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45 Cards in this Set

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A nutritional disorder in adult caused by a Vitamin D or Calcium disorder


For patients prone to gout, excessive protein ingestion will increase the __________ blood level

Uric acid

Which of these is not a type of arthritis?

A) Cruciate

B) Rheumatoid

C) Septic

D) Osteo


Having the form of a cross, as in certain ligaments of the knee.

A chronic, systematic disease that is believed to be an autoimmune condition affecting the connective tissue of the body

Rheumatoid arthritis

A degenerative condition that is a result of simple "wearing out" of a joint from a sports injury, trauma, repetitive motion, obesity, or just the aging process


The result of the infective process of a pathogen that was introduced to a joint from a penetrating wound or a blood-borne pathogen

Septic arthritis

Osteomalacia, rickets, and scurvy are examples of:

Nutritional disorder

A condition is characterized by excruciating pain in a joint due to elevated blood uric acid level, commonly affects the big toe


An acute or chronic inflammatory condition of the bone commonly caused by the bacteria staphylococcus aureus


This injury is a repetitive impact trauma to the heel affecting the thick and fibrous connective tissue that extends the length of the foot beginning at the heel

Plantar fasciitis

Which term is used to designate muscle pain?


Myasthenia gravis is what type of disorder?


The etiology of fibro/myalgia


Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a ___________ defect in muscle protein, causes disintegration of muscle fibers


The bacteria clostridium tetani release a toxin that ____________________

Keeps the muscles constantly contracted

Atrophy means muscles ________________

Waste away

An injury that is the result of overuse, overstretching, or forcible stretching of a muscle beyond its functional capacity. It sometimes involves a tendon or a ligament.


A common running-related inflammatory injury of the extensor muscles and surrounding tissues of the lower legs

Shin splints

A medical disorder in which the myelin in the CNS has been destroyed

Multiple sclerosis (MS)

The Glasgow Coma Scale is based on all of the following except:

A) Respond verbally to questions

B) Perform the specific finger and toe movements

C) The patient's ability to open their eyes on command

D) Move limbs when requested

B) Perform the specific finger and toe movements

A permanent non-progressive brain disorder before 2-years old

Cerebral palsy

A quadriplegic with damage high in the cervical spinal cord may have a paralyzed diaphragm, such that the patient cannot ________on his own


The treatment of Parkinson's disease typically involves _________ -enhancing drugs


Inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord


Loss of motor and sensory control of the trunk of the body and lower extremities as a result of a spinal cord injury


Symptoms of Parkinson's involve all of the following except:

A) Resting tremors

B) Rigidity

C) Impaired balance

D) Fast movement

D) Fast movement

This disease is characterized by ascending paralysis

Guillain Barre syndrome

A mild brain injury


Temporary often recurrent episode of impaired neurological activity resulting from insufficient blood flow to a part of the brain.

Transient ischemic attack (TIA)

Condition where there is too much CSF in the skull


Swelling and bleeding at the site of injury, is more serious than a concussion


Paralysis of the muscle on one side of the face due to disorder of the facial nerve

Bell palsy

The carcinoma in situ means:

A tumor that has NOT spread

The cancer of connective tissue


The gland important in regulating blood glucose


A deficiency in the release of vasopressin (ADH) by the posterior pituitary gland

Diabetes insipidus

Hypersecretion of GH that causes overgrowth of the hand and feet, abnormal thickening of the bones of the face, and excessive overgrowth of soft tissue, occurring in adulthood


Insulin and glucagon are produced by the:


The syndrome caused by hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex, which results in excessive circulating cortisol levels, fatigue, muscular weakness, and changes in the body appearance

Cushing's syndrome

Dwarfism can be caused by a __________

Hyposecretion of growth hormone (GH)

Excessive growth hormone secretion due to non-cancerous pituitary tumor in adult


Persistent elevated blood sugar due to lack of insulin in childhood

Type 1 Diabetes

An acute complication of uncontrolled type 1 diabetes


Oversecretion of thyroid hormone due to autoimmune disorder

Graves disease

Laboratory test that determine the average blood sugar for the past 3 months

HbA1c (Hemoglobulin)