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60 Cards in this Set

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Way of making money by putting together a concert for One's own benefit

Beethoven was at the center of this movement

Heiligenstadt Testament


Beethoven write two letter two his brothers about his losing his hearing and not being able to hear his music.

He was suicidal so was sent here.


Movement in a symphony or sonata that is light and playful

Heroic Style

Giant Orchestra

Fuller sounding

Long duration

Many technical demands

Tonal Drama

Dynamic purpose uniting the movements


Elevation of Poetry

Began October 14, 1814 - Gretchen am Spinrade

Freer forms

Lyrical verse full of expression

Innovations if the Piano:

More Dynamic

Piano became a voice with Schubert

Rise of the Middle Class


Same musical material repeated with different verses

Modified Strophic

The music lines are expanded from the original theme


Text and Melody continue and do not repeat earlier structures

Song Cycle

Collection of Art songs by a composer

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

German Poet, beloved by German art song composers

Die neue Zeitschrift fur Musik

Schumann's newspaper that both promoted and critiqued new music.

Florestan and Eusibius were the two different alter egos he wrote under.

Heinrich Heine

Wrote the poetry used in Dichterliebe

Has a lot of Romantic Irony


Technique in musical composition where multiple sections or movements have a theme, Melody, or thematic material that reoccurs as a unifying device


Masters of their instruments that were the 'Rock Stars' of the Romantic period and gave concerts. Performers began to be more famous than the composers


Informal concerts in the homes of nobility


Night songs

Invented by John Field in 1806

A Character Piece

Suggests night and is usually quiet and meditative in character

Cantilena style

ABA form

Tempo Rubato


Character Pieces

Pieces that evoke a particular mode or idea

Bel Canto

Beautiful singing

Opera style and Singing Style

Number Opera

Flashy singing with great Virtuosity

Suitcase Arias

Minimal Accompaniment


Moment in comic opera of greatest plot confusion, prior to the unwinding and resolutions

Scene Ed Aria

Framework for Arias to function

Section 1: Cantabile - Lyric Section

Section 2: Tempo do mezzo- helps to change the mood

Section 3: Cabaletta - firework finale


The principles opening aria


Italian nationalistic movement in the late Romantic

Arrigo Boito

Lyricist of Othello by Verdi

Artwork of the Future

Wagnerian Essay of 1850

Art rises from nature and artifice and convention have no place in it

Opera and Drama

Art ought to express the essence of the people

Must unite Guesture, Speech and Music


Musical work that makes use of all forms of art. Coined by Wagner


Opera house in Bayreuth that was built for Wagner


Musical motif that is used to introduce characters into scenes and is repeated each time the character or object re-enters

Mad King Ludwig ll

King of Bavaria during the time of Wagner

Order of the Swan Knights: 'obviously' Lohengrin was about him

1876 creates the first Wagnerian festival in Bayreuth



Reaction to what was happing in Germany

Derived from a critical review of Monets' Impression: Sunrise (1872)

Art movement before music

Artist attempt to be vague

Atmosphere, color, light

Indonesian Gamelan

Traditional percussion ensemble

Made up of many different foreign scales

Coloring Harmonies

Use of planning and New Scales, Melodies are a consequence of harmonies


Chord that is moved up or down the scale without changing shape or key

Pentatonic Scales

Five notes per octave

Whole Tone Scale

All notes are a whole step apart


The expression of ugliness


German Movement

Shows the deliberately unpleasant aspects of society

Freud: repressed psychology

Ego: who you are at the conscious level

Atonal Expressionism

Schoenberg's Second Period:

No sense of tonic

All pitches are equal

Pierrot Lunaire

Second Vienese School

Expressionistic Group:




Pierrot Lunaire

Expressionistic Song

Sad Clown


From Pierrot Lunaire

Exact rhythms

Giant dark black butterflies



Speak Singing

Extended Technique

Unconventional or non-traditional methods of singing or playing instruments to obtain unusual sounds or timbres

12 Tone

Use of 12 non harmonic tones to create music


12 tone music


Final period of Schoenberg



Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians

Western Style was Decadent: products of the pretentious middle class society

Reminiscent of Classical period



Concentration camp where most musicians and children were taken

Transferred from here to Auschwitz

Better living conditions then most


Children's opera by Hand Krasa

Written in 1938, performed 1942

Evil organ grinder that looked like Hilter and the town people scare him away

Used to fool the Red Cross


Second Style Period of Stravinsky 1920-1964

Looking back to the 18th century with 20th century ears and instrumentation

Rakes Progress

Symphony in C


Aspect of Total Serialism by Webern

Tone color Melody

Melody is not only in one instrument but across all instruments through the piece


Webern idea that the pitches of a Melody are presented just a few at a time as isolated points of sound

Ballet russes

French Ballet company whose Impresario was Diaghilev

Performed the Rite of Spring


Choreographer for the Rite of Spring


Two or more rhythms playing at the same time

Aleatoric Music

Chance Operations

Idea by Cage where music is preformed, composed or both to some degree of spontaneous decisions

Chance Operations

Aleatoric Music


Performer has free will to adjust the composition to their desire

Prepared Piano

Insertion of objects into the piano to create new sounds in music

Musique concrete

Continuation of Total Serialism

Electronic music made possible by the tape recorder: would use naturally occurring sounds in the environment and then cut and paste it together


1960s Movement

Consonant Harmony

Steady Pulse

Reiteration of musical phrases


Art out in the world and nature

Non-western influence

Influences devoid of modernization

Art of the "Noble Savage"