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16 Cards in this Set

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Ozymandias- cold command

sneer of cold command- the sculptor understood the arrogance of the ruler through the use of a alliteration

Ozymandias- traveller, antique land

I met a traveller from an antique land- Shelley frames the poem as a story to make it clear that the narrator hasn't seen the statue himself, he's only heard about it. Showing how unimportnant he is now

Ozymandias- 3 words

vast, trunkless and stone- emphasises size and stature but also shows the statue is incomplete

Ozymandias- king

'King of Kings'- arrogant and powerful-he even challenged other rulers through the use of a metaphor

Ozymandias- lone level

'Lone and level' alliteration- emphasises the feeling of empty space in the surrounding desert

London- 1 word

'Wander' Sounds purposeless- could reflect how he feels powerless to change whats happening

London- chartered

'Each chartered street' - suggests the whole city is affected, not just one area

London- Another 1 word

'Marks'- means 'notice', but also suggests everyone he sees is marked by experience

London- every cry man

' In every cry of every man' repitition emphasises feeling of bleakness-despair affects everyone and there'sno relief from it

London- chimney

'Chimney-Sweepers' they were usually young- its emotive imagery for child labour

9 themes

Power of Nature and Humans, Effects of conflict, Reality of conflict, Loss and Absence, memory, negative emotions, identity and individuals experiences

Checking out me History- dem

'Dem tell me' emphasises seperateness of the british education system from himself

Checking out me history- bandage/eye

'Bandage up me eye'- deliberate attempt to hide history. Image of bandage is ironic

Checking out me history- me own x2

'me own history and me own identity' repeated phrases show that heritage and personal identity are connected

Checking out me history- vision

'with vision' it contrasts to how he was blinded of his formal education

The prelude- clue- her

led by her use of personification to the pronoun 'her' is referring to nature