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67 Cards in this Set

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the combination of stable physical and mental characteristics that give the individual his or her identity
big 5 Personality Dimension

1. extraversion (management or sales)
2. Agreeableness
3. Conscientiousness (most related to job performance)
4. Emotional stability (nueroticism)
5. Openness to experience
belief about one's own self worth based on an overall self-evaluation

positive image of self, global evaluation
a person's belief about his chances of successfully accomplishing a specific task

you may have high efficacy at one point in your life, but then lose it later on
learned helplessness
severely debilitating belief that one has no control over one's environment

a given task
high learned helplessness, low self-efficacy
internal locus of control
people who believe they control the events and consequences that affect their lives
external locus of control
believe their performance is the product of circumstances beyond their immediate control
emotional intelligence
ability to manage oneself one's relationships in mature and constructive ways

1. self-awareness
2. self-management
3. social awareness
4. relationship management
person's self-perception as a physical, social, spiritual being
a person's knowledge, opinions, or beliefs
one's overall self-evaluation
belief in one's ability to do a task
learned helplessness
debilitating lack of faith in one's ability to control the situation
observing one's own behavior and adapting it to the situation
stable physical and mental characteristics responsible for a person's identity
proactive personality
action-oriented person who show initiative and perseveres to change things
considering the contributions of other and good fortune when gauging one's success
learned predisposition toward a given object
affective component
the feelings or emotions one has about an object or situation
cognitive component
the beliefs or ideas one has about an object or situation
behavioral component
how one intends to act or behave toward someone or something
cognitive dissonance
psychological discomfort experienced when attitudes and behavior are inconsistent
capacity for constructive thinking, reasoning, problem solving
complex human reactions to personal achievements and setback that may be felt and displayed
emotional intelligence
ability to manage oneself and interact with others in mature and constructive ways
psychological processes that arouse and direct goal-directed behavior
physiological or psychological deficiencies that arouse behavior
need for achievement
desire to accomplish something difficult
need for affiliation
desire to spend time in social relationships and activities
need for power
desire to influence, coach, teach, or encourage others to achieve
job design
changing the content and/or process of a specific job to increase job satisfaction and performance
job enlargement
putting more variety into a job
job rotation
moving employees from one specialized job to another
job characteristics associated with job satisfaction
hygiene factors
job characteristics associated with job dissatisfaction
job enrichment
building achievement, recognition, stimulating work, responsibility, and advancement into a job
intrinsic motivation
motivation caused by positive internal feelings
core job characteristics
job characteristics found to various degrees in all jobs
repetitive motion disorders (RMDs)
muscular disorder caused by repeated motions
extrinsic motivation
motivation caused by the desire to attain specific outcomes
sense of meaningfulness
the task purpose is important and meaningful
sense of choice
the ability to use judgment and freedom when completing tasks
sense of competence
feelings of accomplishment associated with doing high-quality work
sense of progress
feeling that one is accomplishing something important
job satisfaction
an affective or emotional response to one's job
met expectations
the extent to which one receives what he or she expects from a job
value attainment
the extent to which a job allows fulfillment of one's work values
organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs)
employee behaviors that exceed work-role requirements
withdrawal cognitions
overall thoughts and feelings about quitting a job
counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs)
types of behavior that harm employees and the organization as a whole
performance management
continuous cycle of improving job performance with goal setting, feedback and coaching, and rewards and positive reinforcement
objective information about performance
upward feedback
employees evaluate their boss
360-degree feedback
comparison of anonymous feedback from one's superior, subordinates, and peers with self-perceptions
extrinsic rewards
financial, material, or social rewards from the environment
intrinsic rewards
self-granted, psychic rewards
pay for performance
monetary incentives tied to one's results or accomplishments
law of effect
behavior with favorable consequences is repeated; behavior with unfavorable consequences disappears
respondent behavior
skinner's term for unlearned stimulus-response reflexes
operant behavior
skinner's term for learned, consequence-shaped behavior
positive reinforcement
making behavior occur more often by contingently presenting something positive
negative reinforcement
making behavior occur more often by contingently withdrawing something negative
making behavior occur less often by contingently presenting something negative or withdrawing something positive
making behavior occur less often by ignoring or not reinforcing it
continuous reinforcement
reinforcing every instance of a behavior
intermittent reinforcement
reinforcing some but not all instances of behavior
reinforcing closer and closer approximations to a target behavior