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29 Cards in this Set

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Perform head tilt (chin lift) maneuver

During the draw, the pt becomes unresponsive and doesnt appear to be breathing. What position should the phlebotomist place the pt in


A tech is educating the pt about proper at home collection of a semen specimen. He says "so, I will abstain from ejaculation for 5 days prior to the test". Is this correct

Soap and water, then iodine

How is the site prepared for blood collection

Ask for name, dob, address, and id number

How should a pt be identified in an outpatient lab

Ask the pt to state his name and compare to the lab req

Before a tech accepts the urine specimen collected by the pt and brought to the lab, what is the next necessary step to do

What do you tell the pt to say when he gives you the cup

Requests for multiple tests

In general, a syringe is used when drawing specimens and/or patients EXCEPT for:

Requests for multiple tests

Arterial blood gases

Persons w rolling veins

Persons w fragile veins


This is the preferred anticoagulant for hematology testing

Hematology. Whole blood. Lavendar. Edta


Top contains no additive


Top is an anticoagulant that prevents glycolysis


Top is an anticoagulant that preserves the cell morphology for a differential


Top contains edta, looks at cbc

Light blue

Top requires a 9:1 ratio


Top contains heparin


Top contains oxalate


This artery is most suitable for drawing blood gases

Blood is the collected in the green tube

This statement is NOT true about arterial punctures

-Blood is collected in a green tube

-Collateral circulation should be checked before drawing

-Heparin is the anticoagulant of choice

-Pressure to the site must be held for at least 5 minutes after completing the puncture

The phlebotomist needs to call the provider for instructions

Venipuncture is usually performed in the anticubital area. What does a tech do if the pt has a bilateral mastectomy procedure

Ova and parasites

A refigerated stool sample is not required for this type

Sharps container

A blood smear slide should be disposed after testing into a what

A syringe draw into a light tube

A pt states that she is a difficult draw and requests a skin puncture. The test ordered is an aptt. What should the phlebotomist perform

Lavendar and red

A phlebotomist has to collect blood for wbc, rbc, glucose, and electrolytes testing. The phlebotomist is unable to find accessible veins and has determined that its acceptable to perform a skin puncture. What microcollection tubes should be drawn

Edta tubes should be drawn last

The phlebotomist decided to use a winged infusion set and small volumes tubes on an accident victim who is bleeding internally and will be transferred to surgery as soon as the draw is completed. She carefully draws aptt cbc and stat electrolytes in that order. There appears to be a problem w electrolytes test results, why.

Light blue, green, lavendar

No tube was drawn to remove air from the butterfly tubing

A prothrombin time and platelet count was ordered on 89yo. You use butterfly needle and short draw tubes on a small cephalic vein on dorsal side of right arm. You collect a light blue tube first and lavendar tube last. Later you had to repeat the collection because pt test result was wrong. Why if plt was unaffected

Pt id bracelet

The most important step in the process of pt id to verify:


Comparing the code on a glucometer w the code on the bottle of strips w each use is in accordance w quality control regulations for clia waived tests. T/f

10% hypochlorite solution

The typical disinfecting solution used in the lab is:

Sterile amber tube

Amniotic fluid should be sent to the lab in what type of container


Poct and clia waived tests are not seriously dangerous to the pt if interpreted incorrectly. T/f

Hemoglobin a1c

This test is used to evaluate long term effectiveness of diabetes therapy