addressed in the Acquisition Process

-Fleet Feedback

-Formal Course Review

-Establishment/Disestablishment or Revision of a NEC

-Rating Merger

-As directed by the Curriculum Control Authority (CCA)


What is the purpose of a Business Case Analysis (BCA)?

To FACILITATE a DECISION-MAKING PROCESS using a STRUCTURED METHODOLOGY that is a CONTINUOUS PROCESS from conception of an alternative or solution to implementation.

What is the purpose of a Training Project Plan?

To describe all training and training support elements required to provide trained personnel to operate and maintain systems or equipments, or perform tasks and functions.

It provides a Plan of Actions and Milestones (POA&M) to achieve a predetermined implementation date.

What are the six triggers a TPP is required to document?

-New Training Course

-Modified Training Course (Revision)

-Change in Course Instructional Strategy or Delivery Method

-Change in Course Length

-Training Course Deletion

-Training Course Transfer between CCAs