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28 Cards in this Set

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- Partial seizures and Generalised tonic/clonic.

- Binds voltage gated Na channels=> ⬇propagation APs

- SE: osteopenia, measure active metabolite 10-11 epoxide in serum

Antiepileptic drugs

• generalised-onset and partial-onset seizures: levetiracetam, topiramate, valproate,

•partial seizures (simple partial, complex partial and secondarily generalized seizures):carbamazepine, gabapentin, phenobarbital, phenytoin, pregabalin (note: these drugs may exacerbate generalized seizures)

• absence seizures: ethosuximide


- Indic in partial, Generalised or mixed seizures.

- Binds voltage gated Na channels=> ⬇propagation APs.

- Cerebral ataxia and osteopenia makes this unpopular with neurologists

ACE inhib SEs


CoughAngioedemaPotassium excess Taste changesOrthostatic hypotensionPregnancy contraindication/Pressure drop (hypotension)Renal failure/RashIndomethacin inhibitionLeukopenia (rare)

Kidney triple whammy

ACE-i (or ARB), diuretic, NSAID

- NSAIDs also blunt the hypotensive effect of ACE-i, diuretics and ARBs

Contraindications to NOACs

Kidney impairment, mechanical valves

DPP4 inhibs mech

Inc. incretin levels (GLP-1 and GIP)=I glucagon release=> inc insulin secretion, dec gastric emptying =>dec blood glucose

Exanatide mech

Subcut, acts as exogenous GLP-1


- Purine nucleoside, used IV=>transient complete AV node block

- Useful in diagnosis and tx narrow complex tachy

- Safe in pregnancy. It can also usually be used safely in asthmatics unless they have brittle severe asthma.

Digitalis toxicity presentation

- Nausea, vom, drowsiness

- Visual disturbance (dec. acuity, yellow halos, colour changes)

- Hallucinations, confusion, dizziness, neuropathic pain/parasthesia

- Hypotension, palps, syncope, SOB

Digitalis toxicity work up
Serum digoxin level

Electrolytes (acute tox=hyperkal, chronic=hypoK, hypoMg)

Renal function studies


Digitalis toxicity mgmt

- Supp care (IV fluids, stop drug, O2)

- Binding resin (cholestyramine) + charcoal

- Correct elect. abnorms

- mgmt. arrythmia

Digitalis tox mechanism

- Positive inotrope

- Vaso and veno constriction

- Enhanced automaticity

- Decreased action potential duration

Macrolide (erythromycin, azithromycin, clarithromycin) SEs

First line for uncomplicated CAP

all: GI (abdo pain, diarrhoea, N/V), prolonged QT, Vent arrythmias, deafness, increased urea

Doxycline SEs

First line for uncomp CAP

Photosensitivity, rash, anaphylaxis, entercolitis

Vancomycin SEs

Eosinophilia, red man syndrome, ototoxicity, renal failure

Osmotic diuretics examples and mech

- eg. mannitol, glycerin

- Freely filtered at kidney=>favours osmotic gradient inside tubular lumen (increases osmolality=>stop water reabsorption

- Inc excretion of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg, Cl-, HCO3-, H2PO43- +H20

- Short acting, eliminated quickly through urine

Loop diuretics

eg. frusemide

- Thick ascending loop of henle

- Stops Na+ reabsorption

- Through the Na+, K+, 2Cl- cotransporter

- Inhibits Cl- resabsorption=>dysnfunction of the whole transported

- Also stops reabsorption of Ca2+ and Mg2+

- Increases H20, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, Cl-, K+ excretion

- Dec plasma volume=>renin release

Thiazide diuretics

- Eg. hydrochlorothiazide

- Prevent Na+ reabsorption by inhibiting Na+/Cl- cotransporter in DCT (DCT Chlorothiazide)

- Inhibit the excess excretion of Ca2+, but promote, Mg2+ excretion

- Works on a transporter that only reabsorps ~5% Na+=>weak effect

- Inc excretion: Na+, Cl-, K+, H20

- Inc reabsorption of urea in PCT=>don't use in gout

K+ sparing diuretics in general

- Decrease reabsorption to Na+

- Stop excretion of K+

- Work on DCT and CD

- Use in conjunction with other diuretics

K+ sparing diuretic: Triamitrine + amiolioride

- Amiolioride

- Work on principle cells of CD and late DCT

- Normal Na+ reabsorped into tubular lumen=>exchanged at K+/Na+ antiporter=>K+ excreted into urine to maintain conc gradient

- These drugs inhibit Na+ absorption into tubular lumen=>therefore H20 loss

K+ sparing diuretics: aldosterone system

- Eg, spironolactone

- Inhibits binding aldosterone to the receptor=>less creation of Na+/K+ antiporters=>prevent excretion of K+, prevent reabsorption of Na+ and H20

- Metabolised by the liver, protein bound

Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor diuretics

- Work at PCT, stop reabsorption of nabicarb=>Less reabsorption of h20

- Weakest diuresis

Benztropine brand name congentin

Indications: Parkinsonism, drug induced extrapyramidal disorders/dystonia

Pharmacology: exerts anticholinergic and antihistaminic effects, prolongs action of dopamine by inhibiting reuptake and storage

Adverse effects:

*Blurred vision




*Paralytic ileus



*Urinary retention

Clonidine (catapres) mech of action

- Alpha agonist=>reduced sympathetic outflow

- Pre-synaptic and postjunctional alpha-2 adrenoreceptor analgesia, blocks transmission to brain

- May have an effect on prefrontal cortex modulate hyperactivity, distractibility, impulsiveness

Clonidine indications

- HTN + acute HTN

- Cancer pain



- ETOH withdrawal

- Smoking cessation

- Restless leg syndrome

- Tourette's

- Cyclosporine nephrotoxicity

- Menopausal flushing

- Dysmenorrhoea

- Opioid withdrawal

- Postherpetic neuralgia

- Psychosis

- Pheochromocytoma diagnosis (clonidine supression testing)

- Migraine

Clonidine S/Es

- Dry mouth

- Somnolence, fatigue, drowsiness (30%)

- Headache, dizziness

- Anxiety (11%), insomnia, nightmares,

- AV block

Antibiotic of choice for anaerobes

- Clindamycin above the diaphragm (eg. aspiration pneumonia, lung abscess)

- Metronidazole below it!