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15 Cards in this Set

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Zeus (Dios/Dia/Diwe/Jupiter)

- king of realm

- suppliants/hospitality

- punishes Prometheus, Lycaon, & mankind in general

- lightning bolt, eagle, aegis holder, oak, appears bearded

- son of Cronus & rhea

Poseidon (Neptune)

- king of realm/sea

- horses, trident

- son of Cronus & rhea

- wife: amphitrite

- son: triton

- punishes Odysseus for bling his son Polyphemus

Hades (Pluto)

- king of realm/underworld

- death/unseen

- earth/chthonic god

- son of Cronus & rhea

- invisibility cap

- wealth

- abducted Persephone

Hera (Juno)

- queen

- childbirth

- marriage

- Zeus’s sister/wife

- crown, scepter

- peacock

- punishes Io & Callisto

Hestia (Vesta/Hearth)

- daughter of Zeus & rhea

- goddess of home/hearth

- virgin (refused apollo & Poseidon) /fire

- suppliants/hospitality/guests

Demeter (Ceres/Deo)

- earth/agriculture/grain

- fertility/abundance

- establish laws

- torch (to look for daughter Persephone)

- daughter of Zeus & Rhea

- punishes erysichthon

- eleusinian mysteries / thesmophoria (women only)

Dionysus (Bacchus/Diwonuso)

- son of Zeus & Semele (mortal)

- strange birth: Zeus ate heart & birth from thigh

- death/earth/fertility

- god of wine & drinking, madness, theater & afterlife

- vine leaves, animal skins, thyrsus

- beard or without beard

- punished Pentheus & sailors (nonbelievers)

Apollo (Farshooter, Phoebus)

- son of Zeus & Lito

- Artemis’ twin

- bow & arrow

- lyre & music

- god of archery, light, truth, healing, prophecy, music, sun

- long blonde hair, beardless

- appears on ship to sailors as a dolphin

- sends plague

- punished/skinned marsyas

Artemis (Diana)

- Apollo’s twin sis/daughter of Zeus & Lito

- moon/dogs/wild animals

- bow & arrow/hunting/countryside

- virgin

- childbirth/children

- punished Actaeon, Orion, & Niobe

Haphaestus (Vulcan/Lemnian)

- child of Hera (sometimes Zeus)

- yeeted off Olympus (limp/disabled)

- crafts/fire (forge)/metal working

- working in shop (cyclops, golden women)

- resolving conflicts w/ parents

- entrapping his wife for cheating

- makes pandora

Aphrodite (Venus/Cytherea/Cypris)

- marriage/sex, love, beauty, protecting sailors

- doves & swallows, myrtle & roses, three graces, seasons

- strange birth: sea foam from Ouranos’ genitals

- sea

- daughter of Zeus & Dione

- accompanied by son Eros/Cupid

- falls in love with Anchises, disguised self as mortal girl, refuses to give him immortality but promises a son

- cheated on husband Hephaestus w/ Anchises, Hermes, & ares

Ares (Mars/Curse)

- war/weapons/armora

- son of Zeus & Hera

- Thrace

- Italian god of war & agriculture

Persephone (Proserpina/Kore/Maiden)

- daughter of Zeus & Demeter

- queen of underworld

- death/marriage

- earth

- fertility

- abducted by hades

Hermes (Mercury/Cyllenean/Argus Slayer)

- leader of death

- lyre, traveler hat, winged sandals, caduceus

- messenger of gods, merchants/highway men/thieves

Athena (Minerva/Pallas Athena)

- daughter of Zeus & metis

- virginity, spear/helmit/aegis

- owl/olives

- war/protecting city, wisdom, crafts/weaving

- strange birth: from Zeus’s head

- punished Arachne & Tiresias